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and here it is. the last episode and the longest reaction we have ever made. it's been a week since we watched it and it's still not fully sinking in. but what a beautiful and rare show. i can speak for the both of us when i say it's at the very top of our favorite shows of all time, and it might be my favorite. all the seasons beautifully lead to walter finally saying that he did it for himself and what a cathartic moment. i could write for ages about this show, but we've talked a lot and we'll talk some more when we watch el camino. thank you for watching this show with, we'll see you soon with el camino and BCS <3

PS: feel free to send us all the articles/interviews/fan made videos, im not letting go


bb 516

________________________ patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LMreactions twitter - https://twitter.com/LMreaction tv time - lola - skysstillblue, milena - oneofthe100 blocked vikings reactions - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwR_b5ue-zgOa1oyX1V6ekRTcTg blocked game of thrones - https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwR_b5ue-zgOQVc0eFVFSFdsdVE sense8 finale - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bZzI9ES22sjUfMhVt-nzrlwXP5Aaotsh?usp=sharing



🥺😢😭 when is El Camino? Lol


Glad you both enjoyed this show so much, it only gets better on the rewatch ;) Congrats and can't wait for Better Call Saul! :)


Finally! So excited for this. Also I sent this in to another reaction, but got to it pretty late. It’s a great alternate ending for Hank. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy6WjmsHUMw


Glad you guys loved the show!! When you can watch this on YouTube - Aaron Paul discovers Bryan Cranston Living in Breaking Bad RV! that sketch will put a smile on both of you :) also search for other funny videos and bloopers, YouTube is full with Breaking Bad stuff 😅👌


Just wait until you realize how genius the use of color and reflection is in this show. I've watched it so many times and it just never gets old.


At this point, i would love for you two to watch some of the bloopers for the show.


Please make a brief reaction to this video!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8h-iAZBtNrs You are the best!


-- https://twitter.com/KieranCFC88/status/1378011162223198210 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ciUuxFvWeU


I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the show! The craft behind the making of this show is one of my favorite things and I think these interviews are a great place to start. I loved your reactions. Your empathy and investment are a gift. Thank you so much for sharing these and all your other reactions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocWwm9omG6w https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTvVyl5gxtk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7o3W74lztA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icJjT-yrcs0


Best show ever ;-;


The song El Paso played in full that mentions the maiden Felina which is also the name of the last episode. Basically tells a summation of the BrBa story https://youtu.be/V106RGMPcHQ


Bloopers- https://youtu.be/IpEPQ3Wr4Zg https://youtu.be/5JUZGAxbyhI https://youtu.be/EE0VbbRtuCQ https://youtu.be/lYZdlwPWsFk


A reason to fight- https://youtu.be/bzQP3xIEbOc


Breaking Bad || TIME Music by Hans Zimmer https://youtu.be/FveFmShXoRE


The writing on this show is great. The acting on this show is great. But I could never recommend it to someone. This show has white supremacy finely ingrained into it’s DNA. From the show’s premise with its focus on purity even to its protagonist last name, White, this show is thinly veiled white master race propaganda.


I think you mentioned before that you've watched Malcolm in the Middle so here's a fun little video to lighten the mood a bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVdB36lmbII


I rarely write comments here these days but for the end of this masterpiece of a show i just have to finally say THANK YOU so much! Your reactions to any show but especially Breaking Bad are by far the best and for me personally, the most emotional i have ever watched and i think i must've watched dozens of them just for Breaking Bad.. So thank you wholeheartedly for bringing a smile to my face so many times and for making me feel so many different emotions during this and a ton of other journeys, because your videos are some of my only real highlights these days, since my life is currently pretty bleak to be honest. I truly cannot wait for you to finally watch Better Call Saul and i think you will enjoy it just as much as Breaking Bad, just maybe in a different way.. Stay the way you are! &lt;3


Just wanted to thank you girls for your wonderful reactions to my favorite show. Really looked forward to hearing your view points each and every week. You two are very insightful and really understood the great writing of this show. Looking forward to BCS reactions. A awesome show in its own right.


I watched it as it was airing. And with many years passing i felt like ‘was it really that good?’ And I feel like watching people see it for the first time just reminds me how good it really was. Like watching it on my own when I know the ending is one thing but seeing your reactions and thoughts all the way through has made me appreciate It all over again. Thanks!


