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so no one understood the assignment when we said we don’t want 700 comments of the same shows 🤣 but we went through all of them and these four were the most asked. 

these are all animes which is expected. considering we haven’t watched animes before we have a lot more options there than for other shows. 

we’re always gonna try to keep our channel a blend of live action/ animes. we’ve also already decided what live action show we’re gonna watch after bcs, because it got most votes (not including anime) and it’s the show we also want to watch the most - the expanse. 

in the meantime we’re gonna try to pop another short series by the end of the year if we manage to find time 😊



Can’t wait for the expanse, have fun!


Though demon slayer and jujutsu kaisen are shonen fun, I'm confident that the girls will get more enjoyment with a more character driven and plot heavy show like death note. Death note is the best choice here!


Tough between Demon Slayer and Death Note. Demon Slayer might be better timed though, as season 2 comes out on December 5th.


With these girls, FMA:B would end up having like 3 or 4 characters (minimum) they fall in love with. Pleasssse everyone. Please!


Oh yes! I haven’t started the expanse yet, im just gonna wait for you guys to start it then watch it with you


Honestly I just feel like Demon Slayer + Jujutsu Kaisen are not your kind of shows.


Didn't Lola already watched Death Note? I prefer FMAB so they both go in blind.


Like who wants them to watch demon slayer or jujutsu kaisen . It's just shows with no story . Just good fighting scenes


If Death Note wins, I recommend watching the English dub since since you've already reacted to the Attack On Titan sub. Plus the English dub for that show is pretty great. Same thing goes for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and if this show, just a heads up that there are post credit scenes for episodes 6, 8, 28-49

TJ Major

Come on yall. Death Note is good of course but imagine how attached they'll get to the characters in FMAB! Thats where L&M excel at and FMAB is the PERFECT show after AOT. Also, IT'S FINISHED! No waiting. This is a no brainer imo. 🤷🏿‍♂️


If Death Note ends up winning, I STRONGLY encourage you to watch the Dub version. Death Note has one of the best dubs ever made, and many people will agree with me. Voice actors have done a fantastic job and their voices will always be that of the characters in my mind. I'll remind you of THAT scene in epsiode 17. Enough said.

Peter Tran

Jjk and demon slayer is not their type of show


Yes but I would really like to see them watch something lighter than the usual. Also demon slayer and jjk are running series and the characters in both of them are just so good and fun to watch


Little off topic but where were my homies for HunterxHunter has a combination of good story with good action.


Yasss the Expanse


Death note is a must watch


Okay, Death Note is just a classic, and you really have to watch it, I think with your emotional capacity and understanding of the humane elements of the story, you will both really enjoy it. BUT! As you're coming off of AoT, I think we might wanna throw something a bit more lighthearted and "hype," I guess, at you. So, Jujutsu Kaisen it is, for my choice. It's also modern in setting and time frame, and created by the same studio as AoT season 4, so art and execution is amazing! But tbh, I'll be happy to watch anything you post😁


Death note is overrated, I hope FMA:B wins.


Don’t think you’d like Demon Slayer or JJK, Death Note is great which I voted for but feel like you’d like FMAB the most because of its characters. Death Note is also a lot shorter (30 ish episodes and 60 ish for FMAB)


I was rooting for Sons Of Anarchy so bad. Guess it's another Anime and the expense then..


Judging by the comments… I guess either FMAB or Death Note, y’all should flip a coin or something lol



Bryan Salazar

I would recommend you girls watch One Punch Man. It’s so chill, yet thrilling. And short, might I add.


If you enjoy theorizing abt the plot and understanding character motivations, go for death note. If you enjoy high quality shonen with a less complex plot (e.g. Demons being evil for the sake of being demons) then you can pick either jjk or ds. For a longer classic story with good arcs and charges, choose fmab


Season 2 will still be there later. And they hate waiting weekly and like binging.

