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The Expanse 3x3


Varun Laks

Errinwright is probably most analogous to Lex Luthor on the DC-front. It's not 1:1, but I think it's fairly close lol. Much in the same way Lex's actions are always influenced by his belief that Superman is a danger to Earth, Errinwright's actions are influenced by his baseline belief that Mars is a danger to Earth. A belief that was instilled in him by none other than Avasarala, who was his mentor. While Errinwright's strategy and actions are pretty extreme and evil quite frankly, they also make a lot of sense if we accept his belief that Mars is a danger to Earth (which is debatable of course, but it is a common belief amongst Earthers). If Mars gets the Protomolecule first, Errinwright thinks Earth is done, And in his mind, Mars will eventually utilize their Watchtowers to fire at Earth first. So to prevent that, Earth has to fire first. It's very game-theory, and because both sides assume the other will escalate matters they end up escalating it themselves. I think in his mind, Errinwright ultimately want to protect the people of Earth, but in doing so millions of Earthers ended up dying. So on that note, I don't really think Errinwright was at all worried about shifting blame away from himself when the missile hit. I think he was genuinely in pain for all those people dying (which is what makes him so interesting as a character). However, he was angry at the Secretary-General's constant wavering. Errinwright's strategy requires full commitment, and that's something the Secretary-General seems unable to do. And in Errinwright's eyes, that constant wavering cost millions of lives this time.


Love the actors on this show