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mob 104

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hey girls, i was wondering if you are planning to react to the new season of the boys that's being released in a couple of weeks will have to wait to watch the reaction after dinner


yees, im not sure we'll manage to watch it while it's airing because of our schedule but we'll definitely react to it soon after


@LM Reactions great! it feels like s2 was a lifetime ago so i wasn't sure if you were still interested

Jesse Nkinsi

Ni-san means older brother

Orr Malus

Uuuu... 60fps, someone got an upgrade...


Next episode will be lit!!!


The % is not working towards a particular emotion. It can go up whenever Mob feels something. For example it went 8% because he was jealous of the captains muscles in that one scene (I assume it was jealousy). However the emotion that comes out at 100% is just the one which Mob feels at the time when he reaches 100.

killezio3 killezio3

Idk about this show but have watched AoT and FMA with you girls and I have to say, Lelouch would be your ultimate “my boy”. So, that’s why I would recommend Code Geass

Anna Kyruin

Amusingly there is a thing in japanese language where you add "o" to the beginning of a descriptor to sort of indicate it is revered/divine, such as hana vs ohana, or kami vs okami, but if you do that with older brother it becomes oni which means demon. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere.


Onii (youger brother) and Oni (ogre/demon) aren't the same word actually but that would have been cool.

Anna Kyruin

For sure, I just meant in the same way that Ackerman sounds like Akuma, phonetically similar enough to be a joke.

Deron C

The guy in the body improvement club that is shorter and has white hair looks like Connie from AoT if he were super buff.

Mahni Alizadeh

Nii-san is big brother I believe

Nathan Elkin

Just like there are many words that one can use instead of the word "bad" or "good", there are many words that fit the feelings Mob goes through. I wouldn't use "anger" to describe his first explosion because the word in the show does a much better job at fitting the scene. It wasn't anger, it was "Rage", and rage is much more personal than anger. You can be angry about many things, all at once, but rage is more focused, it's directed at something specific. When you are angry, you "rage" at something, and that goes for all the emotions that overwhelm Mob. The percentage isn't one focused emotion, it's any emotion that he can't explain away with reasoning and he doesn't bother to address. The explosion happens whenever any current emotion tips his limit for ignoring everything he's been dealing with recently. I have a much better description of Mob's powers, but I'll save it for episode 8 or 9, I don't remember which one a specific scene takes place in. Every esper has a variety of abilities depending on how powerful they innately are, and some develop new abilities as time goes on, but the colors used for those abilities are more artistic expression than an indication of what their actual abilities are.


Ritsu is the younger brother of Mob I think it's been mentioned but just in case again, 'middle school' in Japan is high school level/age. (Mob is 14 if I remember correctly)