Norrin Radd

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (dubbed) is widely understood to be the greatest anime of all time, so I recommend that regardless of the poll results you watch that. ~ Your Friend


I second watching the Dub for Death Note. It will make it easier to follow :)


I am so behind the expanse, greatest Sci fi show right now. FMa brotherhood or demon slayer

Alex Antonio

You're going to love The Expanse. It's a slow burn at the start, but once it gets going it doesn't let up.


Damn all of them are so so good


if you watch with dub im gonnaaa loose my mind :)


I also highly recommend the dub for death note. It’s amazing, better than the dub for AoT so it’s a no brainer in my personal opinion.


I agree with a lot of people that the Death Note dub is great but a ‘certain characters’ laugh in the Japanese is so good :// hope they pick Sub :)


Hell yeah DEATH NOTE let's goooooo, a true classic masterpiece


Do the English dub please (if Death Note or FMAB gets picked). It's honestly great and a preference for many.


Yesssssssss. I was hoping you’d watch The Expanse 🙂🙂🙂 Looks like I’ll be subscribed for much longer! I like Death Note a lot too


I can't pick lmao


Pick the sub just for that scene? Have you heard the dub in Episodes 2, 5, and 17?

maurizio piras

don't listen to the dub people,always go with sub for anime


Same. Especially considering that before Better Call Saul was released, I was recommending everyone who like BrBa to watch SoA. But it was clear an anime will win, I just hope it's Death Note. I'm not a fan of anime, but I read the Manga multiple times and it is really good.


Sub or Dub is good for death note in my opinion


loool that’s why i haven’t watched these two shows


But really when is Milena going to watch Lord of the Rings?


FMAB is incredible and I'll definitely be voting it after AOT ends. But Death Note HAS to be watched. Finding someone who hasn't seen it is very rare. Everybody knows about it. It's worth capturing their first reactions for all the iconic moments in DN we all love.


I was expecting Demon slayer to win by far, however let's be real, Death Note is an amazing anime for them


Death Note will live in your hearts and your minds, rent free


Death Note and FMAB

T. Wizzle

The English Dub of Death Note is really good.


All four are very fun shows, but Death Note is a pretty essential "must-try" anime :) and also conceptually the most distinct from the poll. Highly recommend the English dub for it also, the main characters' voices are SO awesome.

Calvin Delaney

Voted for Death Note but i probably love FMAB more i just want to be on the winning side and Death Note is like on the essentials List to me, and the Dub is really great also!


I always preferred the sub for Death Note, but the dub is good too. I'm fine with either.


I'm really glad you watching the Expanse, looks like I will be subscribed for a while too!! Thanks Girls, my #1s

Joaquín Calderón

Death Note is good just the first half and FMA is one of the best shows in anime's history and it's finished being 100% original to the manga. It's a MUST to see.


They are gonna love AB and CA <3


Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is one of the best anime ever made. Death Note is up there too (even if the second part is pretty bad compared to the first one). And Demon Slayers is definitely worth it too! Episode 19 is one of my all-time favorite episode in anime. Although, I think it would be better for your channel to try to time your reaction for Demon Slayers so that you can react to Season 2 has it's airing. You will get more views (and new viewers) that way. Jujutsu Kaisen is good, but nowhere near the others, in my opinion. Although, it's pretty popular currently, so I guess it would be good if you want to get more viewers. Note: English DUB is really good for both Death Note and Full Metal Alchemist if you prefer to watch it in English. Although, I would strongly suggest still keeping the english subtitles for the viewers even if you watch the Dub. It's easier to follow when we can read it too.

Mati D.

Death Note is a massive must so that's my vote.


Holy shit you guys are watching The Expanse after BCS?!?!? Fuck YES!!!


*It would be great to see their Fate series reaction, but it's never going to happen cuz no one gives a shit about Fate in 2021 and the watch order are scuffed and they won't play VN, Sadge* *sigh* Death Note please.


As many have said, the English dubs for Death Note and FMA:B are great compared to most English dubs -- but at least still consider watching the Japanese dubs, I feel like they capture the emotions of the character better, even if slightly.