Girls, you are going to love BCS, it is the best complement to one of the most incredible shows ever. And for many, BCS is superior in several aspects to BB. Enjoy it, just like we do it for you! Greetings from Mexico.


Great show, the best IMO. I don't wanna set expectations too high for Better Call Saul but it's amazing. Lol


Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston in another funny video!! https://youtu.be/BpeWSY_PtOg Honest trailers - Breaking Bad https://youtu.be/oDqGAUvWKkU

Rob Church

It's a Shakespearian level of story, the rise and fall of an empire and the man who ruled it.

Michael Kang-Beats

I'm gonna post this whole opinion piece written by Anna Gunn (Skyler) for the NYTimes, reflecting on the sexism (in real life) because of the show. It is behind a paywall. OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR I Have a Character Issue By Anna Gunn Aug. 23, 2013 LOS ANGELES — PLAYING Skyler White on the television show “Breaking Bad” for the past five seasons has been one of the most rewarding creative journeys I’ve embarked on as an actor. But the role has also taken me on another kind of journey — one I never would have imagined. My character, to judge from the popularity of Web sites and Facebook pages devoted to hating her, has become a flash point for many people’s feelings about strong, nonsubmissive, ill-treated women. As the hatred of Skyler blurred into loathing for me as a person, I saw glimpses of an anger that, at first, simply bewildered me. For those unfamiliar with the show: Skyler is the wife of Walter White, a high-school chemistry teacher who, after learning he has lung cancer, begins cooking and selling methamphetamine to leave a nest egg for Skyler, their teenage son and their unborn daughter. After his prognosis improves, however, Walter continues in the drug trade — with considerable success — descending deeper and deeper into a life of crime. When Skyler discovers what Walter has been up to, she tries to stop him, to no avail. She is outraged by the violence and destruction of the drug world, fearful for her children’s safety, disgusted by the money Walter brings in and undone by the lies and manipulation to which he subjects her. Because Walter is the show’s protagonist, there is a natural tendency to empathize with and root for him, despite his moral failings. (That viewers can identify with this antihero is also a testament to how deftly his character is written and acted.) As the one character who consistently opposes Walter and calls him on his lies, Skyler is, in a sense, his antagonist. So from the beginning, I was aware that she might not be the show’s most popular character. But I was unprepared for the vitriolic response she inspired. Thousands of people have “liked” the Facebook page “I Hate Skyler White.” Tens of thousands have “liked” a similar Facebook page with a name that cannot be printed here. When people started telling me about the “hate boards” for Skyler on the Web site for AMC, the network that broadcasts the show, I knew it was probably best not to look, but I wanted to understand what was happening. A typical online post complained that Skyler was a “shrieking, hypocritical harpy” and didn’t “deserve the great life she has.” “I have never hated a TV-show character as much as I hate her,” one poster wrote. The consensus among the haters was clear: Skyler was a ball-and-chain, a drag, a shrew, an “annoying bitch wife.” I enjoy taking on complex, difficult characters and have always striven to capture the truth of those people, whether or not it’s popular. Vince Gilligan, the creator of “Breaking Bad,” wanted Skyler to be a woman with a backbone of steel who would stand up to whatever came her way, who wouldn’t just collapse in the corner or wring her hands in despair. He and the show’s writers made Skyler multilayered and, in her own way, morally compromised. But at the end of the day, she hasn’t been judged by the same set of standards as Walter. As an actress, I realize that viewers are entitled to have whatever feelings they want about the characters they watch. But as a human being, I’m concerned that so many people react to Skyler with such venom. Could it be that they can’t stand a woman who won’t suffer silently or “stand by her man”? That they despise her because she won’t back down or give up? Or because she is, in fact, Walter’s equal? It’s notable that viewers have expressed similar feelings about other complex TV wives — Carmela Soprano of “The Sopranos,” Betty Draper of “Mad Men.” Male characters don’t seem to inspire this kind of public venting and vitriol. At some point on the message boards, the character of Skyler seemed to drop out of the conversation, and people transferred their negative feelings directly to me. The already harsh online comments became outright personal attacks. One such post read: “Could somebody tell me where I can find Anna Gunn so I can kill her?” Besides being frightened (and taking steps to ensure my safety), I was also astonished: how had disliking a character spiraled into homicidal rage at the actress playing her? But I finally realized that most people’s hatred of Skyler had little to do with me and a lot to do with their own perception of women and wives. Because Skyler didn’t conform to a comfortable ideal of the archetypical female, she had become a kind of Rorschach test for society, a measure of our attitudes toward gender. I can’t say that I have enjoyed being the center of the storm of Skyler hate. But in the end, I’m glad that this discussion has happened, that it has taken place in public and that it has illuminated some of the dark and murky corners that we often ignore or pretend aren’t still there in our everyday lives. Anna Gunn is an actress. A version of this article appears in print on Aug. 24, 2013, Section A, Page 21 of the New York edition with the headline: I Have a Character Issue.

