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hii, remember when we said a few months ago we’re gonna start doing a monthly q&a, well we just got around to it 😂

basically im sure there are some things we missed talking about, for shows or for characters so if you wanna hear out thoughts on some things or if have some questions about past shows or shows we watch/ed but dont react to feel free to ask, we’ll choose a few of the more popular questions and make a video for patreon

ps: dont even try to make me do a top 10 list, i mean you can but i cannot answer correctly



Top 5 anime opening songs and top 5 anime ending songs


What would interest you both for work (let's pretend youtube doesn't exist)? I've always been curious what you two were interested in for careers!


What’s some of the most important things that you love and look for in a protagonist? Has your taste in protagonists changed over the years of doing reactions? Could you name a few in particular that you personally love?


I'm really enjoying your Wire reaction! Do you find yourself rooting for some of the characters who have done horrible things? Like Prez, Stringer, or Omar? This show always left me so conflicted.


Are there any upcoming shows on your radar that you're looking forward to? It can be shows you'd react to or shows you'll be watching off camera.


okay, i'm about to start my shift and i went to the bathroom just to write this comment (yes, i'm a responsible and functional adult 💀) i asked this eons ago but would you consider making some videos maybe one or two a year (see? i'm not that greedy) talking about books or movies? i'd really love to have more content of avatar and the kyoshi books are one of my favourite things of the avatarverse. kyoshi, korra and azula are my faves from the avatarverse and they're a bit explored in the comics and the novels. and well, i love movies so i'd love to hear more about your taste in movies since you don't keep track of them on tv time.


What are your favourite "evil" or morally ambigous characters from the animes you watched on the channel (But can also be from anime you watched outside the channel). Also what are your thoughts on perhaps reacting to some comedy anime on the channel in the future (like Golden Kamuy)? Thank you in advance!


What show do you think enhanced your enjoyment of it by actually reacting to it and reading comments for it? A show that if you watched in your own time you think you wouldn’t love as much.

Vivasvan Gautam

1.Do you yourself watch other reaction channels? If yes, mention your favorite ones and what you like about them? 2. How is life in Serbia ? What's best thing about it according to you girls? 3. I feel lola really likes metal genre, share your Spotify Playlist with us patreons


Would you be interested in doing a tier list for the shows you have watched on the channel? And what show (that isnt currently airing) are you most excited to return with another season?

Markub El Jaden

I guess just basic questions like 1- what type of shows/characters do you usually like? 2 - is there a specific genre or trope? What about ones you hate? 3- Do you like wholesome or tragic storylines? 4 - Do you care about animation when watching anime? 5 - what character did you start hating but now you love?

Daniel Constantine

Hi Girls, have you heard anything about "Tokyo Ghoul", amazing Anime that is not long at all. Im sure people will agree


If anyone's curious as to the shows the girls have watched so far, or plan to watch, it's all on the spreadsheet here. There's also a sheet that shows how they ranked shows back in 2021 if you're curious too, as well as links to the previous QnA videos in the QnA sheet. This might help out some of our newer patrons. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15H4Q4j_in5l02iWMWCcnf8KiHiXOv-C4D1_pS9gV_zg/edit?usp=sharing


Hey big fan, Can youn give us an update on Stranger Things? You reacted to the ealier seasons but no word for season 3 and 4. Did you watch it on your own? Do you not like it anymore? Is there any chance for an google doc or spreadsheet that contains all shows you already watched including the links to reactions if there are any? I would gladly help with that.


what’s your MBTI? (myers briggs personality types) which fictional character would you exchange wardrobe with? are you a night owl or an early bird? tea or coffee? do you have any pets? if you could be fluent in one other language, which one would you choose? what song have you listened to the most this week? or what artist? has your music taste changed of the years? what character do you think would have similar music taste as you?


Ohh and also, what shows did you find hardest to predict?


top 3 personality traits in a friend vs in fictional characters pet peeves in characters and shows? since it's pride month do you guys have headcanons about a character’s sexuality? or have a non-straight ship (like korrasami) that you like? which villain do you sympathize the most with? which character (excluding Iroh) would you go to for advice? what show have you rewatched the most? who’s to you the most PRECIOUS must protect at all cost fictional character?


Hi girls! So, within the next couple of months you're likely to cross the 250k subscriber threshold. With a quarter of a million people choosing to subscribe to you, you've come a long way from the humble days of your Walking Dead reactions. I'd really love to hear what you have to say about having garnered such a large fanbase. Between the 100s of comments that you get on your public Hunter x Hunter videos to the smaller Patreon commenters, it's a multifacted community. It's quite an interesting dynamic that I'm sure has influenced you both as reactors and just people in general, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on that ❤️

Devon O'Chinnigan

I know you guys mentioned travelling when you go on vacation. What has been your favorite place that you have been to? What place(s) is/are at the top of the list of places you still want to visit.


it would be wonderful to hear you guys talk about the last season of succession if you watched it


Don't you feel overwhelmed jumping from one big drama show to the next (BB, Mr. Robot, The Wire)? I recommend always having a short and light show to watch between them :) And going down this path I'm sure you guys will watch The Sopranos at some point, can't wait...