I voted for FMAB but death note is also really good and a « must watch » when it comes to anime. Like some people already said, the English dub is extremely good for death note so I would recommend for you to watch it in English but the sun is also solid.


I can already hear the endless "my boys!" just seeing FMA:B on the list lol. Even if it's not now I hope they see it later. I really think they would love the characters.


Euphoria on HBO is a great short series for you to squeeze in


I do like Death Note a lot, but i hate the english dub, it has incorrect translation compared to sub


The expanse is amazing, you will love it. For the anime i voted fmab, it is the most similar to avatar and korra but death note is great too


Death Note is good, but drags in the second half. FMAB is near perfect.

food. just food

given how much they like characters I thought FMAB would win but Death Note is an absolute classic


People that say that demon slayer wont fit them, clearly dont know what they talking about. perfect to watch after a show like korra, a light balanced show to watch is Demon slayer/aot. got best boys and best girls with sibling bonding witch they like. i hope they gonna watch Death Note and FMA but Demon slayer would def be better atm.


Death Note was great but it’s kinda old, I don’t get why people recommend it everywhere… it’ll be cool to see them react to it but the more recent stuffs have so much to offer … why reminisce over that show again and again ?? I’m good either way but it’s kinda sad


I just hope that if Death Note wins, you’ll at least watch it subbed … plz 😭❤️😍


If you’re looking for a short series may I suggest Chernobyl, it’s only 5 episodes and it’s an amazing series


I second that. It's outstanding on many levels and it's faithful to the real historic event.


even though Jujutsu is the last, you should consider it watching nevertheless, since it is only 24 episodes (so far)


Death Note is an excellent series i hope we win lol


Demmmmon slayer plz


Death Note is amazing but they need something lighter after AOT Brotherhiod is an amazing show with tons of themes the would like


FMAB is 100% up your alley

Jonathan Guzman

Nah fam. These are not doing it for me.


I guess I have to watch Death Note then so I an watch the reactions. I also agree that FMAB would be perfect for them in terms of characters and all but since I've only watched 4 episodes of Death Note I can't say if it's better or not.


Hunter X Hunter would have been perfect in terms of lenght (147Ep) and Quality.


Looks like death note will win watch it in dubbed its really good no need to watch it subbed


YES DEATH NOTE!!! You guys are going to love it. The discussions will be a lot of fun I'm sure.


I guess this will give me a reason to watch death note, the only one of these i have seen is full metal.(which I thought was highly overrated, though it aint bad)


Oh THE EXPANSE is a great show. But I didn't write it in because I think it's not a very good "reaction" show. The show is very deep and nuanced so watching an edited episode there's a lot of details that will be missed. But I guess I'll tune in for the discussions. Those should be fun. Either way, I am glad you guys will be able to enjoy this series. And just my opinion, S1 is the weakest. But if you keep going, the show gets A LOT better in later seasons. It will pay off.


every reaction channel i love turns into anime reactions 😥


even if certain things are inaccurate, the meaning isn't lost as I recall.


I really hope FMAB wins. I don't think they'd like Death Note anywhere near as much as FMAB

Mortadha Alzergani

Uggggh death note is so basic! Like it was good in it’s prime but now, in comparison to everything else that’s come out, it’s just… basic. I reaaaaaally hope FMAB wins.


I hope FMAB wins. Not sure why people wanted Death Note that badly


Naruto :(


Please do English dub for Death note or Brotherhood they are both very good unlike Attack on Titian dub

Lachlan Smith

FMA is absolutely amazing throughout, where as I felt DN peaked in the middle. Still a very good show regardless.


yay expanse! the last kingdom is also great


I agree the death note dub is extremely good and I also prefer it to the sub


Why decide for them what they will and won’t like? What if they turn out to actually like one of the shows I think they definitely could turn out to enjoy Demon slayer.


