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this is in top 3 episodes of the show


aot 405

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Have you seen past this episode? If yes how many episodes?




Is the full reaction coming soon too?


Reiners wallet last episode goes brrrrrrrr. It kept printing money poor Reiner


Eren: You're a good guy, Falco. I hope you live long. Also Eren: Sikeeeeeeeeeee

Sergeant Jay

I think it’s important to note that Eren didn’t do this out of revenge he did it because he had no other choice.


That thumbnail on its own makes me so happy 😁. Now for the episode.


I have to be strong and wait for the full. Must. Be. Strong.


My favorite episode of Aot!!❤🙉


Attack on titan being posted this early is a wet dream and this episode is fire


no, we went on a trip after this, we're at the airport now and planed to watch aot during the weekend but we're on standby cause they sold more tickets and we might not be home before sunday 😂


well technically he did stop him for leaving the basement and i like to think he knew reiner was gonna protect him


Lola: “I hate this song it puts me on edge” Milena: *vibing*


Eren saw Falco and said " Fuck them kids" right after telling him he hopes he lives a long life


Just wanna say u guys the GREATEST AOT reactors. I legit count the days till u guys upload the next episode


LM reactions is in top 3 reaction peoples 🤯🤯🤯

Joris Baumann

Its my favorite Episode, cant wait to see ur reaction :D lets go


Eren has now killed Eldians in the house he was in.

Arturo Gonzales

This was the most tense moment of all SNK!!! IM SHOCK!!!

Peter Wyatt

GREAT REACTION!!! Probably the best one I've seen out of all the other reactors. I love how you two get so emotionally invested in the characters. This episode was like the pivotal moment of that, as a conversation between two main characters who everyone knows you both adore.


My favorite character in the show just had their first appearance this episode.


I saw you hoping for eren to join reiner (or reiner to join eren) and it kinda made sense considering what he said. For me, Eren's speech basically meant "i understand why you had to go and destroy my world, so i hope you understand why i have to do the same"

Mati D.

One of the best of this S4 P1.



jason carvalho

Right, I feel like people were hearing their conversation but not understanding it until Eren transformed. Eren started by saying he came there for the same Reiner did, I was like ok he will attack. Like you said the whole conversation is just Eren talking to a mirror and siking himself up to do what he wanted to do.


did you notice when they mentioned Bertholdt’s father had died in this episode? If not you should rewatch that part it’s slightly before you see Annie’s father in the episode.


When willy and magath were talking about rat infestations they were talking about spies/enemies who have infiltrated


Just saw the reaction and I'm sorry but your faces when you finished the episode were hilarious. You really have a thing for watching episodes with terrible cliffhangers when you can't watch more after that one. Anyway, I hope you had a good vacation and have a safe travel. Hope your time at the airport is bearable.


Way back in Season 2, Lola predicted the Rumbling. She was certain that the titans in the walls had to be a factor in the endgame of the series. I think she forgot about it over time with the 40 other crazy theories we loved hearing over the show's progression, but good job on this one!


this is why we all died of laughter when you said you hope that episode 5 doesn't end in a big cliffhanger lol

Daolord Badlands

Eren did wait for Willie to declare war before transforming, but the mystery soldier who led Cart and Jaw away did so before that, so I'm gonna assume that Eren was planning on attacking before he even knew that Willie was declaring war.

adam john peters

How are you guys liking the new studio that's works on this seasons compared to the previous one


Yes ladies, taste!


Same, I think Eren would have attacked no matter what Tybur said on stage


I like how a couple episodes ago she was saying how she doesn’t like the opening. Alas she is slowly being converted like we were a year ago.


it's like my favourite one

Mati D.

It's important to understand that Eren waited for the announcement, you can even notice in his face when Willie says "I was born into this world" what was gonna happen after. You want war? There you go, embrace it.


2 days between the reactions? Noice.

