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Lorenzo Baxter

I feel like you're wayyyyyyy to hard on Bolin. It's not as simple as "Bolin is wrong, fuck him" he wasnt aware of Kuviras intentions. That doesn't make him dumb. It makes her smart. Kuvira has done good for the earth kingdom. She brought people out of poverty, fed and gave them protection. But she gains more state loyalty and support out of it. As for Asamis dad, keep in mind he's been in prison for 3 whole years. That much time away from people makes you reflect on yourself and how you got there. Besides, if he was manipulating her, what's his goal? Amon is dead and the equalists are gone. So there's nothing left for him but Asami. I think it's great that they bring him back cause it means more screen time for my girl Asami 😍


Only a few episodes of Avatar left! Break out the ice cream for the finale!!


The issue with the Kuvira situation is they don't do enough to show her good works. They start when she is obviously bad and therefore make it too easy to criticize Bolin's arc. They did something similar with Amon, kind of undermining the complextiy they meant to show.