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Mike is MUCH younger than you two think. Remember, this show is a prequel so Mike is actually younger than he was in Breaking Bad even though his actor is older. Remember when Mike said he has experience with that bolt action Vietnam-era rifle when he was buying it to kill Hector? That hints that Mike served as a sharpshooter in the Vietnam war, which means he was likely born in the early-mid 40s. (the US entered the Vietnam war in 1965 so if Mike was 18 when he went over he would have been born in 1947 but he could have been a few years older being a sharpshooter). This episode takes place in early March 2003 (for reference BB episode 1 takes place in early September 2008) which means Mike is in his late 50s to early 60s right now. I would guess he's 59 (born in 1943 went to Vietnam at age 21). This also means that Mike most likely wasn't even 70 years old yet when Walter killed him. Interestingly, Jonathan Banks is 74, but he was 61 when he first appeared in season 2 of Breaking Bad which is actually younger than his character was. But if we say Mike was the same age as Johnathan Banks when he first appeared, then Mike would only be 56 right now which is the same age he would be if he entered the war at 18 and was born in 1947 so he very well could be as young as 56 in the story.


Mike is MUCH younger than you two think. Remember, this show is a prequel so Mike is actually younger than he was in Breaking Bad even though his actor is older. Remember when Mike said he has experience with that bolt action Vietnam-era rifle when he was buying it to kill Hector? That hints that Mike served as a sharpshooter in the Vietnam war, which means he was likely born in the early-mid 40s (the US entered the Vietnam war in 1965 so if Mike was 18 when he went over he would have been born in 1947 but he could have been a few years older being a sharpshooter). This episode takes place in early March 2003 (for reference BB episode 1 takes place in early September 2008 so we are still quite a ways away) which means Mike is in his late 50s to early 60s right now. I would guess he's 59 (born in 1944 went to Vietnam at age 21). This also means that Mike most likely wasn't even 70 years old yet when Walter killed him. Interestingly, Jonathan Banks is 74, but he was 61 when he first appeared in season 2 of Breaking Bad which is actually younger than Mike would be at that point if Mike is 59 now. But if we say Mike was the same age as Johnathan Banks when he first appeared, then Mike would only be 56 right now which is the same age he would be if he was born in 1947 and entered the war at 18 so he very well could be as young as 56 at this point in the story. (BB season 2 takes place mostly in November and December of 2008 and 2008 - 61 years is 1947).


Seemed like Eren understands both sides like Reiner and he isn't doing it out of revenge he just has no choice which is just tragic


The US was also in Vietnam into the early 70s. There's nothing that I'm aware of that says Mike was there in 1965. It's possible some dialogue about the rifle may reveal a more solid time frame, but I'm not aware of it. He could have been there closer to 1970. I believe it was stated that Mike worked for Philly PD for around 30 years. I figure he probably served in Vietnam, left the military and got hired on as an officer, likely in his mid 20s. So Mike is probably in his mid 50s when we're introduced to him in Better Call Saul.