I hate how bad of a reputation Demon slayer is getting here they might very well enjoy it but at this point everyone is clearly deciding that they wouldn’t like it. Such a shame in the future they’ll be very put off to even try to react to I feel like.


I really want demon slayer one day but at this point with how many people are saying you won’t like it which I do disagree with you never know but I doubt it’s ever going to happen because of how people are just putting the show down. And even if you ever decide to react to it I doubt you’ll be very excited at this point. But since there is no way demon slayer is winning this one I vote Death note especially dubbed because it’s an amazing show.


I am so excited for The Expanse! My holy trinity of shows is The Wire, The Expanse, and Attack on Titan. 3 shows that have many layers and lay the groundwork for later events from the very beginning, though this one is going to frustrate you a lot less than AoT with not knowing answers. You're going to have incredible discussions about this show and about each character and their motivations and how we got here. And you're definitely going to spot things on editing and rewatch that you missed during first watch.


They would not like DS. Not elaborate enough, basic ass story, extremely predictable, just maximizes their VFX and people jizzed about it all year lmao




How’s JJK not winning this🤨 2nd best is death note tho so it’s cool lol


Love you twos' reactions! Just wanna say, if Death Note wins, pls watch it in dub! or at the very least do a poll dub vs sub!


Code Geass should be up there too. I agree I think they'll really like it. Probably more than all these shows above since I think it's the closest to AOT.


Yeah the girls would love Code Geass, it should be up there instead of JJK and Demon Slayer


Bojack Horseman


Death Note is great, but they need to watch FMAB! It's the kind of big adventure with lovable characters that they're gonna fall in love with


i really hoped they would watch a show thats shorter since they came off of aot, full metal is 3 times as long as the other 3 which is rough, i really hope demon slayer somehow pulls through

Shelby Baumann

Man I know everyone is going to pressure you all to watch Fullmetal in dub. I get that it’s an older show and people watched dub more back in the day but the sub is so much better. Ed (the main character) is voiced by Hange from AoT’s voice actor and she kills it. The dub Ed is so looney tunes cartoon sounding. Not mention Light from Deathnote voicing Ling and there are plenty of other great voice actors I’m not mentioning. I’ve just watched a lot of scenes in both sub and dub and the dub really can’t hold a candle. I honestly believe that a lot of people only like the dub because it’s just what they watched first and never watched it in sub. I’m not saying dub isn’t worth watching. It’s a great show and I totally respect people wanting you guys to watch the way they did


No one is putting the show down. They're just saying the girls won't like it as much as other shows. I like Demon Slayer, but I don't really want them to watch it either. Its more basic in plot compared to FMAB, AoT, Death Note, etc.


the characters are very good, the story is not at all basic that makes no sense. and plus you really cant say what they would like especially if its a anime. season 2 is coming out too which is a perfect timing and the movie is the the most well made anime movie yet. so your opinion shouldnt dictate what they like my guy


Death Note and HunterxHunter are two anime’s that you guys would love.


Well that's what the poll is for. Death Note is clearly winning. (Personally I voted for FMAB)


Really? The idea of theorizing about plot and understanding character motivations isn't a thing for FMAB in your opinion? Mustang, Bradley, the bros, the father, guy with the scar? They're not complex you think? Death Note's character motivations are extremely clear from episode 2. The protagonist explains his immediately after all. Not hating on DN, the plot is amazing. But FMAB's characters are more complex imo.


I mean, the animation can get looney too. It's part of FMAB's charm. I tried the sub for FMAB, but prefer the dub. Mustang's voice, Bradley's voice, all the voices from the seven ones, and best of all, Armstrong's voice lol. All those are so good in dub in my opinion. The actors really got into it. Also, the dubbed version has voice actor outtake scenes, not available for sub, so it's a small bonus.


Sub please


I know you guys like to do the original audio, but I think you should also do a poll for sub vs dub because for specifically FMAB the dub is very very good compared to most other anime English dubs


erased is anime short 12 episodes, try to know it , is very good


other very good Dororo 24 episodes




Yes!!! The Expanse!!!


