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aot 3x22

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Dan Mena

Can't wait for your theories for season 4, I haven't read the manga so gonna be in the same page


uncut reaction squad


Time to get my snacky snacks


YES, we will be free


Hiii I think the shell is a metaphor for them leaving the confines of their walls or somethin


Oi shh spoilsss


hahahahaha i thought it was a premonition of our characters becoming a shell of themsleves

Neil Patel

Oh boy here comes season 4. Ya'll are in for a hell of a ride


It's Attack on Tuesday 😁

Alex Antonio

What always hits me is just how damn tired Eren looks at the end.





Mahni Alizadeh

they weren't saying "ackermann" in that quote at the beginning. "Akuma" in Japanese means devil I think


I heard y'all say in an earlier episode that someone said the animation quality drops in season 4. I was also worried about that but don't think it is an issue. The animation studio changed, and while the animation style is markedly different, I don't think the quality takes a hit.


It's like Armin always hoped that there was a sea out there and now when he saw it he was really happy but for eren it's like he always knew there is a sea out there but he doesn't have the freedom to go see it..


Your supposed to watch till the very end of the episode!! The credits and everything


tbh wit studio (1-3 seasons) def trumps the final season (mappa). this is not saying mappa did not do well, just not as good. but overall its still aot, its still good and while the titans look horrendous at times, its still a great show. just rly wished wit took over because theyve been doing aot since the beginning so its a huge risk to change into a diff studio this late into the game


love this episode. truly feels like a chapter is closing. very excited for your reactions to season 4 and beyond

Sean Carroll

Eren kissing Historias hand. Anime watchers: wait what was that?? Manga readers: HOLY SHITTTTTTTT!!!


when will full lenght be up?




Lola lowkey looks traumatized/depressed knowing the truth, like u can tell she feels so sad for the characters’ tragic future that awaits for them. Hope u take care of urself and get back to good spirits :’|

Sean Carroll

Why do people always refuse to understand flochs point of view? He was just calling out both the main characters and the viewers bias by choosing armin (a teenage boy) over commander Erwin (an experienced battle hardened leader). The choice was completely illogical to those who saw Erwin as their saviour, floch was the only one brave enough to say it and he was 100%right. Don’t forget floch also lost all his friends in the beast titan charge but no one ever cares about that because he’s a “new character”, he truly shows us how much main character bias there is. Isn’t the whole point of attack on titan to understand all sides of the war, but just because someone told the cold hard truth you don’t like or care for his character, that’s childish thinking.

Alejandro Gil

I always interpreted it this way. Seeing the sea was Armin's dream (his curiosity to learn and experience new things). Eren co-opted that dream and to him seeing the sea would signify he was finally free. Except now seeing the sea means that the memories of his dad that he relived were accurate and there is a country of people who hate and oppress his kind. He isn't free, he just escaped a small cage that's inside a much bigger one.


He has a point, but he’s a little bitch. That’s why no one listens to him lol.


People being angry that Armin got the serum is a natural reaction to have. Armin was a nobody to the military soldiers or even the common people. I mean Armin is not their friend or family, why would they care about him? Erwin is their leader and commander. Every high-ranking official worth his salt must've been livid after hearing about Levi's choice. You don't just choose to bring a 15-year old kid over your most senior experienced commander who brought you to victory. That's what's happening here. People are feeling angry that they took a gamble to bring back a newbie soldier (with potential) over the commander.


Nobody cares you're a manga reader bro


Roughly when can we expect S4?


Is there an idea of when the full reaction goes out? Wondering whether I wait tonight or it's for tomorrow :)


Looking forward to Lost Girls, I really like Mikasa's part the most personally and I think you guys will too


this was great and I'm so excited for S4!!!

Jer emy

Will you be taking a break or upload s4e1 on friday??


I feel emotional every time watching the scene where Eren comforts Armin about freedom and then the dramatic pause. It showed and made me feel Eren’s traumatized state so much.


in AoT it's like the characters are in a competition whose fate is sadder/more fucked up, and somehow they are all winning.


Yall are going to love season 4, it's really good.


I think back to season 1 when Erwin asked Eren who he thought the real enemy was.


I have never not cried at the final moments of this episode. the emotion, the dialogue, the fade into music. it ends one of my favorite anime experiences of all time (this season) and begins another amazing one. glad to be on this journey with you two


The ovas are really great, the only thing I think you should keep in mind is that a lot of weird stuff happens in mikasa’s ova that never really comes up again in the rest of the show and I recommend not thinking too hard abt the specifics of it because it will definitely mess up your understating of the story as a whole


perfect ending for such an amazing season - i love this episode so much !!


