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bcs 5x04

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They did announce Hank would show up in this season before it came out. But he wasn't in any teasers or anything. Im so happy you two didnt get spoiled for it!


Wow, did they really? I was late to the show and Hank was easily the biggest shock of the whole show for me. I think I would have been a little upset if I had seen an announcement about it before the reveal.


I know this isn't right, but I was much more offended and disgusted by Hank's racist jokes and shitty treatment of Marie than anything Jimmy has done or even Mike killing people, LOL. Like I know Hank was "the good guy" and ultimately was the hero of BB... but still. I guess I am easily swindled by charming criminals.


Remember after Chuck's death when Kim yelled at Howard and told him "There's nothing you can do. Just stay away." When talking about how he could make things right with Jimmy? He should have listened to her. He offered him the job with good intentions, but even if its coming from a good place, doesnt mean its a good idea.


as if Howard need to pay attention to Jimmy's welfare when he himself was under immense stress. He had a company to fix, a guilty conscious over possibly pushing his friend and mentor to suicide and after all this year, he was able to fix himself and his company, he decides to welcome Jimmy to his company, NOT out of pity but rather respect. He always wanted Jimmy and because Chuck was there, he was forced to say play along with Chuck's idea. Then Jimmy, the immature kid he was, decides to drop bowling balls on his car instead of saying a simple , "I decline". Idgaf how many brothers the man lost, if he did that to me, Im throwing hands.

Julian San

Well it's like Mike describes...crooked cops, honorable thieves. Personally, I think Hank is just an un-PC guy and his racists jokes are just that, jokes. I don't think they're any maliciousness to them whereas your criminal characters have done actual physical harm to innocent people.


you can tell lola edited this episode because of her flex of being good at bowling making it in the edit lmao


Paige and Kevin are really getting on my nerves with this snooty, patronizing nonsense. I say let the chimp with a machine gun go ham on them.


I... I thought there would have been a much more shocked reaction to Acker being handed a photo of a man having sex with a horse. For me that was way more shocking than Squat Cobbler or the kids having sex with the head in the first episode 😳


It's interesting to see Kim getting continuously tired of Mesa Verde, considering how she knows that they're just a 'business first' couple. Kim's trajectory of understanding that the corporate side of law just isn't what she wants is very satisfying to see.


What's Jimmy doing with pictures of horses fucking people?


17:01 did you really know?

David Caine

It doesn't matter how genuine and sincere Howard's offer has become, it will always be tainted by him backing up Chuck, by not showing a spine in his own words, Howard called it a "missed opportunity" and that they "took" Jimmy's legacy away from him, again, his own words, they did him "wrong." The final nail in the coffin, Howard says that they "should" have hired him. Even if Howard had no choice and had to back up Chuck, he was still in on it. Because we know that Howard COULD HAVE stood up to Chuck if he had wanted to, he did in the end. In Jimmy's mind, if he had been hired back then, all the consequent drama would not have ensued, it would not have ended in Chuck's suicide, Even if Howard is doing the right thing, righting the wrong, even if he is trying to make amends, it is like the ultimate "Fuck you" to Jimmy. Too little too late, too much baggage. Then Jimmy sees the NAMAST3 vanity license plate. To Jimmy, he is now a part of Howard's life therapy. Yeah, yeah, Jimmy is immature and irresponsible acting the way he did, he needed therapy a long time ago. But no wonder he is slapping away Howard's gesture of amends and peace.


That's an excellent analysis, I was being a bit naive in dismissing Jimmy's actions as immature. I'm glad to have read this!


I don't know if this was mentioned before, but Rhea Seehorn is also a painter and the birds on Kim and Jimmy's bed are actually hers. That's it, just an interesting fact :)