Jonathan baez

Lola: i hate this song it puts me on edge Milena: 💃 😂😂 love you two


He reacted that way because that's the same phrase he used to say, not because he realized what Willy was going to do. Also, Eren was going to attack no matter what Willy said so the fact that the end of his talk with Reiner coincidentally happened to line up with Willy's declaration doesn't really make a difference. He'd already gone over to Liberio before the Tyburs had even gotten involved and he'd coordinated the attack with the "mystery soldier". There's more to this, but those are manga spoilers


Thank you for the early release, heartfelt reaction as always, can't wait for the rest of the season, you are not ready!


Watch the next THREE episodes together if you can. It's very important. There are some huge, huge spoilers on the way.


i didn't forget about it, that was the only theory i thought was definitely right, it just didn't come up in the discussions 😁

killezio3 killezio3

Here is a treat for everyone. Just don’t check the comments for spoilers: https://youtu.be/Y2veQiSeD74


Hey, I have a question. This is not me trying to make you hurry up or anything, just out of curiosity. When will you be able to upload La casa de papel? I understand you must be busy right now so it's just to know. Only a month and a few days for the last 5 episodes to be released and I'm really hyped tbh.

Omar O

Reiner didn’t want forgiveness, he wanted to be judged, as the man who hunged himself


I LOVE you guys because you noticed on first watch the subtle moments that put this episode into the hallmark of greatest AoT episodes. The way Eren reacted only to Willy's words because it stirred something into his now dead inside state, the way Eren said he vaguely remembers that he promised to kill the warriors and even told Reiner to forget about it etc. It's not like other reactors don't notice them but you guys emphasised these moments and literally said what I thought while first watching this it. This episode put AoT from good to great for me because that's how you do dialogue, that how you do nuance.

Marco Cunha

I love the absolute speechlessness


Honestly, the level of compassion and empathy you two have greatly restores my faith in humanity. Thank you for that.


aahh I love Lola noticing the "because I was born into this world moment" The words that Eren's mom said who imo changed Eren's vision about himself. He always felt weak, useless and not special. His titan powers were always a terrible burden to him and he says to himself that so many people had died because his fault, because he being weak, he being not special


I love that Lola does the Eren crazy laugh cry


Totally agree!!! 6, 7 and 8 should be watched together so they can later read the comments freely.

Joaquin garcia

"this is in top 3 episodes of the show" i agree


Nice parallel there..That man lost his 3 kids. Reiner lost his 3 comrades. They both blamed themselves and the weight of that guilt (among other things for reiner) drove them both to want to end their lives. Eren is the person in the best position to judge reiner.. and he judges him not as guilty or innocent but as an equal.


I would like to state here that no matter how bad you think of Eren, but remember every other country already united for the war against Paradis and Eren, Someone at some point might always want to attack. Only way to live happily after is to eradicate a vast majority of everyone and then remaining people of all countries just sign agreement to live together.


Only Marley was gonna declare war on Paradis. The other world leaders were there to watch a festival, unbeknownst to the fact that Willy was about to do what he did. Marley declared first but Eren made the whole world his enemy by killing other countries ambassadors, and leaders. Why would the Mid-East ever ally with Marley fresh out of their own war just a week ago?


Love how you guys are happy, sad, shocked, traumatized and in denial when that last scene happened. I mean Eren is not wrong, he came for the same reasons Reiner did, even if he sounded chill or relaxed, he stayed true to his word lol. This is specifically what that commander gross meant when speaking to Grisha at the wall, that people actually want to see cruelty and that can be applied when we see the "bad guys" get hurt or killed. And in this perspective, after watching Reiner and the crew, you get a sense of remorse. Because now they feel like the good guys. This is where the best part of AoT begins, hard to root for anyone anymore.


"Merely a fluke" means, it was supposed to happen, but somehow has not. Willy's basically saying, the world should have already been destroyed by the rumbling, but by some odd stroke of chance, it has not.