What are your expectations for the ending of AOT and how do you currently feel about the show now that it's coming to an end?

Sergeant Jay

Other shows: Sacrifice Their friends and freedom for The world Eren Yeager: Sacrifice The world for his friends and freedom 😬

Sebastiano Barreca

What’s your opinion on female characters in anime? What does it take for them to be good/great characters and what is your opinion regarding the various female characters you’ve come across in the animes you’ve watched so far?

Sergeant Jay

Have you girls heard about the anime “Your lie in April”? If so do you plan on watching it ? Or putting it on the list ?


Have you seen Severance on Apple TV?


top 5 succession characters

Doeyi Tokki

can you watch Monster anime pleaseeee? c:

Jack Gagliano

The last kingdom on Netflix is a emotional viking show that is very fast paced have you seen? If not you two would like it


What series that you stopped watching do you think about going back to finish?


Can you put together a Top 10 list of the top Top 10 lists you've ever been asked to put together? :P


They haven't. They want to start when S2 is closer, but we nag them anyways <3


Do your family and friends have thoughts or opinions about your channel? Anything you’ve watched on the channel or off the channel (Fleabag bae) that you wouldn’t shut up about until you were able to get them to watch it?


What is your personal favorite reaction episode ever? Or the one that always makes you laugh when you watch/edit it? I personally love that episode where you guys got a cameo from Hank in Breaking Bad. That was really adorable and funny to see.

Robert H.

You'll probably start off with the introductory questions again: Name, Age, Country, Study, When and how did you guys meet? How tall are you guys? And so on. And you answered these questions 6 and 2 years ago, but an update would be interesting: (1) Have you finished your studies? What do you do besides your Reactions? (2) What do your friends think about your Reactions? (3) Are you concerned about your privacy? (4) Do you have pets? (And question for Lola: Is your cat still okay? 🥺) (5) Do you currently have a partner? (Addendum: Will this or a friend in general maybe participate in a Reaction or will this remain a thing between the two of you?) Other questions: (6) Have you looked back at your older theories of shows (100, FMA, Attack on Titan, ...)? What do you think of those theories in retrospect? (7) Did the series 100 jaded you against other series that became very bad in the later (Game of Thrones, ...)? (8) Do you still enjoy Reactions as much as you did in the beginning or does it already feel more like work with self-imposed responsibility and obligation? (9) Top 10 questions will probably be asked by others, so I'll stay away from them. But I would be interested if these top 10 questions are your favorite questions to start a discussion about characters, shows, travel destinations, food and so on, because they are mentioned quite often in reviews and Q&As. (10) Can you come up with a top 10 of my questions? 😂

Orr Malus

What are your top 3 favorite racial slurs?

Lucie McCoy

I’m curious if you guys have considered doing reactions to movies!


With Vinland Saga and Midnight Mass ending the same week, will they both be replaced by a show each, or just one show for both which would let that show be 2x week, or potentially not replacing them and just putting out The Wire and HxH at 3x a week. (I know you just said you'd never do that in hh but y'knoooo maybe only having 2 shows would be easier than juggling 4 :) )


Can we do another show ranking video? I think last one was 2 years ago if I recall correctly. Or better yet, character ranking.


How do you define best boy or girl? Please do a Tier List of best boys and girls from all your react shows.


okay, couple questions. this one specifically for milena lol what's the worst show you've watched only because it had a ship you heard about? and for you both, out of the shows you've reacted over the years, is there any of them you loved when it was airing but you don't feel that way anymore? or one that you loved at first but as the seasons went on you got tired of it. it happend to me a few times, most reciently with the boys, i had to make an effort just to finish s3.

Mike Conlin

I know you feel very strongly about police overreach and abuse of power from your "The Wire" reactions. Has that show slightly changed your perception of Hank on "Breaking Bad"? I actually watched "The Wire" first before I gave "Breaking Bad" a try and I remember it took me a much longer time to start feeling sympathetic to Hank because I couldn't get past some of his actions as a lawman.


Would you ever consider reacting to older anime? Stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion and Berserk? The quality of these shows are still unmatched for me in modern anime


(summons up courage) If you're ever in Denver can I take you to a Nuggets game some time? (stares at my own shoes awkwardly)


I remember reading that there are some peculiar turns of phrases in Serbia (I heard one about a priests ear?) what are some that stand out for you?

