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and we’re starting a new show. the first episode was really strong. the full reaction will be in a few hours


death note ep1

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Mahni Alizadeh

Can’t watch yet cuz I’m at work, did you guys do sub or dub (just curious, I’m fine with whatever)


Oh Yeah 3 of the Best series in the Same Week. Awesome 😁😁


Oh boy are you in for some mind blowing shit AoT and Death note are my favorite! 💯


So soon?! I wasnt expecting it now what a surprise!




Yeah perfect timing I came from work just now


There is only 3 Colossal Titans: Avatar, AOT and of course Death note


aot, better call saul and death note every week now you’re spoiling us

Mahni Alizadeh

Death Note is wild… it kinda reminds me of breaking bad in a way. Curious to see how you guys feel about the characters as the show progresses!




Hopefully you like this show! It’s not my favorite but it’s good


It’s hard to start on attack on titan and then go to any other anime, but this is a solid show.


i have never seen death note, glad i can be on this journey with u both :)

Mahni Alizadeh

AOT is in a class of its own but Hunter x Hunter is still my favorite anime. AOT obviously has a much more tightly written narrative but HxH hits different for me emotionally. I’d highly recommend it to you and LM, especially the way they connect to characters


When Light is writing all dramatically in the book, that scene was directed by one of the AOT director who did a lot of the crazy ODM action scenes in seasons 1-3.


shoulda been dubbed IMO. Deathnote and FMA are probably some of the best dubb's in anime history


Yeah its pretty good if you dont think much about it.


I'm so ready for this. Also let's just let ignore all the sub vs dub comments, both are great and they will enjoy it no matter what <3


well more people thought its better subbed so

Mati D.

I bet after episode 2 you guys will be super hook with the anime.


episode is good and all but ep 2 is definitely where things pick up and the plot begins to show. also, this isnt that important but his is name is technically Raito Yagami bcuz in japanese there is no L. Since it sounds like Light, thats why its translated like that.


What days are episodes going to be posted?


so many polemic topics in one episode, this is gonna be fun 😁😁


Man the first like 8 episodes of death note are so good.


Oh man Attack On Titan and DeathNote! I'm getting spoiled 🙂


I watched Death note live action / adaptation (whatever it's called), but never the anime, even though I was told it was a lot better. The one I watched seems to be a bit different from anime.


I wanted FMAB but I really hope you enjoy this great show :)


I've seen rant videos for the live action but never watched it. I've heard that they pretty much changed lights whole character. The anime and manga are pretty good


this is replacing korra and korra was on mondays and thursdays so i guess that's when this one is going to be posted too

Chris V

I'd write your name thinking it's a joke. Milena- Well write your own name! Haha you girls are a crack up


Oh man, I totally forgot about Shaman King. I used to love that show as a kid, but I don't think I ever finished it.

Robert H.

Honestly, like Lola said, I would have liked it more if the anime had been a little slower in the beginning. So you have relatively quickly the Evil Guy as a protagonist. So a less rapid character development would have been more interesting. I think Tsugumi Ōba thought the same thing in retrospect, and that's why he worked it up with a later arc.

killezio3 killezio3

Just a headsup, your subs seem wrong. Are they from an official source? Cuz that will negatively impact your experience of the show. Either that or the dub had better dialogue than the sub’s subtitles. (Which I wouldn’t be surprised as the dub in this show is amazingly done)


The dub is definitely better but sub is fine

Robert H.

I would also still count FMAB among the most famous very good anime and cartoons. If Invincible and Dragon Prince maintain their quality in the next seasons, I would include them as well.


I mean he had it for 5 days a lot of thinking can happen in 120 hours you will get more information tho on his thought process . also the evil will gradually dissipate as the fear of the "god of the new world" would always be on there conscious. thats why he said he wanted to be known


and he is really smart and did not know ruyk like that just conclude someone "supernatural" would come looking for it thus was prepared to talk and not be that phased

Robert H.

I'm kind of hoping that after Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 1, there's a little time to squeeze in FMAB. Attack on Titan Season 4 Part 2 also comes only weekly, so it would be possible. But then there would be one live action and three animated series on their channel when Attack on Titan continues in January, which might be a bit much. There are also many very good live-action shows that will continue in the next few months, are new or are already there. I also hope for a Dark Reaction (Netflix series). With Lola, you can really tell how she digs the hidden dialogue and little details in the story as well as the revelations in Attack on Titan. She would have even more fun with the Dark series.


I never knew this, but then again I haven't watched AOT yet lol. Still on season 1 of avatar.


yeah you were pretty on point, in between heaven and hell for the afterlife is called purgatory or limbo


not rly. light's whole philosophy of killing criminals was just because hes bored and the death note provided entertainment for him. killing criminals was never his initial goal but just a means to it. Eren is actually facing a crisis where hes gotta do something or else his whole race boutta be slaughtered.


