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you know we weren't gonna keep you waiting long for the final full reaction


bb 516 full.wmv


Doc Holliday

Nice reference to the closing song, Baby Blue!!

Daniel Chavez

Great reaction as always!!! Cant wait for you to see El Camino and BCS!! BCS truly makes BB even better!!! Here's a video of Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston reading the final script together for the first time! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eTKQKq4lFsI


Thank you girls for every smile, tears, and laugh you shared all along BB! Best BB reactors ever. A huge hug for you. If it conforts you, there is no ugly crying with you guys. Lola, next time I bring the tequila hahahaha it's safer than drinking tea 🤪. Love you guys!🔝🤗


I really love that the last chapter isn't a a full redemption for Walt, but at least he understood that deep down it was his pride who started everything. At least he was able to burn everything down, free Jesse and give money to his family. He died as a genius. It's also beautiful to see that Jesse after everything he went thru, he never broke bad. He did bad things, but his conscience and regret prevented to become a bad person. He had all the reasons to kill Walt but he didn't. Walt also was proud with this decision. He always prevented Jesse of killing people. He always treated him as a son.

Suhhh Dude

I'm glad Lola was able to identify the true villain of Breaking Bad, the United States healthcare system.

RJ Dough

i think i pointed this is out in a WAYYYY old video but nobody ever says goodbye or ends a phone conversation properly in the entire show they just hang up on the the other person... UNTIL THE VERY FINAL WORDS OF THE SHOW " Goodbye Lydia".. i just like that cuz just hanging up on someone is just so rude


Vince Gilligan said in some interview, that they tried to give Walt "the happiest possible ending they could", given all he did, and what he had coming. All in all, it could've been much worse for him, considering he completely destroyed his family's life, ahah.


YOU SHOULD REALLY READ THIS ARTICLE: ANTHONY HOPKINS FAN LETTER https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2013/10/anthony-hopkins-breaking-bad-fan-letter


They've seen it. All folks asking what shows they've seen or not seen should watch the YT vid they made ranking shows. They go over almost all of them and which they are looking to watch or not watch.


Thanks ladies. Now its time for some fun. Breaking Bad Bowling! https://youtu.be/YdPMkT_PEv4


Now you can start Better Call Saul. It’s amazing! And of course watch out for spoilers!!


omg is Better Call Saul next week 😲


El Camino & Better Call Saul are both great . Loved them both. The creator Vince Gilligan is a legend . Anything he touches turns to gold