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This special post is for my Patrons only. It won’t be seen anywhere else, because this is where I want this page to truly shine!

I don't just want to write stories-I want to create worlds. In that vein, I am using the money I make on this page to help me build those worlds. This isn't just for me, but for you, my readers.

To that end, I offer up this first image, the winner of last month's poll. Not only did she win that final scene with Mike, but I used that poll to decide who would be the first monster you would get to see in person. I guess it's true what they say:

You never forget your first monster girl.

Artist: Tell me about Naia

Me:  She is flirty, yet wise. She is kind, but sexy. You can see this in her face. You want to trust her, because you can't help but love her just a little.

(Here's a fun fact! I sent the artist a picture of the prismatic spring in Yellowstone and asked him to use that color palette for Naia!)

Please, please, please! Leave comments on this. I am aiming for around three pieces of art a month, and I want to make sure you like what you are seeing. Dakzper (the artist) is super excited to be a part of this experience, and he wants to know what you think!

Also, remember that this art is intended for my Patrons. Please share responsibly.




Love the art! She is beautiful!


Yep she looks great.


Btw love the tattoos on her side...so sexy


Excellent choice!


Beautiful picture of Naia.


Looks great!


I like her expression. I always got the impression that Naia, while loving and nurturing, was also never far from a smirk of good natured amusement at Mike.


Beautiful Picture


Very nice

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-08 09:04:05 I like it a lot. She’s more voluptuous and busty that I pictured her. There’s a Waterhouse painting of water nymphs - my father actually has a reproduction of hanging in his house.<a href="https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&amp;ai=DChcSEwiMrueSzIjXAhWBQYYKHY3kC38YABABGgJ2dQ&amp;sig=AOD64_0hiO_Cdas-eBi4U0VcxxsB7tE3gA&amp;ctype=5&amp;q=&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiciuSSzIjXAhUJ5iYKHZhKA5QQwg8IKQ&amp;adurl=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&amp;ai=DChcSEwiMrueSzIjXAhWBQYYKHY3kC38YABABGgJ2dQ&amp;sig=AOD64_0hiO_Cdas-eBi4U0VcxxsB7tE3gA&amp;ctype=5&amp;q=&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiciuSSzIjXAhUJ5iYKHZhKA5QQwg8IKQ&amp;adurl=</a> So I was visualizing one of them. Anyway I remember you mentioning how you do your due diligence and go back to the original monsters, not the Hollywood versions. I would just say to tell the artist to please do the same.
2017-10-24 06:09:34 I like it a lot. She’s more voluptuous and busty that I pictured her. There’s a Waterhouse painting of water nymphs - my father actually has a reproduction of hanging in his house.<a href="https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiMrueSzIjXAhWBQYYKHY3kC38YABABGgJ2dQ&sig=AOD64_0hiO_Cdas-eBi4U0VcxxsB7tE3gA&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiciuSSzIjXAhUJ5iYKHZhKA5QQwg8IKQ&adurl=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiMrueSzIjXAhWBQYYKHY3kC38YABABGgJ2dQ&sig=AOD64_0hiO_Cdas-eBi4U0VcxxsB7tE3gA&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiciuSSzIjXAhUJ5iYKHZhKA5QQwg8IKQ&adurl=</a> So I was visualizing one of them. Anyway I remember you mentioning how you do your due diligence and go back to the original monsters, not the Hollywood versions. I would just say to tell the artist to please do the same.

I like it a lot. She’s more voluptuous and busty that I pictured her. There’s a Waterhouse painting of water nymphs - my father actually has a reproduction of hanging in his house.<a href="https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiMrueSzIjXAhWBQYYKHY3kC38YABABGgJ2dQ&sig=AOD64_0hiO_Cdas-eBi4U0VcxxsB7tE3gA&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiciuSSzIjXAhUJ5iYKHZhKA5QQwg8IKQ&adurl=" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiMrueSzIjXAhWBQYYKHY3kC38YABABGgJ2dQ&sig=AOD64_0hiO_Cdas-eBi4U0VcxxsB7tE3gA&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwiciuSSzIjXAhUJ5iYKHZhKA5QQwg8IKQ&adurl=</a> So I was visualizing one of them. Anyway I remember you mentioning how you do your due diligence and go back to the original monsters, not the Hollywood versions. I would just say to tell the artist to please do the same.