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New TV Show Poll

  • The Sandman 162
  • Firefly 313
  • Midnight Mass 321
  • The Bear 154
  • 2023-05-07
  • 950 votes
{'title': 'New TV Show Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Sandman', 'votes': 162}, {'text': 'Firefly', 'votes': 313}, {'text': 'Midnight Mass', 'votes': 321}, {'text': 'The Bear', 'votes': 154}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 7, 20, 34, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 950}


edit: we already filmed the first episode, they were going back and forth for a bit but midnight mass held on to a 1% lead for most of the day and by the time we started to watch it was up by 1%, so consider this poll closed, it really was the closest one we ever had

whatever wins we will post it on tuesday and then the schedule for this week goes:

wed - the wire

thu - hh

fri - vinland saga

sat - the wire

sun - hh



I feel like you would love Midnight Mass, a bit monologue heavy but so damn good throughout.


I'm voting Sandman because I've wanting to watch it for a while but still haven't gotten myself to do it. But I don't even know about the rest of the shows.


Firefly for sure, Sandman is such a letdown

Baz Mehdi

The Bear was one of my favourite shows from last year, hope you guys get to react to it at some point


Don’t, it starts great but becomes so incoherent and just a pity for the expectation it created.. such a pity


I rewatched Firefly and it aged really badly IMO, especially after watching The Expanse. I voted for The Bear but I'd enjoy Midnight Mass too


I couldn't get into Sandman. I vote Firefly.


the bear will have bob odenkirk in season 2 if that info sways any voters! one of the best series of 2022 imo!


As much as I love Firefly, I'm voting for Midnight Mass because Milena's reactions to horror give me life lol


I'll vote for midnight mass just because i remember you two watching hill house and it was so funny

Teddy S

Firefly all the way, love character driven shows. Never finished Sandman because of just that reason and haven't seen the other two so this is a easy choice.

Ruben Mira Jimenez

The only one i haven't seen is "The Bear" (which i'll eventually watch too, i'm sure), and with these shows being pretty short, i would love to see you guys react one after the other... 😂 That said, i had to go with Midnight Mass 💖


I’ll be happy with most of these, but my vote is for Midnight Mass. Sandman is my second choice though.

Gabriel Lima

Midnight Mass is such a good show, its even better than hill house!


Midnight Mass is very underrated


istg i love firefly but damn, vote for midnight mass. that show is a masterpiece, only 7 episodes and the best of all, you'll get to see milena's hilarious reactions to jumpscares. no, but in all seriousness, of you've watched their haunting of hill house/bly manor reactions you know it's going to be good. specially the discussion.


Haven't seen any of these. Firefly and Sandman turned out to be disappointments? Midnight Mass is a horror? No thanks, I can't stand horror esp. jumpscares. The Bear has Odenkirk? That's my choice then!


also, i love the sandman (comics and audiobook) my patreon name is like that because i was rereading some of the comics back when i created the account. but the adaptation was not that good imo. it has good episodes and it's well acted, but idk, i did not enjoy it that much. i have the bear in my watchlist though. i heard it's great but still haven't got to watch it. conclusion, vote for midnight mass please. for my sanity. i've been waiting for this reaction since the show came out... and it's been a year and a half.


Switched my vote from Bear to Midnight Mass so it has more of a chance of winning. Encourage others to do the same 💖


Great choices! I'm sure you would love SpyxFamily too


I'd be happy with any of these! Also, loved the first two episodes of Silo, so that might be a good one for next time. And Severance.

Jack SV

God I wish the bear wins but I don’t think is going to happen :(

Orr Malus

This one time I had to sit through a 2 hour long PowerPoint presentation about the geometric intricacies of the water molecule. Managed not to yawn once so I'm pretty experienced in going through tedious unending events. However, I did not survive Midnight Mass.


Guys we HAVE to see milena freaking out watching midnight mass. Hill house screams was 10/10 so I hope Midnight wins. I feel like Firefly is just a Expanse but worse. Its not bad but its just paler imo. And I just dont believe Bear will win. Dont even get me started on the hot mess that was Sandman.


