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One of my favorite episodes EVER! It's just the cat in me 💁‍♀️


Catwalk (BTAS)


Tony Antonellis

There is an animated film about Catwoman called Catwoman Hunted and it has Isis.

Brandon Gibbs

You're right about how Bruce and Selina were always meant for each other. If only he would just let her know he's Batman since he already knows Selina is Catwoman. Perhaps if she would just be a vigilante fighting crime same as Batman it would work out between them no problem. Also sometimes I can't tell whether Scarface is just a real mental and delusional ventriloquist or if that dummy is magic and has a hold over him somehow.


Sometimes I really believe Scarface is Scarface and a magical dummy like Chucky 🤣


15:39 you mean the things he uses all for fighting crime and protecting the innocent? batman literally does not care about money or objects at all except the tickets to the play his parents died at, he views it all as tools to fight crime and nothing else