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the edited one is exporting and ill post it on yt when it finishes




Gus pitched "Spice Curls" in the meeting with Madrigal/Peter Schuler last season. When he said it again to the customer in this episode, I think it triggered his brain to think that Lalo might dig into Madrigal/Germany/Werner. I think this is why Gus went down to the lab to plan his defense. He is anticipating Lalo finding out about the lab. Notice how Gus paced out his steps from the electrical cable to where he stashed his gun in the excavator. I think he is planning on luring Lalo to the lab, or maybe Lalo somehow finds it himself, and then Gus will cut the lights and try to get to his gun so that he can kill Lalo.


I think Howard's PI is gonna accidently get in the middle of the Gus and Lalo situation and its gonna go very badly for him and Howard. In BB they killed a little boy for accidently seeing too much. Howard is far from safe in this universe 😂


Also at the beginning when Kim's clock says 3:17, if you look at it upside down it says "LIE"


It's pronounced 'Ray'. Rhea Seehorn. What a wonderful actress she is.

Troy Soldier (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 14:15:18 Soooo, Kim & Jimmy are playing deep chess with Howard? Very impressive if this is the case. They seem to be walking Howard right into their trap.
2022-05-12 00:44:09 Soooo, Kim & Jimmy are playing deep chess with Howard? Very impressive if this is the case. They seem to be walking Howard right into their trap.

Soooo, Kim & Jimmy are playing deep chess with Howard? Very impressive if this is the case. They seem to be walking Howard right into their trap.

Shadoe Price

An important detail to remember is that Lalo already got Margarethe's information from the Travelwire transaction paperwork that he took. He also mentions talking to her on the phone in the season 5 premiere. "You know how many Werner Zeiglers there are in Germany? 27. 26 now according to Mrs Zeigler." So Lalo had already done the legwork of tracking her down.


Yes. Their entire plan is centered around this. They said as much a few episodes back. "If we don't go about this right, he'll see us coming. So, maybe we start with Cliff Main." Start. Howard believes that he's unveiled Jimmy's interference and that it's just more irritants. By letting Howard "catch" them, he's more vulnerable than ever. Something potent enough that Jimmy's guilt allowed him to get stomped by Howard.