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sorry this is late, it got blockes, i posted it on google drive, i’ll rerender it again and post the yt link tomorrow



bcs 3x09.wmv



To clear up your confusion: the fake medicine didn't help Hector, it was probably partly a placebo effect since he's used to the medicine helping him and partly his episode just passed on its own. It is going to take a while of him not taking the nitroglycerine for him to actually suffer the effects. Nacho simply replaced the nitroglycerine with Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory pain medicine that won't hurt Hector but won't help his condition. Also, I know Lola briefly mentioned selling commercials, Jimmy already sold them all. That was what the slip scam at the guitar shop was for!


so far, Kim really does accept Jimmy for who he is. She knows the kind of guy he is and what he's capable of and she loves him anyway, AND doesn't try to change him. She seems to accept most of his Slippin' Jimmy shenanigans just fine, in a "don't ask, don't tell" kind of way, as long as it doesn't jeopardize her career. Jimmy really hit the jackpot with Kim, but because he's so wounded from all the Chuck drama, he's full of insecurity and fear to the point where he makes bad decisions that inadvertently damage their relationship. (and indirectly lead to much more serious repercussions like the car crash)


yeah, instead of outright poisoning Hector, Nacho chose to deprive him of his life-saving medication, which should in theory eventually lead to his health failing. so Nacho is playing the long game instead of trying to take Hector out immediately through more straightforward methods. It's the smarter choice probably, but it requires time & patience.


Another parallel I'm not sure if others caught is one between Chuck and Hector. Two established giants in their game that are both being driven out by the new blood. One has a mental condition and the other is physical...Jimmy/Nacho swapping numbers/pills...

john ross

@LM Reactions I sent you guys a direct message. I hope you guys can read it.


Everything you've said is on the buttton, and it's why BCS is such a wondeful show for the complexity of the characters. I think that the writing and directing of the show is so good that they could find a way to have Jimmy watch paint dry and it'd still be interesting. The characters themselves aren't necessarily enourmous in comparison to most other TV shows, but the way in which they're developed so meticulously (and enjoyably) makes them relatable and 'real' in a way few other shows accomplish. Be it funny or sad, good or bad, every moment in BCS is 'earned'.


yeah people say "I wonder what Saul did to make Francesca hate him so much" but... pay attention. She already doesn't like him, lol!


Girls after this show can you pleaassee react to ‘YOU’ if you haven’t watched it already its so good I think youll LOVE it, its right up your alley


I think they said they're watching The Expanse after they're done with BCS

Ebad Khan

omg someone make a gif of 24:26 their reactions are perfect

Ebad Khan

does 46:53 (about loving Nacho's dad) remind anyone of some upcoming cool stuiff?? can't wait!