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the edited reaction is rendering , it’s gonna be done in about an hour


bcs 3x10 full.wmv



did you guys end up posting the yt link for ep9 edited reaction? google drive says too many playbacks


https://drive.google.com/file/d/19xI8G1JYdsvnvjy8QsS5Y-X0zznLsMY4/view?usp=drivesdk hey try this link, the yt one will be posted tomorrow morning


you probably realized by now but landlines (corded ones) don't use electricity. that's why they're still handy to have! also Chuck could see that his "meter was still running" meaning that little disc was still turning. that indicates the house is still using electricity

Shadoe Price

For someone who is DEFINITELY NOT going to feel anything for Nacho and his father anymore you sure were yelling a lot during the scene with his dad and Hector haha

Daniel Chavez

I love how Gus is the only one to start saving Hector's life just cause he doesnt want him to die that easy 😂 And I think Chuck telling Jimmy that he would have more respect for him if he owned up to the person he really is has a lot to do with why Saul has no moral issues or guilty conscience about the things he's part of in BB


Deh boss can SOK me!

Eric Wall

Yep. My mom still keeps an old touch tone phone in her upstairs closet for when the power goes out.

Julian San

So…I heard this a while back regarding Chuck. He tore down his house because he couldn’t stop the one source of electricity left: Himself. And in the end, he finally put that out, too. (I mean, yeah, the meter was still turning but who knows, that could’ve just been in his head.)

William Abbott

i cant view or download a lot of these episodes