THIS THIS THIS and same for sandman. Vote MIDNIGHT FOR THE W's


Hunter x Hunter on Tuesday too (jk)


I would like to see the bear reactions but I serioussly dont think it will win agaisnt midnight or even firefly it seems. So I voted for Midnight for Milena


that 5% drop punched me in the gut ngl 😭 not when i started having hope 💀


Strong disagree. I read the graphic novels and listened to the audiobooks and i loved it.


Switched my vote to Midnight cause I'm a good internet friend <3 and also I haven't watched either of The Haunting tv shows and I'm in the mood for something different, even if it's from a genre I'm unaccustomed to. And if Firefly wins, I can finally say I've watched it. Win win baby.

Orr Malus

Midnight Mass is like hardcore drugs. Specifically Diazepam.


I was never a fan of Firefly, it always felt to me like most of the hype for that show came from it being cancelled, rather than it actually being something special. The show had a lot of potential for the future, but what they actually made in that first season/movie was pretty weak. It honestly feels like a waste of time reacting to and discussing something that will never get a proper conclusion. I have no idea what Midnight Mass is, but it's been too long since this channel has done horror so I'll go with that. Hopefully you get around to doing The Bear at some point too, it's a very good show.


the bear or midnight mass


The Bear is one of the best things to come out the past 5 years, if anyone wants something exciting/heavy and can be binged in a day, check it out on Hulu.


Serenity was a good enough conclusion. The show is excellent and has some of the most fun and memorable characters in the genre.


An extra hxh slot lol

Orr Malus

They're probably not going to win anyway but The Bear and The Sandman are ongoing series so if you pick either of them you'll be stuck with it for years to come, plus I know you've said how much you hate not being able to watch the full story. On the other hand, Firefly and Midnight Mass both have definitive endings.


by the way... do LM know that the show (firefly) is followed by a movie? like, they've never done a movie reaction and if they do the show the movie is a MUST. it would be an unfinished story if they don't watch or react to it.


Midnight Mass without a doubt but girls I think it's past time for you to see the last Kingdom, maybe consider it in the next pool 🥺


The Bear S1 ended satisfyingly. I didn't even know there was gonna be a S2 and I was happy, it was incredible TV. In contrast a lot of shows end definitively in unsatisfying ways.

Orr Malus

Girls, you're at a crossroads. If you want to watch something you will fondly look back at for years to come, choose Firefly. If you want to watch something that will cure your chronic insomnia, definitely go with Midnight Mass.


oh, you're completely right. i forgot about that! i just wanted to make sure they watched it if firefly wins because i love that movie and it has some of my favourite fight sequences ever made. of course i still want midnight mass to win (i'm actually wearing my midnight mass t-shirt right now... a coincidence i swear) but i do love firefly and serenity.


switching my vote to midnight mass since it has a realistic chance of winning and the bear doesnt. hopefully they get around to it one day though


Wow it's really close now. Fingers crossed for Midnight Mass!


Going with Sandman!!!.... even if it might be a losing battle


When you never heard of any of these shows so you vote for the second place to make it interesting lol


Honestly The Sandman is the best show in this pool, it's really a shame it won't win


The Sandman literally best show of netflix last year wtf


Sandman 😔

Payam Sharifi

Damn I was really hoping for Severance to make it on here. Only one I've seen on the poll is Firefly, and I loved it but I also haven't seen it since I was a kid, so I have no real attachment to it at this point. I guess I'll go with The Bear because it just seems really good and I plan to get to it soon myself.


Still pulling for Midnight Mass. I think we can do it. It's a good crop of shows though, I'd be happy with any of them.


If you voted for Sandman and the Bear and want to see Milena scream like a little child vote for Midnight Mass :)


the comment above me kajsdhk but yeah, i agree, this was more than two years ago and i still consider it one of the funniest things that have happened in this channel. their souls left their bodies and they lost their capacity to speak english lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQITD0DHB08&t=893s (min14.58) this is a show from the same creator of midnight mass in case you're not familiar. midnight mass, same as hill house or bly manor is not just horror because except for a few jumpscares they're not that scary, it's about the message each one of them have... but it's still hilarious to see them react to jumpscares, especially milena. (i corrected the link because it went immediately after the jumpscare, now it should be a few seconds before it happens)

Orr Malus

I hear all these promises about Midnight Mass jump scares and Milena. I want to believe you guys but I'm afraid she's more likely to fall asleep and have a very pleasant nap.