Some people mentioned Code Geass earlier and I just want to add that I think this series will be to your taste the most out of all these shows. Since you guys love Attack On Titan, I think Code Geass is the closest to AOT with a larger cast of characters + focused on war with supernatural powers. So maybe you guys want to add it to the poll next time so you get to watch it eventually. I think you'll love Death Note as well but that's just because it's such a masterpiece that it's hard not to love. I don't know if AOT or Death Note is more to your taste but from your love of AOT, I would highly recommend Code Geass as a future series to watch.


I also love code geass and thought they should watch it!! Is it not on the list cuz they watched it already?


I just watched dub and sub of Death Note, first time that I think both are really enjoyable!! I find Light’s voice in japanese sound more gentle, soft and careful. Whereas in english it’s a normal more manly voice. The japanese ver. suits and adds to his character more, because of his sensitivity and attention to detail.

Neil Patel

Death note but just the first half. You can skip the second half


Also the atmosphere of Death Note is actually similar to AOT S4’s tone 😂 both dark and about people dying lol. Which is both perfect and abit heavy for you :)


WTF no way. It's one thing to think 2nd half isn't as good as 1st half but it's crazy to skip it. It's not that bad. It's still excellent writing compared to many other works.


Maybe you could watch the first episode for each of them and then see which one piques your interest? They all have pretty solid first episodes in terms of setting up the story and introducing the cast and themes.

Jon Rose

wow im genuinely surprised demon slayer isn't number 1 lol. hopefully they choose to react to demon slayer still they would love it

Markub El Jaden

Why is Death Note winning? Let it die already, FMA:B is a much better show for reactions since it has a much bigger cast with many lovable characters as well as the fact that it handle much more diverse themes than DN.


Cool opinion but obviously more people prefer Death Note. And not just by a small margin but with over 100 more votes. Why should your one opinion override 100 other people's opinions? Just accept it and let it go. Be happy for people who want to see Death Note and hope that FMA will win next time.


unpopular opinion but I hope you guys dont turn in to an 95% anime channel just to cater to some of the more vocal people. There are some good anime shows but there is also a lot of popular ones that people go nuts for that is just alright.. and some have like 500 seasons too


I could have that same opinion on most live action TV shows as well lol. How's anime any diffrent? I mean it just sounds like you personally like it that much. Regardless, they said themselves they plan to continue both so it doesn't matter...


I would also like to put my vote in for the Death Note Dub :)


Dang I would have preferred FMAB to win but deathnote is good too. I actually prefer to watch both of them in dub too. Not trying to start a flame war of sub vs. Dub tho lol


Damn I love FMAB or JJK, but deathnotewill be good too. I thought I had heard in the past that Lola had already watched it though? Might be wrong


Agreed. Same goes for Vinland Saga. Some people just want to see a reaction to their favorite anime without really considering if it fits the taste of Lola and Milena. I'm not saying they won't like Death Note at all but judging by their love for AoT, Vikings, and Avatar, FMAB and Vinland would've been smarter choices. That being said, ultimately Death Note won the poll fair and square.


just watch it all in the order of popular votes


Death note please!!!


I was pulling for FMAB but damn DN and Expanse. I can't argue against them. Those are great follow ups IMO


IMO they should only watch grounded emotional/really interesting story (or characters) anime without the wacky screaming characters that most shonens have. I'd say Death Note, Vinland Saga (given their love for vikings this one is a no brainer), Erased (compact and emotional). I'd say don't watch stuff like DS, JJK, MHA and other super shonen fight focused anime. From what I recall the girls didnt really care for insanely animated action scenes in AOT so shows that mostly shine because of animation just wouldn't be up their alley. Ofcourse I am noone to decide what they watch but thats what I think.


