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expanse 4x10

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Oh forgot to say, that sometimes i hear what you;re predicting for the future storylines and im starting to think that there's no way that you have not been spoiled. Some of your predictions are amazingly spot on, and maybe it's because when i was watching my mind never went there, and it's amazing to see that you predicted correctly so many things. Keep em coming.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

It’s never stated in the show but Filip is currently about 15. And Naomi had him when she was 18/19.

Varun Laks

He's 15 in the books, but I'm not sure if that's still the case in the show. He doesn't really look or sound 15, and overall seems a bit more mature than the book version. They've changed other characters' ages from book to show before, and I feel like they did so here too. I think their guess here that he's about 18 is more or less correct for the show. Plus Jasai Chase Owen's was in his mid-twenties here, and doesn't really pass for 15 (especially in the future where he should probably appear more youthful, if anything). I think the show avoided specifying an age, mostly because of the (perfect) casting. Of course you very well may be correct though and it's a fairly moot point in the scheme of things, but personally I have always felt like they aged him up some.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Jasai may look older than Filips 15, so you’re probably right about them never specifying because of the perfect casting, but I never felt that he was 18 in the show. He may have look a bit older than a average 15yr old, most “teenagers” on tv do, but he definitely has that mid teens petulant attitude that made me believe he was younger than 18.

Varun Laks

Yeah I think that's fair. I just feel like a lot of 18 years old I know also have that same petulant attitude lol. Mainly the way Filip conducts himself and speaks makes him feel a bit older to me. He always reminded me of Diogo, who was 19.