Sandman losing, disappointed but not surprised. :[


man, they loved hill house and liked bly manor. and they love vinland, which we know you loved to talk shit about to the point they even told you it was getting old... let people emjoy things. you want them to react to other show? hype it up, no need to tell how they will get bored when the probability is on the side that they will love it.

Vivasvan Gautam

Lol. What a close call. I'm just playing and switching around between firefly and midnight mass. My vote makes firefly come equal to midnight mass at 33%.😂


I think they're waiting for the second season of Severance to come out/be close to coming out before starting it.

Orr Malus

Remember when they were watching S1 of Vinland and BoB and people were complaining about them not keeping up with the schedule? Remember when I explained that the scheduling issues were due to them being avoidant about watching those two particular shows because they're not looking forward to the viewing experience? Notice how scheduling now is no longer an issue with them watching shows that don't affect them negatively on an emotional level (S2 Vinland, HxH, Mr. Robot)? I loved The Haunting of Hill House. I can't say I hated Midnight Mass, I was so bored I genuinely fell asleep. Mr. Robot I also found incredibly boring but I do see how it's something they might enjoy. Midnight Mass however doesn't really fit to what type of show they said they enjoy. It's also nothing like Hill House or Bly Manor so I'm very skeptical about them enjoying it. They did greatly enjoy The Expanse which takes some inspiration from Firefly. Not only that but Firefly fits in their found-family wholesome adventure time formula. In other words, the chances of them enjoying Firefly are far greater than Midnight Mass.


Peaky Blinders

Vivasvan Gautam

You still missed the point. Vinland would not have won a poll if it was pitted against hxh, haikyuu!!. It got picked up without poll because community created buzz around it. I remember one of the top liked comments on YouTube when girls asked for new show was Vinland. Episode 36 of fmab it was. And btw, How do you know that scheduling issues(granted if there were any) were because they were "not enjoying" the shows. You don't know anything about their private lives more than us. It could be burn out, it could be that they could have other things lined up, picnics with friends, dinner, festivals, birthdays, weddings...so on so forth. It was also winter when Vinland started, and generally most humans like to relax a lot during winters. Humans are not really their most productive selves during winters. You're just making assumptions out of nowhere malus.


but the thing is you don't know of that's the reason the schedule was inconsistent, you believe it was. you cam just say that you think they will enjoy firefly more, whcih is fair, could be, without having to put down other shows. and you do it often. and yeah, sometimes it's funny but most of the time is just tiring to see. if they end up watching firefly great, i love the show, it's not going to be a loss and i'm sure they'll love it. but i'm sure if they end up watching midnight mass you're going to feel the need to leave comments talking shit about the show because apparently you can't help it.


@Orr Malus My dude, why are you treating your assumptions about their "schedule issues" as facts? That's not a healthy way of thinking

Jay P

Wow firefly and midnight mass are both great, but I think firefly would be a nice reprieve from some of the drama and tragedy you guys have endured with Vinland, the wire, etc

Orr Malus

@HenryM I just made a theory based on the following observations: - both of them rarely smiled when starting either S1 VS and BoB - comparatively to shows like HxH and Mob Psycho, they had a constant miserable expression on their faces when watching S1 VS and BoB - both of them said they couldn't watch anything else after BoB because the show was so emotionally draining - several times over they said to us what type of show we should recommend to them because they would rather cry tears of joy rather than sadness I'm looking at this like which show they would prefer, not which show I would prefer. For instance BoB I like but I would never have recommended it to them. So let me ask you this, knowing these two's preferences, what show do you think they would enjoy more? Firefly or Midnight Mass?

Vivasvan Gautam

Alright. One of you watch midnight mass and another watches firefly. There's no way around this.


I'm impartial so I'm just gonna flip flop between Firefly and Midnight Mass depending on which one has less votes


midnight masss


Nah Firefly is a must. It would be a break from the typical LM reactions imo, a very welcomed one. And it's only 14 episodes.


