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Hello Dear Patrons! Here's what I've done so far.

I've just finished working on the second stage of this set. The first one was an intro in which there's no sex, the sims just look at each other in anticipation and excitement.

The second stage is what you can see on the pics. A lot is happening here, licking, kissing, sucking and more 😁 The stage itself is very long (more than 30 seconds!) and it's very detailed. 

I've also prepared 3 new custom (female) voice sets! They don't have as many different samples as my other custom voice sets but they will definitely be enough for this set.

That's all for now I think. Working with that many sims is challenging but exciting. I'm already working on the 3rd stage 🙂

Have a nice day!



Maximus King

I have so much anticipation about this pack. I like that I already see one of the females with a cock in her mouth. Super fun. As you are probably aware, I always let the creators do what they will without making a thousand requests. It's also true that I'm REALLY hoping for multiple cumshots from the guy in this set. However, I continue to be impressed with what you do. Your animation work is top shelf. LOVE your animations. I use them just about every time I have my Sims have sexy fun times. Particularly love how well and how often you feature a creampie. In summary, Thanks again for what you do, Nevely. Respect and gratitude :)


Thank you a lot Max. I don't plan multiple ejaculations but I do plan to make a one big climax. It's gonna be very very special, one of a kind even 😊