Hearing you guys talk and theorize about season 4 leads me to believe that you’ll enjoy the entirety of it, even the ending which a lot of ppl dislike


Getting triggered by seeing literally any body of water, im lmao xDDD


It's more about the sheer distrust I would have as a Scout against Eren, Levi, and Mikasa. Anyone who joined the Scouts put themselves at the highest amount of risk imaginable to accomplish their goals. Having such a fragile existence, all you can rely on are your skills and your fellow Scouts to be of the same mind of service and sacrifice. However, it's painfully clear that that's not the case. Eren and Mikasa will choose their close friend over the purpose of the Scouts. In many instances, that would be noble to value your loved ones so highly. However, it is SO unfair that they ask every member of the scouts to ride out and die for their sake, yet when faced with a hard situation, they choose their friend. Floch's main point is what sticks out, in my opinion: "You guys better start telling the truth before you start recruiting again." Admit to people who join that their personal priorities take precedence. Otherwise, it's messed up that the Scouts are just "fodder" to keep the "special" ones safe. Wonderful reaction, by the way! I can't wait to enjoy S4 with you all!


But not when that 15 year old brought down the Colossal Titan and discovered the Female titan. Erwin's great at speeches but his plans usually end up with many soldiers dying because of his gambles.

Albertan Motorcyclist

You guys touched upon Eren wanting to fight, and that he might even possibly genocide marley in revenge. I've seen a lot of people theorize this and say that if he did he would be justified because of what marley has done. Food for thought though, from that perspective is marley not then equally justified in how they treat eldians and what they've done at this point? We can surmize at this point that most of the Marleyan propaganda about the eldians terrible history and crimes is true, considering the entire world bears them a grudge and king fritz himself made the vow renouncing war because he believed eldia's sins were to great to atone for. And keep in mind Marley has been doing this for less than a hundred years compared to the roughly 1800 years eldians oppressed the continent.


I think of the birds in terms of our human history. We have always thought of birds as being free.

Rick Turpentine

As early as episode 11 Eren after having only turned Titan once says "the Titans aren't our only enemies." This was before they even knew for sure that the collosal and armor were humans too.

Rick Turpentine

In the first few episodes my mother who is an avid bird enthusiast happened to notice a bird in the show and told me exactly what type of bird it was and said they must be in a coastal town. Shit blew my mind.


Whether Marley propaganda is true or not became irrelevant after they started doing the very same thing they accused Eldians of.

Rick Turpentine

So sad. Everyone enjoying a brief moment of levity for the first time in God knows how long and the only thing Eren can think about is destroying the enemy. He isn't even looking at the sea he is looking toward the horizon. Towards THEM.


Ooh the fun begins. S04 baby. Still most people don't know the real power of Attack Titan.


That doesn't give shit away. It's not even remotely close to a spoiler.


omg I just realized this means they'll start season 4 this weekend I'm shakingggg


Wearing a Levi's shirt while watching AOT, I see you Milena.

Mati D.

Did they miss the credit scenes?


If we kill all our enemies..Will we finally be free? That is the question I believe no one wanted to hear, because it's not that easy. The biggest change is Eren, not smiling because he knows the task ahead. Glad you guys enjoyed S3, strap in and be ready for S4. BTW you guys should really watch the end credits.


It's foreshadowing. PKS is literally talking about stuff that hasn't happened yet? So yes it IS very much remotely close to being a spoiler

My Toasty Toast

Although I’m on team Armin, a comment I have on your point on Erwin that it it’s smart for a commander to ensure that there is an easy transition in the event of their death. Remember, in four months the scouts lost nearly every single one of their experienced personnel, aside from Levi and Hange, and that was before the Beast Titan and the Armored Titan decimated them in this past battle. Erwin himself commented that the scouts were nowhere near their former strength, as they even struggled with the smallest titans. Erwin likely did have contingencies if he died, but those went out the window when literally all his officers and all his scouts were killed by Berthold and Zeke


The ending you can see eren breaking, Eren realizing he will never be free there is always another enemy another person to fight , for armin and mikasa reaching the sea was a moment of happiness, for eren it was sad, it was a realization that it was all for nothing.


It gets even better in season 4 which is just insane


How do they deal with copyright strikes on AoT? There was a youtube channel called Accent Central, and they quit making AoT reaction videos because of constant copyright strikes. They were among the best AoT reaction channels.


Season 4 is going to be amazing too 🤣

Sergeant Jay

If u watch season 4 buy the blue ray it’s way better