Midnight Mass gooooo


Episode 7-10 are just a whole different show it seemed everything went downhill, where the season finale couldn’t even fix that.


this poll is playing with my feelings. when i went to sleep midnight mass was winning by 1% and now it's losing by 1% 💀 i hate it here i vote watch both. you watch one first and then the other without making another poll, that way we all win 🤡


what should I vote guys?


Midnight Mass. Great limited series right in the LM wheelhouse.


Midnight Mass is 7 episodes, it'll be done by end of June, then there can be a new poll. Firefly is 14 and a 2-hour wrap-up movie (do they know about this?) that'll have to be split up.


Whatever your heart dictates... ...but Midnight Mass


Switch your vote to Midnight Mass bestie, I switched from Bear to MM. What Bryce said is what they said yeah (they prefer to wait for ongoing shows where possible)


I would love The Bear, but I will vote for Midnight Mass.


the fact that most of the comments are about midnight mass but it's still down by 1% and it's probably going to lose by a bunch of votes 🙃 it's actually worse than when we lost by a landslide. between this and black sails losing the last 3 polls they've been in... man, i've been having a rough time woth lm's polls. smile through pain i guess. https://twitter.com/iHugRyuk/status/1582258824034934785?t=xX6Rcao-xd8m1eP_5LiEbQ&s=19


Btw, is the viewing order still messed up for Firefly on streaming services? I remember them airing episodes 1 and 2 in reverse order. We gotta inform LM to make sure they watch it correctly.


Yes I am pretty sure it’s still messed up


Yeah I truly do not get all the love for Firefly it does not hold up at all imo and isn’t even really a satisfying or conclusive story.


Only putting this out there to slowly build some heat: Barry Hannibal

Kaitlin Bailey

between Midnight Mass and Firefly---- you really can't make a wrong decision, but I am personally biased towards Firefly


Firefly is a fine show but I truly do not think it holds up at all these days. I watched it a few years ago so I don’t have a lot of the bias that fans who watched the show live or shortly after it was canceled do at a time when sci-fi stories, especially on TV, were all very generic and followed the same formula. It was fresh and revolutionary for the sci-fi genre at the time and inspired many of the great modern sci-fi stories these days with its focus on characters and the more grounded style of cinematography so for that, I would still consider it a must-watch for anybody who is a sci-fi fan. I have no doubt LM will enjoy it I was just personally a bit disappointed with it after hearing so often that it’s some of the greatest sci-fi ever and one of the best found family stories. I also do not find the story as a whole particularly satisfying or conclusive even with Serenity to close it out. The characters and world-building are definitely the highlight but unfortunately the latter loses some of its luster since the show never really got to flesh it out more due to the cancellation. Definitely one of those rose-tinted glasses shows.


i watched it for the first time like 6/7 years ago because buffy is an all time favourite of mine and despite whedon being a piece of shit of a person i really like the shows he created. i hadn't heard much about the show (it's not that talked about in spain tbh) but i really liked it. i would not call it revolutionary by any means, i think buffy is WAY better and i even liked angel and dollhouse (other whedon shows) more than firefly. i rewatched It last year and while i didn't think it was a good as the first time i watched it i still enjoyed it very much. i do believe the girls will enjoy the show, especially the found family part and simon and river's relationship. and i really want them to react to the show and the movie because i think it will be a good reaction... but i still think midnight mass should go first. not only because it's shorter but because of the nature of the show itself. while i enjoy them watching heartwarming scenes i prefer when they watch things that make the discussion run for over 30min because they have much to talk about it. and i think midnight mass will give us that. lola has talked a bunch of time about religion and her atheism. this show is perfect for the discussion and it will have jumpscares and a lot of tears... what else could we ask?

Shivering King Banana

A show can be so good it's reputation starts to proceed it and this can be pretty negative. I was underwhelmed by the Shawshank redemption when I finally watched it. That said the character stories are still great so they'll love it.


oh yeah, totally agree @A of o were to watch buffy for the first time nowadays i would enjoy it but it wouldn't be a favourite. nostalgia plays a major role in these kind of things. but i agree, it's a show they should check out because they like sci-fi but i don't believe it will turn out to be in their list of favourites. who knows.