Michael Kang-Beats

For the sake of fairness, I'm posting Slate's response. Hey, Anna Gunn: Not Everyone Hates Skyler White BY WILLA PASKIN AUG 26, 2013 Over the weekend, Anna Gunn, who plays Skyler White on Breaking Bad, wrote an op-ed for the New York Times about the not-always-pleasant experience of other people experiencing her character. In Gunn’s words, Skyler, the wife of murderous drug-dealer Water White, “has become a flash point for many people’s feelings about strong, nonsubmissive, ill-treated women.” Needless to say, those feelings have not been particularly positive. In certain corners of the Internet, Skyler, Carmela Soprano, and Betty Draper make up a distressing Worst Wives Club, female characters despised by some viewers because they keep getting in their amoral husbands’ way, nagging the swaggy anti-hero as he goes about his shady business. Gunn has remarked on the misogynistic reaction to Skyler before, as have Breaking Bad’s creator Vince Gilligan and some TV writers. In 2010, Vulture writer Emma Rosenblum said to Gunn, “I know that some people, men especially, find Skyler to be an annoyance.” At the time Gunn could still laugh about it: “[Laughs.] Aw. It’s so interesting, we’ve heard that a lot.” She’s heard it a lot more since, and her op-ed calls attention to viewers who dislike Skyler because she “won’t suffer silently or ‘stand by her man.’ ” But how many people really hate Skyler White? When I interviewed Gunn last year, she told me no one had ever come up to her and said something disparaging in person. Gunn’s op-ed is all about what it’s like to be on television in the age of the Internet. In the past, if some audience members hated a TV character, they screamed at their TV and their friends— characters had to engender Brenda Walsh/Ally McBeal levels of disdain before distaste for them was an observable phenomenon. Now 9,000 people—that’s 0.15 percent of Breaking Bad’s audience—can start an “I Hate Skyler White” Facebook page, and we can all follow a link, as Gunn did, to a comment saying “Could somebody tell me where I can find Anna Gunn so I can kill her?” There is absolutely a misogynistic bent to much of the Skyler-hate, but message and comment boards are not perfectly representative sample populations. Skyler has some very vocal critics, but just because they are yelling louder than the people who feel something more positive or nuanced for Skyler doesn’t mean there are really more of them. The cacophony is distorting: The legacy of Skyler White, a great, stoic character, is already getting reduced to “unfair object of knee-jerk misogyny.” And that’s a bummer for no one so much as Gunn, whose op-ed has a resigned, disappointed tone. The bright side of all of this, her piece concludes, is that at least Skyler is an object lesson—a crummy fate for a dynamic character if there ever was one. Over Breaking Bad’s run, Skyler has proved herself to be the show’s second most morally complex personality. While Skyler worried for her children and couldn’t convince some viewers she was likeable and Walter White poisoned a small child and couldn’t convince some viewers he was unlikeable, the two became full partners. Skyler is currently standing by her man so hard that’s she’s advising him to hold onto his money and letting him threaten her DEA brother-in-law. Now that’s she’s finally broken all the way bad, she may be palatable to all the people who hated Skyler for being a naggy shrew, but I know I wish she still was one.

Suhhh Dude

Better Call Saul! Also, here's Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston reading the final BB script: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTKQKq4lFsI


