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this is still processing but i might fall asleep


expanse 603

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If Lola and Milena played that game who would win? That was a hilarious reaction.

Varun Laks

I think this episode paints a really good picture of what Naomi means when she says that Marco is fine with letting Filip die for him. Marco was essentially baiting Holden to fire here, and seemed fully content to die at the Roci's hand since his name would live on forever anyway. So instead of trying to plead for Filip's life or even just trying to console Filip like a father should, Marco simply uses Filip to try and hurt Naomi one last time. Marco was perfectly fine with Filip dying there, if it meant that Naomi would have to witness her son die at the hands of her new boyfriend. Filip's death would have just been another way Marco could twist the knife on the woman who scorned him. Speaking of which, Keon Alexander has some of my favorite line deliveries from the entire series, in this one episode: 1) The sinister way he drew out the words "Rocinante" and "James Holden" . 2) "I will die, before I live at the end of your leash". 3) "You were supposed to kill the enemy... they're not dead". Some all time great line readings there.

Deana DeWall

Bobbie would never fall for Amos's dirty tricks, as all us book readers know. Love Drummer and Walker, especially the next episode.


Please be friends forever :(


The shot of Filip sliding into frame behind Marco's smiling face always makes me laugh for some reason


Milena almost assaulting Lola with that pillow got me hahahhahaha

T. Arnold Ferguson

Regarding any hints of possible seasons or movies from books 7 - 9: there aren't any. There are a lot of "click bait" videos on YouTube suggesting they have inside information, but they all just rehash the hopes of fans with phrases like "possibly," "we hope," etc. There haven't been any official source hints. If an announcement comes out in the future, it'll probably appear on "James S.A. Corey" or "Ty and That Guy" Twitter accounts. Keeping my fingers crossed, though.


Correction: From what I recall, the last episode doesn't have a special scene to watch after. The last extra scene is after Episode 5.


From what I read online, the actor playing Philip was 21-22 while playing a 17 years old character.


Nah he was 26 when he played Filip. You can trace it back to when he graduated from university to find out his rough age. The character is meant to be 17 I think, yes.

Anthony Ubelhor

Are you guys editing the x-ray content? I couldn't get this last one to sync-up with the Amazon footage.


Phillip's age is never actually stated in the show. I always assumed he was around 18 in season 6

Kevin McDonough

Yeah, this show doesn't have any notorious leakers on the cast/crew. The team is thoughtful enough to know we don't want false hope. Who knows, perhaps if the cast is still around & available in 20-30 years...


James Holden has done some shit, but 59 episodes in, that's the most James Holden thing that James Holden has done yet.


Amos himself says that Bobbie is trained and has a clear chance at beating him!. It was a wonderful little bonus episode seeing their banter on the ship as they clean up after a battle. I LOVE this episode so much. they way that Bobbie figures out how to defeat the Pella when they are outmatched and outgunned. Its real genius! Really looking forward to the last 3!

Deana DeWall

I'm looking forward to the next 3 too. I only hope they'll spend more time talking about Drummer. She's such a huge fan favorite (more fan made videos than others), That I find it odd they barely mention her. Ah well...