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sorry this is a bit late, my internet hated me today


korra 111

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Oh man here we go 0.0


Who is this internet? How can they hate such a pure creature?


It's okay, bitch. We still love you🤣💜💜💜


Yeah it was true that Zuko become very great father and the first famous Fire Lord who was very soft and caring for his son/daughter and to his grandson. So yeah cicle of abuse in royal fire nation family is over. Glad that Zuko despite his father get that love from his uncle and mother and redirect that love into his child, just like lightning but instead of lightning is love. Zuko is G.O.A.T


Literally the best thing about korra is that the writers ended the series 3 different times and they did a great job on all of them can’t wait for you ladies to see the rest


Book 3 is my personal favourite. Can't wait until they reach book 3...


Please girls don't read YouTube comments. I can't believe that people spoiling and even spamming that on YouTube about some characters...


How Amon takes away bending: The idea of how Amon's taking people's power away with bloodbending can be related to the idea of Chi Blockers. Chi in Eastern martial arts has always been related to blood flow. In other words, "blood carries Chi" throughout the body. If Amon can somehow modify the flow of blood in such a way that PERMANENTLY blocks Chi, then it's equal to "taking bending away". In reality, he doesn't take bending away, he just blocks it. Permanently.

Not Amused

Yeah my guess was he’s creating blood clots in the right areas to permanently block it.


Tarrlok has said it in the episode, Amon truly believes bending is the root of all evil, because their father began to train and abuse them to make them tools for his revenge the second Amon and Tarlok showed that they had bending. Amon believes that, if bending hadn't existed, he and his brother wouldn't have had to go through such hardships and neither would other benders and non-benders have to suffer. So Amon really just wants to create a world without bending, where everyone is equal.