Was a helluva ride girls ! So on to Better call saul? :D


Ok so NOW I can officially declare this my favorite reaction series on YT. And I've watched pretty much all of the Breaking Bad reactions series on YT and y'all have the best, so thank you! It's made my most recent rewatch a blast. So I have a few interesting things to share that not many people catch! The entire timescale of the show is exactly 2 years. The Pilot started on his 50th birthday, Fifty One takes place on his 51st (obviously), and the last day of Felina starting from when he has breakfast at the Denny's (shown in the intro of S5 and he makes a 52 with his eggs and bacon for the tradition) and then all of the rest of the events up until he dies at night was all on his 52nd birthday. Next, the lab that he dies in isn't just a random meth lab, that's all Walter's old equipment from Vamanos Pest. He tells Lydia in Blood Money that he "left a viable operation" and you can see the wheels and portable equipment is the same. This means he got to die in his lab with the tools he built his 'empire' with. He also died before the law or cancer could get him, knowing Jesse is free, and that his family will get the money so they can potentially rebuild their destroyed lives. One more cool tidbit is that he tapped the gauge of the machine and smiled because Jesse had it at the exact correct temperature (he yelled about it at Gale in S3). I saw this as callback to Walt and Jesse's old teacher/student role dynamic and showed that despite all the awful events, Walter's proud Jesse really did become a master at it like him. Also it's like the world's most fucked up chemistry lesson ever 🤣 Finally, I highly recommend Breaking Bad: The Official Book by David Thomson (it talks about the show, it's not a remake). I own it, and it's incredible at showing all details and explanations from the creators (like the color theories, meanings of the episode titles, how they picked the music, all of the symbolic objects, and much more). Finally finally, if you want a easy rundown of a bunch of really cool hidden details of the show, Netflix UK uploaded a great video that showcases lots of major and minor ones (and it breaks down some from Felina because this episode is a gold mine of hidden details) https://youtu.be/VLanrQlOfKg You may never be able to watch it for the first time again, but I promise you that there's so much more left you will discover and love about this series AND the next with BCS! And whenever you return to Breaking Bad, this show absolutely gets better on rewatches. There's a bunch of silver lining here so I wish y'all the best, and thanks for it all! See ya next time!


Thank You

Chris B

My absolute favorite post-BB things to watch are the music remixes. Cool, creative, and great reminder of the best moments of the show. There are two - one for season 1-2 and the other for 3-5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqdmqRgrIc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzhW20hLp6M


Such a fucking good finale, one of the best shows ever made. Now it's time for another one of the best shows ever made, Better Call Saul.


https://youtu.be/bzQP3xIEbOc a fanmade amv made by Zurik23M. its absolutely brilliant and well made. the music just matched the scenes perfectly


I think the key to understanding the anti-skylar comments is that there was a vocal group of the viewers who liked Walt to the end, not just as a good character but as a consistently good man who was only trying to help his family. And skylar was ungrateful for all his work and sacrifices etc. The kind of people who harassed Anna Gunn, people who only saw the show as ‘one mans journey to dominate a society that looked down on him’ kind of thing.


Its a great show probably in my top 5 enjoyed watching it with yall


I want to thank you so much for these reactions! More than just about anyone else, you two have been able to really understand the characters, their motives, and where they ought to go in the show as it went along. You're so sharp and insightful that it's really rewarding to see you catch all the things we cherish about the show in real-time. It would be great to see you react to the links everyone's posting. It's been so many years since the show came out, and people have posted such amazing appreciation videos since. Sir Anthony Hopkins' letter to the cast: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2013/10/anthony-hopkins-breaking-bad-fan-letter The Terrifying Brilliance of Granite State https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doW8lTzcR_Q Ozymandias: An Episode of Reactions (aka how they made the episode so good) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZllwNlyTfLs


Holy shit that first one's amazing


Not to be a cheeseball, but let me just say what a joy it was to go through Breaking Bad again vicariously with the two of you. Just the greatest show I have ever seen and your commentary and appreciation of it made it all the more enjoyable. I remember after finishing the final in 2013 when it aired, I had this "what am I going to do now....nothing will ever top this feeling". The nice thing turned out to be, that you actually appreciate it ever more on a rewatch. It is one of the most rewatchable shows. I am sure at some point you will watch it again, and appreciate it even more.


I really think el camino works better if you watch BCS first. It is a very good thing to wait a while and meditating on Jesse and the end of BB before jumping in.


Oh and if you need a comedy reset after the drama and crying of Bbad, I would highly highly recommend the adult FX cartoon "Archer". Give it three episodes and you'll be hooked. The 7th episode "Skytanic", where they try to find a bomb on a blimp (sorry, "rigid airship") is my all-time favorite comedy episode of any show.


Kind of agree with this, but i think it works either way, and maybe it's better to get El Camino out of the way first, since BCS is so long, comparatively.


Since we're all posting links, i like this one snippet of an interview with Vince Gilligan, pinpointing the turning point for the show in narrative terms. https://youtu.be/zWE8NG5oSOA Probably the most important scene/development in the show and it happens only 5 episodes in.


