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Hello Dear Patrons!

I've just finished working on another stage of the upcoming gangbang set. And I must say, this set is giving me a headache sometimes 😅 The number of sims can be overwhelming, but hopefully it will get easier with every stage.

Meanwhile, I want to ask you - what would you like to see as a new animation set this month? I have some ideas of my own but I'm curious of your animation scenarios 🙂 You can share your ideas here (or msg me directly). Preferably the scenario would be for a unique/rarely used location, and for max 2 sims.

Have a good day!



Personally don’t see a lot of female vamp animations out there… maybe something like that scene from Kiss of the Damned. She’s riding him for a lil and then she bites him🤤


I would like see some bondage play and choking animations so more on the rough side