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mr robot 103

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Thought Vinland was supposed to come today


Mr Robot was supposed to come yesterday


It likely is. They are catching up on yesterday. I know you hyped for that ep 4 :P


bruh if they not gonna post can they atleast make a comment about it or im gonna sit here expect something that is not coming out. sheesh

Ron B

It goes VERY fast so it seems like you missed it but the man Tyrell sleeps with is the secretary for the boss he was going to have a meeting with at the beginning of this episode, and the information he got off his phone was already revealed as well when Tyrell was preparing his wife with the red straps. That information was that the new CTO was planned to be the husband of the woman that actually DID have the meeting with the boss that day.


I noticed on episode 2 they actually put the rappers name in the subtitles, which was actually kind of a spoiler that he was going to be relevant, lol.

Ron B

oh also fun sidenote the producer had no idea that Danish and Swedish languages could cooperate with each other but just heard the two actors conversing with each other between takes and loved it so he made their characters do it as well! Tyrell speaks Swedish and his wife speaks Danish.


Super minor point but I have one critique of your view I have to note, as some one who has administred a companies door access, it's not a big deal that Mr. Robot is in Elliot's office. it SHOULD be a big deal but many people let it slide... sorry :) I just can't help commenting on it ^_^


ok one more detail: Fsociety threatened to release a large trove of data they stole as part of their distraction, the threat was tied to the unreasonable demand that Colby be released by the authorities.


Can I ask what you are watching the show on? There's some weird things with the subtitles I noticed in the video, like overlapping dialogue at 18:26 and weird glitches like at 14:46 where it's borderline unreadable, and it writes the lyrics of whenever there's a song playing. Also the version you're watching seems to mute and censor out profanity like at 20:08. Overall it could get start to get annoying but if it isn't ruining your viewing experience then that's fine since I have my own version.


It's not that serious people.. Maybe a file got corrupted or the uploading itself didn't work out and they went to bed. Yes we are paying but if you ask for a refund they'll 100% give it to you as they've offered that to ppl before.

Alex cleveland

@Rinne if that’s the case… communicate and say we r having technical issues with an upload. The upload will be postponed lol. It’s not that hard. It’s not asking too much if ppl want better communication when paying for their great content lol🤦🏽‍♂️


first of all, could you tell me where you're watching it? i'm watching on prime but every time there's a cut where the screen goes black (sorry but i don't know how else to explain it) i have to synchronise the videos again because mine has a longer pause. other than that, i have to say that i'm a bit like milena, i was sure i finished season 1 and then dropped it back in 2015 but now i'm not sure if i even finished the season. i have to say that back then the idea of the disassociative identity disorder never crossed my mind but now that i'm watching along side you i think you are onto something. 20 year old me was not much into watching the details 😂 i was just there for the vibes. i think i may have not watched the final episodes because i honestly have no idea about anything. i barely remember a few things. to be fair it was many years ago. anyway, i think i like watching this alongside you so i may keep this up like this for a while, or maybe until we get a cliffhanger i can't wait to continue. yesterday i watched the first episode of band of brothers and it was pretty long so maybe i'll do the same and just watch it alongside you when you drop the full reactions.


sand_fl-patience-challenge haha I'm having the same experience with syncing.


@isaac really? i thought maybe it was my tablet that lately works awfully or maybe it's just there's platforms that use different pacing or something. i thought about downloading and see if those were better to sync or whatever it's called (idk if it's a "false friend" or what but i always mix up those words... or maybe both are correct) but my computer is also working like shit and i don't wanna waste time downloading.


noticed the sync as well but just wanted to say don't stress if that's how your source files are, I used to regret needing to puase for a drink or something back in The Expanse but have realized how easy it is for me to start/stop my video window and lock it back in pretty quick :)


FYI I think this only applies to the first season, there's a few re-syncs for the ad breaks but from watching through with 2 other channels I'm pretty sure these go away in S2, definitely by S3.


Hi, the video is blocked in the US. I can watch using VPN but you guys probably will want to re-upload to another site or something.


Where did you set your VPN to, im having the same issue in Canada


I set to France and then it's watchable on YT.