Great reaction ladies, i follow you with the walking dead, but when i see your first reaction to BB i said: OMFG yes! LOL can i recomend this video? https://youtu.be/FveFmShXoRE Its walt and jesse time. Great great video, seriously, please you need watch that and make a review!! (Sorry for my english)

Nyeisha Melvina Clark



Felina is also an anagram for Finale, if that hasn't been pointed out yet.


So loved the tears you shed for these characters. I did the same when I watched. The show feels so personal......beautifully written and shot.


I remember somewhere in the second season with the series with Tuco. There was a moment where Walter said to Jesse: "I'll never take a bullet for you and we know it." In the end he mistook the bullet for Jesse :)

Euphemia Isobel

Fan vid recommendation by Zurik23m https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzQP3xIEbOc

Chitranshu Singh

Here is video of Aaron Paul's house tour.. I think he really likes cold places lol.. his wife is also in this video with him https://youtu.be/D-qQneOnJl0


Thank you for the journey and now on to El Camino and after that to Better Call Saul


Season 4 Bloopers also: https://youtu.be/ojzhldKQpYM https://youtu.be/EOnd6pi1bsM https://youtu.be/QOIHgTroPJ8 Just be careful with the related videos, this is the official BB&amp;BCS youtube channel and it has many BCS spoilers.


ALTERNATE ENDING for BB: (to lighten the mood) :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVdB36lmbII


Yeah, that's a great series. Also this interview, since the original "Talking Bad" show can't be found anywhere on the internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxgCMUW2gyA #saddesthandjobintheworld (6:03 mark)




If you are looking for something light........Cranston and Paul are super close and have done a lot of really funny bits/skits together. Cranston, especially, is really good with comedy. These will lighten things up and a short: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovqM72em1dA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot_V7Q8a6yc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWeVx9zjN7I

Dub Dubious

You're right about Jack's death paralleling Hank's. Only difference is Hank never begged for his life while Jack tried to bargain for his. Also I like while they had similar deaths, the cinematography was very different. With Hank, the camera doesn't directly show him getting shot, just the echo of the gunshot with a zoom out of the desert and the emotional devastation of Walt. With Jack, you literally see his brains plastered on the camera lens lol. Even when good people die, the show tends to give them more respectful and tasteful deaths compared to the bad.


This is THE best reaction to any show that I've ever seen! And it's not even close!


Think about how good this finale was and it didn't even have iconic characters like Mike, Gus, Saul, or Ted.


Actually the Meth Jesse was making at the very end had to have higher than 99.1% So when Jesse first started with Todd, he mentioned to Lydia that it was 92%. Then In the last episode probably the first couple months on in his capture Todd said he was at 96% and gave him Ice Cream so we know he was improving. We have his day dreaming moment where we are taken back to his wood crafting story and how he perfected his craft transitioning into him making meth. Indicating while captive he's perfected his craft with meth. Skinny Pete and Badger mistook Jesse's meth for Walts even saying that it was better than ever. "Choice" then apologized to Walt for saying that. We know Walter's Meth earlier in Season 5 was 99.1% meaning Jesse's was higher, he was producing the most perfect Meth at the end.


as if skinny pete and badger actually can tell the difference. how do you propose a guy who didnt even pass high school chemistry, possess the knowledge/skill to fill in that .9% that even Gale (an actual chemist) and Walter could not fill. Gale says that 3% difference is a tremendous gulf already. You think Todd gave him a laptop and study chemistry books on how to make perfect meth in that cage?Trusting the words of Skinny Pete and Badger on how good drugs taste isnt exactly a reliable source. Point is, realistically, there is a 0% chance that Jesse is able to fill in the hole that even Walter, the actual genius could not fill, especially when Jesse was literally locked up in a cage. It's not about effort or how many times he did it. There is probably a whole chemical process not even included or exist for Walter to unable to make that perfect meth so its impossible for Jesse to come up with it on his own.


You are right, Lola. You said, "I blame the healthcare system..." As I rewatched this show with you two, I found myself seeing the show in a different light. Although I do ultimately blame Walter for consistently stepping over the line that any human being should cross, I also largely blame the dysfunctional society that could make a man feel so alienated, so beat down, so helpless, with so little agency in his own story, that he felt the needed to write a new story that the whole world would hear about. Rewatching this show with y'all made me see the series as a long contemplation of free will and how much say we really have in our lives, and what we do with the few moments we have in our life when we're truly free.