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Nathan Elkin

Right before I have to go lay mulch in heavy rain. Bloody hell


I knew they would react like this to Hisoka 😂


LOL ITS FINALLY COME. man literally everyone has bene waiting for the reaction to the SCHWWING scene. every reactor on youtube has had hilarious reactions to it. Ive been dying to see this and it was defenitely worth it especially the hunterpedia.


More more pleaseeeeee


I have to TRY and rationalize it in my head that Hisoka is turned on by the thrill of fighting and beating strong opponents, but when his opponent is a literal CHILD.. it is uncomfortable to say the least.


Ah, the point where we go from "Gon's gonna fight Hisoka and avenge his pride, go Gon!" to "Gon, get away from the bad man right now"

Addy Cop

LMAOOO ep 35 reactions are always so funny

Jack SV

Lmaoo I forgot that Hisoka scene out of my mind lol now I know why

Lucie McCoy

you guys turning beet red when Netero was revealed to be Wings master had me rolling 😂😂


That Schwing! moment is iconic in probably the wrong ways. But yeah I just try to rationalize it as Hisoka being turned on from fighting opponents with high potential rather than having any specific thing for Gon (which is probably wrong because he definitely has a special kind of interest in Gon).

Jeremy Cruz

Cant wait to see you learn more about Nen!! The main reason I love this series is how in depth everything is. Nen is the most fun and well thought out power system in anime for me. You can literally do nenything and combined with the stellar writing of this show, ya'll are in for a treat.


One of the reasons I like Nen so much is how out of the loop most of the public is, about everything. There's no guarantee that the referee can see nen. It's like trying to referee a fight between two tigers in the dark. It's also possible that Gon and Killua are as ignorant about Nen as that referee in comparison to someone like Hisoka. That kind of subtlety and "rules behind rules" logic that the show goes into culminates in a pretty spectacularly way, I feel.


Also, Nen can be very spiritual. It's a way to express your will and internal feelings onto the external world in the most literal way possible. If you want something to happen, you just need to concentrate incredibly hard like a Buddhist monk and it'll happen. I interpret that the different categories to be about as important as whether or not you're right hand or left handed. There are many avenues to the result that you want, if you apply yourself hard enough.


They really kicked the animation up a level for this fight... and the lack of music in those opening exchanges is just great. Heavens arena is such a cosy arc :)


except he was not revealed to be Wing's master... lol he only said that Netero asked Wing to be the one to train Gon


i didnt watch hunterpedia by myself so seeing chibi gon and killua do the schwing almost sent my soul into the shadow realm


Keep in mind that Wing did not say Netero was his master, he said that Netero (the "Grandmaster Chairman") told him to train Gon. Rest assured you can keep your master theories intact no spoilers here.

Jed U

Congrats/condolences on finally experiencing the “schwing” lol. Been looking forward to it since you mentioned wanting to know more about Hisoka at the start of the exam


Netero is the Head Master of the Shingen Ryu kung fu dojo and Chairman of Hunter Assc. which are two different titles; its only said that "he told me [Wing] much about you", but yes he is not Wing's direct Master that taught him.

Rouge Rogue

Remember at the beginning of Hunter Exam when you thought Hisoka was going to become Gon's friend? In a way you were right.


Man with how much they connect with Kurapika I can't wait to see their further reactions

Nathan Elkin

I don't want to say yay or nay to Hisoka's opinions on Gon, but with the knowledge Gon is 1 in ten million, I hope that's some validation you can cling to. I REALLY, REALLY don't like watching this show telling myself Hisoka likes kids. Hisoka likes powerful people, and it just so happens he's fucked up enough where he doesn't care if that attraction is directed at a kid. Yes, he may have been turned on... but I don't believe he wants to do anything sexual to him. Damn, I really don't want to defend his actions, but Gon is like prime rib for dangerous people. I'm actually glad it was Hisoka who found Gon instead of someone who would actually try to fuck him. And this isn't my opinion, this is a straight spoiler. Hisoka is not a pedophile, at least not in anything the author has written to this day. He definitely gets excited in a way that suggests a fucked up life, but nothing sexual happens.


Hisoka is such a fun character! For me he was the best part of this arc.


A person with a foot fetish that thinks a kid has attractive feet is a pedophile. This next part is spoilers. . . . . Greed Island Arc, this dude literally gets an erection just cuz Gon and Killua catch him naked in a lake, no fight, no display of power, just their presence. He then walks behind them ogling their buttocks which severely creeps them out and they make him walk in front. Election Arc, this one can be contested but is honestly pretty clear imo... When Illumi and and Hisoka are hunting Killua and Alluka. Hisoka prods Illumi saying "Am I allowed to kill Killua" there's debate that the specific japanese phrasing that Hisoka used here can directly translates to "to do Killua" with both connotations implied, what backs this up however is in both manga and anime, Hisoka is gesturing the fig sign with his hand which in Japan symbolizes sex.

Nathan Elkin

Well here I am wishing you never said that so I didn’t know that and the girls didn’t have to know that. I forgot about greed island moments but honestly, guy is just bored and I don’t think he’s ever going to smash, so I’m content knowing he’s horny and the author doesn’t let him do anything about it. Guy is fucked in the head, and rape is worse than murder, but as long as he doesn’t fuck, there are worse people in this show.

Nathan Elkin

And have the right type of creativity. I think people forget the best abilities come from either the most simple idea or complex, none of that middle of the road shit.

Nathan Elkin

For anyone who reads the OP, I don’t feel like deleting it but I do retract my belief. Guy is fucked up, but it’s still fair to say nothing sexual happens between the characters; it’s all on Hisoka’s end.


Yeah Milena said it correctly that Hisoka gets turned on by violence.


Yeah I thought the same as milena where hisoka gets excited or “turned on” at the thought of fighting powerful people, but a reply to the comment above points out there is a couple of instances where pretty much no fighting was involved and hisoka was acting weird with Gon/Killua. So yeah, nothing ever actually happens but that’s such a disgusting thing to add as part of a character for no reason

Orr Malus

Only after finishing the series have I figured out what Hisoka's character is. Watching HxH again now I just realized the author flat out says it in the first episode he's introduced. Hisoka is one of the main protagonists of the story. He's also not a villain or antagonist per se because at no point does he ever stand against the interests of the other main characters. His archetype has been present in a ton of other stories and media but in HxH it's done in the most accurate (imo) and original way.

Nathan Elkin

Ya he’s one of the protagonists. Idk if that’s ever been contested.

Dylan Roy

its an undeniably weird aspect of the show but its been confirmed that for hisoka fighting a strong opponent gives him sexual satisfaction. this explains why hes so prone to violence as for him a good fight is a strong and primal desire like a normal persons desire for sex. he doesnt seem to be interested in actual sex at all. It is definitely still a very creepy and off putting aspect of the show and character though

Orr Malus

Well the reason why I mentioned it is because that's another hint Togashi placed to indicate Hisoka's archetype. He places Hisoka even above Gon in importance to the story.


Saving two weeks of a preferred show of choice could possibly suffice for those who wished for more than the regular posting.


What about the scene of him walking behind them on green island? is it non canon?


Which scenes are you talking about? He was getting turned on at the prospect of Gon reaching his full potential and fighting him.




Hisoka is Combatsexual