One of the best episodes of the entire show? Oh okay , oh okay 😏😏


Interesting thing about the colossals in the walls: There is a story about a miner in the mid-episode card from season 1 episode 25. He tried to dig a tunnel under the wall to get outside. But he hit a hard floor of rock. Basically the wall titans are dug down into the earth by about 10 metres. That's why Bertholdt could peek over the wall.


its nice when they arent shouting over the show trying to predict every 5 seconds what will happen.


yea, Connie grew 3 feet in 4 years.... and sounds like a woman...and has hair. sure. its Connie.

killezio3 killezio3

(Reiner handing knife to Eren during their cadet training) “Here Eren, you play the bad guy now.”


Hahaha I love how STUNNED you both were when the episode ended. XD


none of your points are valid so not sure what this weird comment is for. It does sound a bit like a woman I guess?


The words in the opening “You are the enemy now” do hit differently right? The stunned silence is correct. This was the chapter in the manga that catapulted Eren into being one of the greatest characters I have come across in fiction. The revenge seeking Eren is gone, and we have a more frightening version at hand. It’s funny cause the fans used to find Eren annoying because of how loud and obnoxious he could come across (even though I fully empathised with his anger given his trauma). I always said even back then that I dont want Eren being a calm collected version because that version is much more dangerous. And this isnt a sudden turn even. Season after season we saw Eren’s voice grow lower, as he learned more and more. This was always the character growth intended. His gradual descent and well here we are. The writer is now challenging us to more discomfort as the whole concept of good guys vs bad guys has been demolished. The fact that this show begins as borderline shounen bait is the perfect setup for this.

David Caine

Well, here we go, let the real game begin.


Fun fact: after this episode aired, "declaration of war" trended on twitter and needless to say, a lot of people that don't watch AoT were confused LOL

Hannah N

ooh yeah i remember that, it was literally a few days after the us capitol was stormed so everyone was already really freaked out Before it started trending


great episode but not top 3. Still this show broke Eren he went from a boy seeking vengeance against monsters, to a man willing to kill every human for his goals. I love it.

Maia Brodsky

Did you guys forget that Falco and Colt are brothers? You kind of seemed to be talking as though you didn't know who Colt (already mentioned as the Beast successor) was.


I don't think I can make a sentence is a sentence.

Patrick Wotton

This was one of AOT's most cleverly crafted episodes. They drew that string of tension more and more and more taut, that the build up when it snapped as pure magic.

C Cuenca

Lol you know one reason for why eren might seem dead or empty inside this season, is also probably b/c he went through first hand racism and holocaust through his dad’s memories and the ones before that, i can only imagine what that would do to a person


I definitely recommend the next 3 to be watched together as well


Are you ready to put AOT in your “love of your life” tier?


I'm not sure who is enjoying themselves more. You two on vacation or me enjoying this reaction. It's close.


8:46 min Annie's father mentions that BERNARD's father (Hoover) passed away in bed :(


I would 100000000% recommend watching the entire series over again before the 2nd part of the season starts.. id even watch another reaction to it just to see how mind blown you'll be at AAALLLLLLL the little things you've definitely missed lol .. even in the intros ect.. I've re-watched it 6 times myself haha. Isayama is a F**king Genius!!!!!


this season is gonna hit u like a mf-ing truck and part 2 will hit you like a plane. i love you both, make sure to take breaks lol. also love how this is the first time u get to hear s4 eren speak for a long time, his convo with eren rlly shows how tired he is and how he's matured but there are just things he has to do and he's accepted that.


When are these girls coming back?


Please delete your comment they haven’t seen past this episode you donkey.


I think they're already back because they filmed 5 episodes in one sitting so they can still upload while not here


episode so good now adays some may forget to like the video till later -_-


Id argue its N1 actually. How come its no in the top 3? Which ones are better for you? Just curious.


This is the true progression of the story... cliffhangers. First you hate them then you need them xD


Yes please, a reaction to a second rewatch


This episode is a perfect highlight of the nothingness in Eren’s eyes that reflects his broken state in the finale of Season 3. I think it’s so tragic that the excitable and passionate Eren has been broken to the point he is. I think that nothing but his sense of duty to provide freedom to those in the walls is driving him forward.

