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mob psycho 1x03

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Joe Tucker

I think the “get a clue” replay where Tsubomi turned into Dimple in his vision might have been kind of like an emotional release valve. That moment hurt him deeply, but he is completely unwilling to use his psychic powers to affect other people or really to benefit his own life at all, so he was powerless in that moment. However, against an evil spirit, there are no rules, and he can “safely” react instead of bottling it up.


not gonna lie, since i watched derry girls everytime a school paper/magazine plot appears in movies or shows i can just think of claire and "the secret life of a gay teenager" essay they published. a masterpiece of an episode and one of my favourite episodes of derry girls. the weird girl from the telepathy club is unironically one of my favourite characters so far, she's just so odd and funny. i'm actually watching this at your pace so i still haven't watched ep 4, so i hope she'll be a regular; she's in the intro so i expect her to be. i'm also really curious about the green 'ghost'? i've seen plushies of him in other reactors videos so i guess is a fan favourite.


i have to say that i do love the humour, it's a nice change given the show's that i'm used to watch, and watching your reactions is even funnier, i do have a great time with your mob reactions, it's justa a comedy at this point

Anna Kyruin

As a neurodiverse woman myself I can relate so very strongly with Mobu. I feel like the show does a great job of depicting a child who thinks differently from the norm without dehumanizing him or treating him like "tragedy porn" and that is unfortunately rare in most forms of media. The things he struggles with like processing emotions and reading social situations are a reality to a small degree for most people, but with Mobu and many of us it can be consuming, and I can't say how much I relate in my younger life to the fear that the cult leader plants in his mind, that because he thinks and acts differently nobody will ever love him and he would end up alone. I am happy to say I was proven very wrong about that, but I still get a slight twisting feeling in my gut watching that scene. So glad you are watching this series :)

Nathan Elkin

It's hard to explain, but people in this world are kind of accepting of the unnatural. It isn't that everyone has interactions with things like powers or ghosts or whatnot, but they are brought up into a culture that somewhat deifies these concepts. So when normal people experience the supernatural, they have history or knowledge to fallback on that keeps them on steady ground. It isn't that everyone knows espers or ghosts exist, but they understand the idea behind these concepts, and it is easier to accept if they do encounter it. People that witness Mob use his powers have seen it so many times and accepted it as a possibility like his teacher and his family and some classmates he grew up with, and the rest of the world can get on board with the idea that it is happening if it starts to happen, even if they are shocked or confused. It's kind of like, "I'm seeing this with my own eyes, so it must be real." The unknown is supernatural, but once you can explain it, it's just weird or different. Also, and this is never confirmed or denied, but I'm pretty sure some powers that are shown in the show are crazy visuals for the sake of animation. There are many times in this show where normal people don't really understand what they have witnessed, and I think some powers are actually invisible, like telekinesis. Other abilities definitely have some visibility to them, but I think most of the powers are flashy just for us viewers and aren't all rainbows and craziness. Although, other espers or ghosts might be able to actually see what is happening, I'm not really sure.


Ritsu is Mob Younger brother not the oldest