I’m right there with you. Been wanting them to do Black Sails and Midnight Mass for ages, and every time it seems like one of those is gonna win they lose 😭

Orr Malus

I think he meant revolutionary as in the way Firefly was filmed. A lot of space sci-fi shows copied the style like Battlestar Galactica and The Expanse. Then story wise there's the found family formula which Firefly pioneered. I might be wrong on the last one but I can't think of any other show prior to Firefly with a group of individuals with mysterious pasts who come together as a family unit for a common goal.


Yeah the show in and of itself isn't exactly revolutionary but it definitely was for the sci-fi genre. It brought a lot more variety to the genre not only in cinematography but just how sci-fi stories were told in general. It got other sci-fi directors/writers to take more risks and focus more on characters and world-building rather than just spectacle, aliens, and advanced technology like most sci-fi at the time.


It's tied now. I wonder when this poll "closes" or if the girls already decided which show to watch


fuck, midnight mass was ahead again back when i checked. tbh i'm not sure. they'll probably watch the episode tomorrow moring so i guess the one that is ahead by then. and if it's still tied maybe the one they prefer?

Squidward's Grumpier Cousin

Midnight Mass was one of the most emotionally impactful shows I've ever seen. I haven't stopped thinking about it since I saw it.


I watched firefly with my best friend recently after hearing it be so hyped up but honestly it was just good, not great imo. I really felt the age of the show and it being sci-fi probably helped to that. i do think it's good and worth watching, I just don't know if it's better than some of the other choices


Haven't watched Midnight Mass but the comments persuaded me ill do a watch along.


damn i really hate midnight mass but i love watching your reactions. will probably watch anyway 😂

Orr Malus

The reason why people say Firefly hasn't held up is because between then and now there have been two decades worth of shows drawing direct inspiration from it.


When does the poll close? Because I don't think we're going to get a definitive winner. Will there be a runoff?

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Midnight Mass & Firefly are both short shows that are asked enough that I know both will done at some point. But right now… I hope with everything in me that Midnight Mass goes first, purely so you don’t get what you want. You shit on Vinland Saga for so long. Because you hadn’t read/watched it. Now you’re all for it. You said YOU, fell asleep watching MM. well, that’s on you. They have both said they LOVED Haunting of Hill House & Bly Manor. Even if it was scary & sad, it’s worth watching. Same as BoB. It’s a difficult watch, but it absolutely should be watched.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

I hope they just do them both. MM first cuz it had the least episodes, then straight into Firefly cuz they need some found family loving 🤷🏼


they are not doing both and they dont close the poll, is just luck when they see it at the right time


Careful about hate in your heart! better to love someone else than hate someone!


I am in favor of a runoff poll. Just for the drama

Vivasvan Gautam

I'm enjoying this poll so much. Checking every hour for update. 10/10 content.


Tongue-in-cheek humour, doesn't take it self too seriously but has great character writing, mixes genre styles(Western/Sci Fi) etc


Also weird place to comment this but since it's recent there's a chance they'll see it. At some point would you consider reuploading some removed AOT reactions if you have them? They would be the Part 3 special [Full], 4x28 [Full], 4x27 [Full], Mikasa Lost Girl OVA [Edited/Discussion] and No Regrets Part 2 [Edited/Discussion] Also of course you're probably not even thinking about this, but if you do see this maybe you could just copy those eps to a notepad and you can get to it much much later when you have some time?


Lmao I know right? I know it's childish but I get a chuckle everytime I see someone haplessly commenting for a 3rd hxh upload instead of a new show 😅


While we're waiting for updates, I would like to show off the case I have for my Mr. Robot boxset which came in the mail today. 10/10 aesthetic, Elliot would be proud. https://i.imgur.com/vAZ7nio.jpg

Jesse S

Midnight mass is amazing. But also please consider ANDOR and BARRY



Nathan Elkin

Honestly? These are all shows you should watch by yourself. All worth watching, none worth reacting to over the others.