I hope hunter X enter the poll in the future. It's just have really lovable characters


I understand your sentiment but unfortunately shonen anime are the most popular ones so they'll probably get suggested and voted in the most. Whereas some more mature & obscure anime are probably more L&M's cup of tea but they'll never get voted in due to lack of popularity. Quite a dilemma if they decide to watch anime shows based on popularity.


i agree


If Death Note wins its one of the only animes I'd actually recommend watching in dub (with subtitles as well like you do with live action shows). I think the performances in the dub are incredible and I wish more animes had dubs of similar quality


the dub in death note is ok but in japanese it's still so much better stop asking for dub all the times please.. you want it in dub ? watch the full reaction with your dub


out of these 4 shows, Death Note is one i have not seen yet. Despite I rather see reactions for shows i have already watched like Hunter x Hunter or Demon Slayer, it’ll be fresh and interesting to watch Death Note for the first time with you both.


Just started reading all the comments and... omg, what do you mean making a poll to see if they watch the sub or the dub? let them watch the show the way they want. They'll probably go for the dub because if I'm not mistaken they've mentioned they like to see things in the original version. I am like that too. It's ok the dub is superior according to you guys, but let them watch things the way they want.


I would love JJK (the movie is coming out soon and the hype will benefit -more- your channel). HOWEVER, Death Note is a classic, it's already over....I didn't quite like THAT much the last arc, BUT MAN, you are in for a ride. 🤘


I'm for a poll because on their AOT reaction they said they watched the sub version because most people asked for it, showing that they're open to both. Also the sub version is the original, not the dub.


Death note masterpiece

Ken Drummer

Death Note is on another level.


Didn’t expect death note to go so far, but I think FMAB is way better


When talking about the death note dub I think people forget the abundance of dialog in this show done by supporting or unimportant characters which don't come close to the dub voices of the main cast. Watching death note in dub wasn't immersive when it came to world building or informative scenes which play a major part in the shows storytelling.

Jafeth Díaz

death note is great and it's probably a better option for reactors (in terms of views), but i still wish FMA wins. The girls would probably enjoy it more


during the intro of the first episode AOT you said you've already watched Death note ...

Joaquín Calderón

I hope you watch FMAB instead of death Note because you'll feel more attached to the characters and Death Note goes boring after the half of the series


That short series could be invincible. It’s only 8 episodes and fans and reactors went crazy over it. Would love to see your guys take on it one day


A good short series could be Squid Game, pretty popular and I found it good

Matrx Zeno

Oh boy I can already smell the salt of those who didnt want death note 😂


all the salt id give is if they went dub instead of sub.


Watch deathnote dubbed I beg


Hasn’t lola already seen death note though? She mentioned that in their aot 1x01 reaction i think. Edit: just saw she mentioned under another comment that she casually watched it on tv sometimes and doesn’t remember most of it…

Ken Drummer

Joaquin Calderon Death Note is a classic and it’s short they can go to FMAB after that one and please don’t try to trash the show saying it gets boring just to get them to choose yours let them watch and decide for themselves. It’s not up to you it’s up to the voters.


I'd love for you to watch death note, but isn't it too much watching two heavy masterpieces a week? xD


I'm shocked that FMAB not leading, fingers crossed it will be in the future


It wasn't listed here but Mob Psycho would be definitely worth your time. Great characters, Funny moments, Great animation, it runs the gamut of emotions. 2 Seasons: 25 episodes, FMA is great but its too long, It will take you guys years to finish it, Lol.

Emiilio Astudiillo

They should make a great video reacting to the first episode of each anime, since all 4 are a great wonder and give the winner of which they will give the opportunity and in the future to whom they will give it. Personally, I would like you to see HxH, Tokyo Revengers, Erased, parasyte :)


I wish banana fish was on here. I love the aot reactions and I love how y’all treat them as your children I did the same with banana fish characters, so it would have been great to see y’all react to it. Hopefully in the future.


I think you will love evangelion, pls consider that :))


Why do people want you to do Demon Slayer? There is nothing to discuss!