Christian Medeiros

Curious what everyone here thinks about the OST they used for the buildup/transformation at the end. I used to think it was good bc it felt sad that Eren was attacking people that had no involvement in war but also that the moment felt empty from the music. Also, the only thing people could mention as a replacement was YOUSEEBIGGIRL which is really a conflicting and unnecessary song for the tone the scene has. This Samuel Kim cover of an official track I think fits amazing here since it still feels somber but has an epicness to it that makes the scene so much more impactful imo. <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DcPk3xB1VsE" width="560"></iframe> ... be careful about spoilers in recommended and comments.


Who noticed that person in the audience getting his head smashed by a huge rock at 21:38?


They would probably do it by themselves so they can enjoy it better, but I would love a recap of every season and what they thought about rewatching all of them

David Caine

Not only was this episode one of the top of the series, both of your reactions were probably the best of all the episodes so far. I am just glad Lola was taken aback by the reference to Eren's motto of being born in this world. I don't think any single other reactor had a reaction to that or what it meant. That indeed Eren is the same as Reiner and all the rest in Marley. And that Eren is not nihilistic, he will do what it takes to survive. But then when Willy declares war, Eren's surprised look turns to a self affirmation as he closes his eyes, and then a half smile. I am glad this also your favorite season for both. I understand that people like the second half of the third season the best. But these past five episodes have as much meat to savor as the past three seasons, and all of that feels like a prologue or a prequel. This is where the story feels like it's gonna pay off.

Robert H.

All the episodes so far have been very good, both visually and in terms of content. The next two episodes were the most criticized in terms of animation. I think it's better to compare the animation between the studios at the end of the season. Personally, I'm saddened by the Beast Titan, the Attack Titan, and the action with the 3D maneuver gear. In season 2 and 3, the Beast Titan was the Titan with the best animation. I still get goosebumps when he bends down in 2x01. And the incredible 3D maneuver gear action, where you felt pressed into the seat and thought to yourself "damn, that looks great", unfortunately was not so in Season 4. Especially with the action I hope in Season 4 Part 2 for an improvement. In the trailer you could already see that Mappa wants to continue using the same 3D models for the Titans.


Season 4 really is the best


Not too sure why everyone felt so sorry for Reiner, He marked himself as the bad guy once he broke the wall in the first season. Sure you could say he was brainwashed into doing it, but he still did it. Any action Erin took in retaliation is pretty much justified giving the fact none of it would have happened if Reiner just backed his bags and went home when the mission went south.


I think there’s several aspects you’re not taking into consideration. First of all Reiner and the others warriors were like 11 or something when they were send to break the wall. All of them were teached since practically their birth that eldians on paradise were devils and responsible for their current situation and how they were treated on the continent. In addition to that there was the familial situation of Reiner with his mother that was hoping to live with his father, pushing Reiner to become a warrior in the hope of becoming a « functional » family. I’m not saying that Reiner’s actions are excusable or « not a big deal » at all, just that judging a 11 year old kid and holding him completely responsible for actions he was basically forced to take considering his life circumstances is bit inappropriate don’t you think ? Furthermore even if Reiner accepted to go back to Marley after marcel was eaten, it would’ve changed nothing, Marley would’ve just give the armored to another warrior candidate and resumed the operation. Reiner is not some kind of perfect character that always makes the morally good choices but neither is Eren. Both of them did horrible things, « forced » by their respectives lives circumstances but kept pushing forward, thus the whole « we are the same » speech by eren in the episode. (Sorry that was a bit long lol but it’s complicated to explain such a complex situation in few words lol)


The war begins. And yes, the rumbling is real. If the rumbling is unleashed everyone on Earth will die that is certain. There is literally nothing you can do. It's the end of all life on Earth.


This week is gonna be crazy, I've been waiting for these reactions ever since I started watching them 🥰


I wonder if theyre thinking about AoT while on their break


Milena's face when she realised what kind of weapon Eren and people from the island have...


2:27 Lola's American "Mean Girls" accent is spot on and much appreciated.

Joshua Miller

Watching this one episode per week when it was airing was so brutal

Joshua Miller

"i dont think i can make [video cuts] a sentence" lol this statement checks out