Very fun poll to watch guys lmao


I hadn't found a good place to post but Mac Quayle announced the final volume Mr Robot soundtrack would be releasing on 5/9 (today I guess) which is amazing, it's been delayed in production for like 3 years


omg, it's happening! can't believe you're finally reacting to midnight mass. i'd be jumping if it weren't for the fact that i think i just broke one of my toes when i went to do the groceries (which btw i couln't do because it turns out today is a public holiday here and i had no idea). but omg! while you watch this have in mind that many actors were snubbed by the emmys by not even being nominated, especially father paul, one of my favourite performance of an actor ever.




Father Paul is so good. Growing up catholic and going to catholic school for the first 12 years of my life (I no longer identify with the Catholic church) he perfectly captures the vibe and mannerisms, especially during his masses, of the various priests I had as a kid. Albeit definitely more creepy at times lol. I can’t explain it but there’s a huge feeling of nostalgia I get every time I watch the show


You aren’t wrong. Firefly walked so modern sci-fi could run. I have lots of respect and admiration for the show for that reason even though it isn’t on the list of my favorite shows.


@Crab I just found this out from you, so thank you.


I actually posted about it when the news came out a couple of days ago, I'm so excited to hear it!


oh definitely @Dante i also went to a catholic school. until i was 17 actually. and most of my family is catholic but it's been years since i went to church or had anything to do with it really. but yeah father paul reminds me to the sermons we had i school. my school was with nuns though, a bunch of them were even my teachers when i was a kid. sadly bev is a character i can see in many of the adults that surrounded me as a kid in that school.


Hopefully the 2 percent lead stays. Just cuz I wanna see that guy in the comments rage even harder. :)


just saw on tv time that they watched the midnight mass first ep. We did it


WTF u can see what episode they have watched? thats hilarious and wild at the same time.


If you follow them there it shows up in the search part of the app


i didnt know from anyone but LM they have mentioned it like 100 times but I just never realzied what it was.


See it now, thanks! Recent Activity will make updating the spreadsheet of their Watched Shows so much easier. Also your pfp is so cute ❤️

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-10 06:15:00 hahaha thx. the only problem is that recently they aren't updating there that much (only Milena sometimes). But when its a new show they add there
2023-05-09 18:11:12 it truly is hahaha. the only problem is that recently they aren't updating there that much (only Milena sometimes). But when its a new show they add there

it truly is hahaha. the only problem is that recently they aren't updating there that much (only Milena sometimes). But when its a new show they add there

Vivasvan Gautam

Yeah, imo hyping up the show you want LM to watch will always give better results than trashing the ones you don't want them to watch. Like even if margin this time was 2-3% i am pretty sure that people got nudged to midnight mass because of the comments that depict it in postive light.


Of these I've only seen The Sandman. Happy to watch Midnight Mass along with you guys. 7 episodes is appealing length.


The Real Question is where is the LM reaction Discord? :)

Jack SV

And the bear didn’t win. Maybe next time ..? Hopefully lol


I don't think there'll be a Discord anytime soon, but I'd be happy to set up a group chat with fellow LM followers. I'm DaleCooper#9919 if you wanna add me 👌

Orr Malus (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-10 06:14:50 I've been waiting to post this all day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p46AXCtue9c&amp;ab_channel=ArbiterBand
2023-05-09 19:23:42 I've been waiting to post this all day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p46AXCtue9c&ab_channel=ArbiterBand

I've been waiting to post this all day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p46AXCtue9c&ab_channel=ArbiterBand


I've been toying with the idea of suggesting an unofficial (VERY unofficial) discord, i just dont know if I can be bothered with admin work and moderation drama. like I don't wanna deal with assholes being mean / offensive and also dont want the girls to feel any pressure whatsoever to join because it's A Lot. lemme think about it more lol


I feel you on that Crab. I honestly think that a regular old Discord group chat would suffice, at least for the time being and we could take it from there. I think the girls have enough content to read on both Patron and YouTube alone, a Discord with the people who comment all the time may be a bit redundant for them. But I'd love to have one just to meet the fellow regular patrons and shoot the shit, give each other recs for shows and discuss stuff without being worried about spoiling shows etc. ^_^

Steven Cavanagh

I was unable to finish Midnight Mass.