60 comments already?! Hell yeah, between this and Better Call Saul the conversations each week will be great!


I’ll take a potato chip and EAT IT


That’s understandable, but since it’s adapting a manga the first episode is paced like a first manga chapter. There is a lot more pressure to hit hard with your first manga chapter and give readers plenty of reason to check out the next one. Slower character stuff can come later once the story has been established but it’s too risky for a first manga.

Norrin Radd

WATCH THE DUB!!!! There's no sensible reason for you to miss things because you're forcing yourself to watch the sub.




Love Death Note but damn..Vinland Saga, FMAB or Made in Abyss would’ve been 👌👌


I hate everyone that voted sub. Why make it harder for them to understand when the dub is perfectly fine? Well... it is what it is.


Yes Lola, you mentioned Shaman King and I think it was huge in Eastern Europe in comparison to Japan and the West. The Russian OP for Shaman King is the biggest nostalgia for me ever


I watch sub for every Anime but yea the dub for Death Note is much better and iconic

Be Happy

Oh I love this!! Death Note was my very first anime !! I blew my mind and I think I ve finished it in 4 days! You re in for a magnificent ride girls


Please try the Dub, its one of the better subs in all of anime


Try the Dub in episode 2 and see which ones you guys wanna do 😭😭😭 Death Note has some iconic scenes in dub - you at least gotta compare 💀


nah don't try dub, sub always, it was created the way it's meant to be. sub is always better than dub, don't go dub


If the sub is making it hard to watch I think you should at least try a dubbed episode. Maybe re watch episode 1 or something

Jesse S

Death note Dub is iconic but Sub is awesome too


Honestly ladies, please try both the sub and the dub version of episode 1, and then watch the show in whichever way you prefer. Either way, you're gonna make some fans happy and some fans upset. So you might as well make yourself happy in the process! I've watched the show both ways, and I love both versions. I will say though that the subtitles you're currently using aren't the original ones, and can have an effect on how you see the characters and their dialogue. So I'd lean toward watching the dub version, especially if you feel like you'll miss things with the sub version.


Three of my favorite shows all at once, couldn't agree more


Dub babies crying like crazy. There was a poll and it lost. Deal with it.


I'm enjoying your tears, dub fanatics :P


Well we who want dub are clearly in the minority so we’ll have to accept that but I definitely agree with you. I agree for a different reason however I think the English dub is actually better for this one.


Guys I also wanted dub over the sub but stop complaining about it it is what it is just accept this outcome and move on it won’t help with complaining let’s not act like children over this. For the record I dislike this outcome as much as many of you but there is no point in complaining over it nothing will change that sadly more people wanted sub I don’t even dislike the sub I just vastly think the dub is much better than sub for death note. All I want is for us to stop begging for dub at this point like children.


just stfu about the dub already. and stop telling them how to watch a show. they decided watching in sub because that got the most votes end of story.


The plot of Notebook... I can't Lola...


Hopefully the whole sub vs dub will die after this episode and the comments for the next episode will be about the actual show instead.


Wanting to watch a show dubbed will always be a minority in these kind of polls no matter how great the dub is is. So don’t act like this was some fair debate lol. There’s too many closed minded “Sub ONLY anime” for a poll like this to be worthwhile. Also, I can only IMAGINE how the anime elitists would react had they chosen dubbed, don’t be a hypocrite.

David Caine

I am happy you both are gonna watch one of the most iconic anime, especially for people outside of Japan who usually are introduced to the medium through this show. I first watched it 2008-09 or so, and although I had already watched too much anime in my childhood, this one got me back into the train for more mature, sophisticated themes. There are parallels to Attack on Titan, the commentary on humanity in particular. Purgatory is the place of penance were souls are given the opportunity to pay for their sins. Hell is where evil beings suffer for not repenting or for sins too great to ever make it up. The Shinigami realm is full of Death beings, which is what a shinigami is supposed to be, a Grim Reaper, or a death god, and Ryuk is one of them.

Corey Hughes

Rather than joining the sub vs dub war, I want to answer a question you asked during the episode! He did write that bikers name multiple times, but only because he wasn't sure of the spelling. He wrote down a bunch of possible spellings for the name he heard.


light wrote the dude who was trying to assault that woman’s name many times because he didn’t know how to spell it so he wrote it in different ways.

