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i just uploaded it so it's still processing but you can download.. the edited one will be up in a few hours


bcs 409 full.wmv



"You think I'm the kind of lawyer guilty people hire." That's what Betsy Kettleman told him in season 1... that comment got under his skin and he's been holding on to it ever since. That argument was SO painful to watch. Jimmy started piling all of his frustrations and insecurities onto the one person who didn't deserve it. Deep down, he thinks Kim doesn't respect him and views him the same way Chuck did... but it's NOT TRUE AT ALL! Jimmy, stop sabotaging the one good relationship in your life!!


"Jimmy you are always down" This might be my single favourite line in the entire series. It hits me in the gut every time I rewatch the scene, there's just so much emotional weight behind the conversation that encapsulates the entirety of their relationship. Kim absolutely adores Jimmy, and would do anything to take his pain away and end his trauma. But she's only human, and she needs to keep herself safe. "Jimmy you are always down" are words she's probably held close to the chest for a very long time, because she would never want to pull the floor from underneath the man she loves like that. Despite how simple the scene (and indeed the series) reads on paper, the complexity to the characters that's been crafted through the writing/directing/acting leaves us hanging on every word, feeling every moment that Jimmy and Kim feel along with them. Goddamn I truly love this show.


I know right? It's so tragic how the fear of vulnerability can lead us to pushing away the people who are helping us most. Jimmy needs to believe that Kim is 'out to get him' because reality is just too real. Meanwhile Kim has every reason to feel so angry and betrayed by what Jimmy's saying. There's so much tragedy to the show, it hurts in a way Breaking Bad never could.


Is this what we're doing now? You just gonna post every word I was gonna type, huh? 100%

David Caine

"Mala leche" is a Spanish slang term for animosity, bad-blood, resentment, things like that. That whole sequence with Gustavo pretty quickly establishes Lalo as a pretty fun, charismatic, capable character. He was just messing with Gus, and Lalo knows Gus knows. The actors played their roles brilliantly.


That lady from the beginning... I recognize her as one of the chain-smoking cult members from The Leftovers. She's so sweet here but in that show she was very uh... weird and creepy and was in a scene that traumatized me lol


why is this video still processing 😭😭

Julian San

Can’t wait for the pre & post episode talk!!!

Shadoe Price

Mike shows genuine concern about the stress that he notices from his friend L&M: WHY DO YOU WANT TO MURDER HIM MIKE??????!!!