Rouge Rogue

Can you consider watching CyberPunk? It's short but complete and Amazing.

Mahni Alizadeh

Can y’all talk about your thoughts on succession as a whole? I know y’all watched it and while I know you can’t react to it I’d love to just hear your thoughts

Nathan Elkin

I like to write poetry and short stories. Would you read any? Maybe you'll find something relatable.


why do you think Wing is evil when he is only helpful and kind to Gon and Killua? Also, Killua has killed many people so it's expected when he threatens someone.

Jay Craig

What are your thoughts on the youtube channel that reuploads your anime reactions with Japanese subtitles? Some of the videos get hundreds of thousands of views (the reaction to episode 1 of Attack on Titan has over 1 million views), and it seems like the Japanese viewers even have their own nicknames for you (Think they call Milena 'Glasses sister' for example)

E. H.

I second this & want to add: it would not be rude or uncalled for to submit claims.

Robert H.

Ha. A different kind of double date. But I would say that it can be understood purely friendly. I had also asked myself how I would react if I were to meet them somewhere spontaneously. I think I would just leave them alone and find it amusing how small the world is. I always find it surreal when fans of actors want hugs, autographs and conversation when these celebrities are just shopping or walking somewhere. They don't know you, only you know them. I don't want to push them or impose myself on them when they are on vacation or visiting friends/family. Even a short conversation with greetings, introductions, asking how they are doing and if they are enjoying their time here in country/city XY with a goodbye at the end and wishing them a nice day feels somehow intrusive? I always find that kind of thing kind of difficult to handle properly.


They should at least be getting some of the ad revenue or something since it is literally all their work and content just translated for a larger audience. Good business opportunity for the girls too though if they can get someone to translate for them on their channel and tap into that huge market


Praying for this🙏 perfect short show after Vinland s2 is over


Would you like to know information about HxH that does not and most likely will not get released in anime form but is pretty important in the manga? Nothing that would spoil your journey of course, only additives. AND do you have a P.O box or something where we can send you stuff?


On the off chance this is still going, have you guys ever thought about getting somebody to moderate the comments to avoid potential spoilers for certain shows (ESPECIALLY HXH lol)

Jay Craig

I dont think the person who made the Japanese channel is doing anything wrong to be clear - but I think if I were in their position I would embrace it, and probably try to partner up with the person in some way - also I'd want to interact in some way with my Japanese fans haha, even if it's just a quick 2-3 minute video message sent directly to the channel owner to translate. It's wild to think that there's this potentially massive untapped audience of people following you that you may not even know about.

Kya Colosseum

There's one specific manga spoiler that I reckon should be told to them in around 10 episodes, as think it helps with establishing the power scaling for nen and doesnt spoil anything plot wise.


I think it could be bothersome to someone who is famous and easily recognizable but for those that are only known in niche spaces I think it’s always good practice to let your appreciation be known. But also understand that you’re not entitled to any of their time or their politeness. Say your piece and move on.


I agree as well as the details of the kurta massacre (from kura''s side) that never gets said in the anime and that even Togashi has said would be hard to animate these days with how graphic it is

Gangster Pikachu

What reactors did you watch before you started your channel and who do you watch now, if any? Who are/were your favorites? Have you watched reactions to a show you've already reacted to? Is this your full-time job?


How come Lola is so good at english? I mean Milena also knows it well but Lola usually knows a lot about the less commonly used words and phrases. Has she lived abroad or mainly from the internet like me lol


Have you considered making anime openings reactions? this kind of content is very popular on youtube, not only you get to enjoy the music but also have an idea or make predictions about what the anime is about, it's kinda like a guessing game as well 😂♥️


Would you ever consider watching a show without knowing how many episodes or seasons there were? You're too damn smart and you use the structure of these shows to deduce plot points :)


Have you guys watched the entirety of Naruto?

Jay Craig

Might be completely wrong, I think Lola has watched some of it (maybe it was only OG Naruto and not Shippuden?) and I think Milena maybe never watched it? Might be completely misremembering/making it up


During Rings of Power you mentioned you might do reactions to the Lord of the Rings movies. Is that still something you're considering? Are there any other movies you might want to do on channel?


okay, not sure if you're even checking this anymore but worth the shot. did you like the national's new album? i'm listening to it right now and i remembered you love the band. fav song from the album and of them in general?


Knowing Lola is a LOTR fan, have you been to/ considered traveling to New Zealand to see the film locations? Or have ether been elsewhere inspired by media you've watched?


Non TV Show question, but I'm curious about family/friends knowledge of your channel/reactions? Do people know about your channel and do your friend's also watch you guys?