Omar Gonzales

It seems like this sub version is missing a lot more information than other versions, I would suggest watching in dub if this is on Netflix

Omar Gonzales

Also ryuk sounds so much better in dub since they made it more monster like instead of a human talking


Looove this anime :'( I'm hoping that you watch Demon Slayer after you finish the first part of Attack on Titan


if you can't call him Ryuk you can call him Bernard


from what i know hell and heaven mostly taken from christianity. it has mantioned before like next world, or utopic world in chinese and hebrew and probebly elsewhere, but as we them (heaven/hell) they mostly from christianity and yeah appearnatly there levels of hell and heaven, 7 different floors to each higher floor in heaven means more devine and lower in hell means bad news.. i think doom (the one mentioned in this episode) could be level 3 or 4 in hell by christianity, since im not sure i would say it could mean also doom - nothingness


from the little i learned hebrews call hell "gehenom" and there was no place like this in the old times of bible. so where the name came from? i heard there was landscape called guy h. enom or something like that and it was the only place of israelits where they sucrificed living humans for the god (usualy it was animal), and done some rituals with fire. years after once the hebrews needed to decides where hell is on earth it decided to that place (for the extreme reasons i meantioned) also alot belives hell supposed to be underground and heaven above the sky... nice, but the biblic satan was an fallen angel, who was bunished from the sky to the earth, which means the devil supposed to walk on earth, like us human


7 levels of hell aren't technically in christianity, its from dante's inferno (a fictional story with a christian perspective on hell) and other religions have something similar, but is nowhere to be found in Christianity. Aztec mythology also deals with different possible afterlife depending on your life/death and is similar to the Dantes Inferno levels.


budahism dosn't belives in hell i think... and idk about hindu and shinto but the quetion what comes after death rised at any civilisation that way or another


Even a shit sub like Netflix's is better than dub regarding 'loss of information' because dub has to adapt to the amount of time the character is moving their mouth, while sub can convey the full information.


But yeah, there probably are better subs for Death Note on Crunchyroll or Funimation


It's weird that they wouldn't just leave the name as is. I mean, we understand this show is set in Japan, the main character explicitly says that.


This anime is heavy on the talking, you are gonna have to read a lot of subtitles if you do sub. I think it would be easier to watch the dub so you can focus on what's happening instead of trying to read really fast. The dub is really good.

C Cuenca

Im starting to think the people who recommended the sub probably just never even cared to try the dub, after officially viewing both in dub and sub , i can honestly say the dub is better, lights sub VA is doable but the dub version has more tone and attitude and in my opinion the dub va really does a exceptional job embodying lights character through his voice, and ryuks voice will always remain iconic in the dub. Even if you guys dont post the dub i urge you guys to also try the dub too after you guys are done with the sub


They should just, watch a little bit of the dub, and then decide which they like better. No reason to let the viewers decide in my opinion. I think generally speaking the dub would always be the better choice for a reaction channel, since viewers want to focus on the reaction and not the subtitles, but die hard anime fans would probably never watch anything but the sub.


The dub is awesome! just an FYI


I think you were thinking of Judaism. They believe in an afterlife and some sort of purgatory, but not really in hell. I'm glad you guys are anti capital punishment. After first reading the manga I was kind of shocked to find out how many fans actually think that Light is the good guy in this story.


Hello Im new to this patreon stuff can someone help me: why is that other post with google drive link named “full” reaction if its only 20min long? Isnt THIS with youtube link the actually full one?


The "monster" or Ryuk is a shinigami, or Death God. so ye basically the Grim Reaper.


the full is meant for just the episode so it's the full episode but it doesn't include the intro or review so the edited is usually longer


The dubbed version is so much better ! Lol


I love Light! What a character!

Anime Sage

Just to explain, there are only 2-5 tolerable dubs across all anime and even those are absolutely horrible compared to the worst Sub you can think off. English Dubs portray 0 emotion and should all be burned :D

Joey Sabishii

You guys should read the Bible and get to know Jesus Christ. Just repent and ask for forgiveness and believe in him. It’s better to believe in something than not. I love you both . God bless you.


Agree, and even good dubs don't win against original VA's quality to voice emotions in any anime ever.


Watching any show in original voice language is the right way. Most who advocate for Dub live in countries where everything is remade so they can listen in their own language. Which promotes closed country, you need to listen to other languages to be more open minded. I like when you many times in AOT were shocked and reacted in your own language =)


Death Note, in its heart, is a cat and mouse crime thriller with a supernatural concept.


11:56 Yes, he wrote all possibly spellings of the name to ensure that he gets it right. In Japanese, parents choose a cname for child, but also the characters that are used to spell the name, to ensure it has a beautiful meaning. Unlike alphabetical scripts, the Japanese (and Chinese) writing system has characters that can be read in multiple ways (depending on the context), and the same syllable or sequence of syllables can be represented by several distinct characters.