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Just a little bit traumatized!!


Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith


Residentfan 1

2:12:51 there are legitimately people who look at this scene and get angry about him walking like Frankenstein’s Monster. Every time I hear it I’m like, “I’d love to see you get robotic legs and immediately walk perfectly fine with no adjustment period.” The “Noooooo” still makes me cringe though.

Residentfan 1

The reason Leia remembered her mom is because she’s remembering her adoptive mom. The really stupid thing is that I figured this out as a child and I still see adults say that Leia’s eyes were open during her birth and Luke’s weren’t. Star Wars fans actually believe this as if she could remember that. They’re like “no no you don’t get it. George was subtly showing it to us with the baby’s eyes” and I’m like “no it’s because you can’t direct babies!” Star Wars fans are both the most insightful and dumbest people I’ve ever seen and I say this as one of them. To clarify, I’m not talking about you guys. You’re a new fan so I can’t expect you to catch everything the first time and Caleb hasn’t seen it in a long time but the fact that there’s people who grew up on these movies, still rewatch them and still haven’t figured out the Leia thing is baffling to me. Also Darth Plagueis was Palpatine’s master and killed him in his sleep. He taught Palpatine everything he knew, including how to manipulate the midiclorians to create life AKA how to impregnate Anakin’s mother without having sex with her. So technically Palpatine is Anakin’s father and he purposely impregnated a slave on a dangerous planet to ensure that the child grows up angry and traumatized. He had been grooming him since before he was even born. There’s actually a line in the original script where Palpatine reveals this to Anakin and it would’ve played a part in him turning on the Jedi(because family) but it was removed because Lucas didn’t want to do the “I am your father” twist again but it’s still heavily implied. Some people say that Plagueis was the one who impregnated Anakin’s mom but the fact that Palpatine repeats the “he taught his apprentice everything he knew” line twice is clearly Lucas trying to convey that it was Palpatine. Plagueis had no reason to do it. He was confident in his power and had no need for another apprentice whereas Palpatine was planning on killing Plagueis and knew he’d need an apprentice at some point down the line.


I think you guys are thinking too much about Anakin doing what he did. He didn't black out when he was doing all that. Anakin was fully aware of what he was doing, and embraced the dark side of the force because Darth Sidious told him it was the only way to save his wife. In reality, the premonitions were a trick and she was not going to die. Anakin only made it come true because he overreacted and went to someone who was a bad person and was only feeding him lies. You can even see Anakin crying in a few instances as he is doing bad things around the galaxy because he knows it's wrong but it's too late for him.

Will Frangules

Good stuff Meg, but like people have said, Anakin knowingly and willingly did all these things. He was too far gone and as soon as he was given the name of Vader Anakin as we know him essentially dies. His downfall is so tragic because he becomes part of a self fulfilling prophecy that Palpatine (as you mentioned) groomed and manipulated for years.

Chandler McCoy

Such a great reaction! Can't wait for more!! Would love to see you guys rewatch the original trilogy again after you watch more clone wars/obi wan series, rogue one, etc... It definitely changes how you experience the movies!

Chandler McCoy

Idk if anyone has mentioned this already, but when Palps mentions that Plageus knew how to create life via the influencing of the midichlorians, there's a theory that Anakin was born via this experimentation. Also, I think the Dark Side heightens all of your underlying passions and evil. The sith act in desperation of the preservation of the self. The force does intervene a little bit because just as a Jedi's strength flows from the force, a sith's does as well. Qui Gon buttedheads with the Council, because he focused on the will of the living force and the dynamic nature of it's will. I think he recognized that the force's will was not static, and the Jedi clung to the dogma that they developed. ALSOx3 Anakin does eventually bring balance to the force by killing the emperor, but the Jedi falsely believed that "Balance" meant no darkside. But really he brought it back to square one by destroying the Jedi order

Gavzilla .

meg waddup I’m new here, I started watching ur rdr2 play through awhile ago, and when I seen you had a react channel and was just gettin into sw, it got my hype, not only that you played the same games I do, but movies as well?, I enjoy watching ur reactions to different shows and movies, but rots has been one I’ve been waiting for, and I couldn’t help myself but download patreon and join you on here as well, this movie been my fav every since I was a luh guy, and it shows us what really happens to vader and how he got to where he was in the original trilogy, how the villain is actual the victim😔(from a certain point of view), and also caleb love the chop brotha✊


Here is a tiny spoiler for The Clone Wars series, Obi-Wan did “meet” someone, her name is Dutchess Satine Kryze.