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sorry for this being so late, hopefully this time it won’t get blocked


mr robot 1x05

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100


Ron B

Just to play devil's advocate and to emphasize what it was like for those of us that watched it live while it aired. You both seem to want to binge it to get to the plot points you want, could you imagine how much information you think you would actually retain if you did end up doing that? 😂 Not trying to be rude but every single scene in every episode is jam packed with so much detail, while I would love for all my favorite reactors to make it their sole show to watch when they pick it up, the other part of me is like...no absolutely not you're going to miss wayyyy too much. It actually is a better experience that you do 1 or 2 a week and have it brew in the back of your mind (in my opinion at least). To quote Elliot, in one of my favorite quotes in the whole series - from this episode no less! 😊 "It never happens all at once. It's slow, it's methodical, it's exhausting. We don't all have the stomach for it." 😁


Shoutout to Adam (unsure his patreon name but found each other in random comments on YT) for letting me know that LM are finally doing Mr. Robot - so I'm back with a resub. So stoked these ladies are doing Mr. Robot, also - these two ladies are analyising this show superbly - when one of them (won't say which) used the term "MM" (won't say the abbreviation because well... You know why (for those that have watched it)) - I was like OH DAMN. Anyways, so glad to see Mr. Robot finally getting it's love!


Thank you!! With these occasional copyright troubles are you gonna be able to publish the episodes on YouTube somehow?


Thanks for the editing work. Mr Robot is a difficult show to upload with the copyright troubles. I hope you stick with it.


S4 spoilers below! Use a ROT13 cipher to decode. I had a lot to say about a often overlooked and underrated moment in this episode that really means a lot in retrospect. Would love to know if anyone thinks I'm onto something here Gung svany fprar jvgu Natryn vf fb evpu jvgu sberfunqbjvat bs gur cngu bs ure punenpgre nep. Vg'f n fprar gung V nyjnlf sryg fgbbq bhg yvxr n fber guhzo va guvf rcvfbqr. Vzcbegnag fghss vf unccravat va guvf rcvfbqr, gur yrnfg bs juvpu vf Natryn'f fprarf, lrg gur rcvfbqr raqf jvgu ure naq flzobyvmrf ure znxvat n pubvpr. V haqrefgbbq gung flzobyvfz, ohg vg jnfa'g hagvy nsgre F4 gung vg srryf yvxr vg'f whfgvsvrq sbe ure punenpgre gb or tvira fb zhpu vzcbegnapr. Gur pvarzngbtencul naq rzcunfvmrq raqvat cbvag vf cresrpg orpnhfr vg ernyyl qrfpevorf Natryn'f punenpgre sbe gur erfg bs gur fgbel. Gur cerivbhf rcvfbqr naq ure fprarf jvgu Funlyn fubjrq ure sbe gur svefg gvzr univat ntrapl naq gnxvat pbageby bire ure yvsr, naq guvf rcvfbqr vf nobhg ure chefhvat jung vg vf fur jnagf. Fur unf gjb pubvprf, rvgure gel gb chefhr whfgvpr ntnvafg R Pbec, be qba'g. Naq jr xabj juvpu ebnq fur gnxrf, naq gur sngr gung zrrgf ure ng gur raq bs vg. V oryvrir gung gur gentrql gung orsnyyf ure pna or genprq onpx gb guvf rcvfbqr -- bs pbhefr pnhfnyvgl vf n ovt gurzr bs gur fubj, fb lbh pbhyq fnl vg jnf qrgrezvarq fvapr orsber fur jnf obea, be ng yrnfg jura ure zbgure jnf xvyyrq ol R Pbec, ohg va grezf bs Natryn'f punenpgre guvf rcvfbqr vf jurer fur gnxrf gur cngu gung yrnqf ure qbja n ebnq bs pubvprf nyy gur jnl gb Cevpr'f znafvba.


I love how these two will be unable to recognize a character that the show went out of its way to remind them of in the recap XD. First Darlene's ex and now Vera. Don't change a thing, girls


Just to explain one more time: The hack done at Allsafe in the very first episode means fsociety could theoretically wipe out Evil Corp's data whenever they wanted -- that's their entire goal. But Evil Corp has backups: In Steel Mountain, and overseas in China. That's why they need to cover both bases, because otherwise they won't completely destroy them


Living for the gasps when Angela said "I also ruined yours"


The first time I watched this episode I was cringing so much from the scene where Elliot insults Bill. It was like I was watching a horror movie, I was covering my ears and trying to drown it out, lol. so much second-hand embarrassment And yeah, a lot of dark stuff happens in this show but that in this episode is probably the worst crime


I also love how uncomfortable Tyrell makes you, haha. It's such a funny contrast because the last reaction I watched of the show was of two girls who loved him in every scene and found the bathroom scene hot XD. He's definitely one of those characters that causes different reactions depending on the person. Personally I find him kind of endearing. I know it's bad to infantilize psychopaths but I can't help but find it cute how he wants everyone's approval so badly. He's like a little boy in a big business suit trying to impress everyone.

Ron B

I'm going to assume they're already in the midst of episode 6, but Shayla's drug dealing boss is Fernando Vera (just to clear any confusion with Fernando not being his name for Lola).


Lol I watched their reactions too I loved their reactions to Tyrell


Totally agree with you here. Angela’s story as a whole is the most underrated part of Mr. Robot imo. There is SO much to unpack with her arc


imon/abi thirst for Tyrell was so funny. glad we didn't go that direction this time though lol


I think his full name is said in Episode 5


It's said in episode 2 when Elliot visits Shayla and meets Vera there. It cuts to Elliot's narration and he says "Fernando Vera" before describing how he hacked him and learned about his drug operation

Ron B

Yeah it's certainly said a few times, just a friendly reminder. Shayla only refers to him as Vera. When Elliot's voiceover in his head talks about how he hacked him when he's first introduced to Elliot on the couch Elliot says Fernando Vera and the attorney also says his full name but both times Lola/Milena were talking over when it was said debating if it was the same guy. :)


Watching along for the first time, and catching up on reactions. I have to admit, I'm not sure how I'll feel if it is revealed that Elliot and Mr. Robot are the same person. There's someone in my immediate family who has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID, the more recent and accurate term over "split personality") and...I'm wary of the way it's portrayed here if that's what's happening. Overall I'm enjoying the show a lot, but that part is making me feel a bit hesitant.