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I made some errors in my recap LMAO but corrected them through the episode :)


The Expanse 2x7


James Yetter

Y'all are killing it with these Expanse episodes

Tony Camas

The Expanse has recaps sometimes, and pretty much all the time starting in Season 3. So you're not imagining it. :) Nice to see you back, Meg! A few thoughts, in no particular order: Dawes has some good points and somewhere deep within him, I think he does have the good of the belt at heart. But he's also a manipulative narcissist who loves power more than anything else, so a lot of the time he is, as Holden observed, full of shit. He is smart, though, that is without question. Also: He kept referring to Naomi as "setara." Setara is a term of endearment. It is short for "setara mali," literally "little star." A Belter calling every woman he runs into "setara" is sort of akin to an Earther calling women "honey" or "sweetie" or "babe." For somebody you're close to, that's fine, but for a stranger, it's a little presumptuous and kind of dismissive. So Dawes is kind of smarmy too, among his other charming attributes. :) Every time I watch this episode, I am reminded at how absolutely horrendous the captioning is. Usually they're pretty good with the captions on this show, but for this episode, they were bad, REALLY bad. They got some of Chrisjen's lines wrong, they got a LOT of Dawes' lines wrong, they even mis-captioned some lines of Fred's, and he doesn't even have an accent. And some of the mistakes were just so glaring and obvious! I wish they'd go back and fix them, but I guess nobody's really around to pay for that. I think you already knew this, but in case you didn't... she is Gunnery Sergeant Roberta Draper... "Bobbie" or "Bobby" (I don't think it's spelled that consistently) is short for Roberta. "Gunny" is an affectionate and/or informal term for Gunnery Sergeant. So calling her Bobbie is OK, as is calling her Gunny. Outside of the Martian military, though, probably most people would call her Bobbie.

Zachery Gaskins

The Purple Heart is/was a military tradition to award soldiers who have been wounded in combat.

Ian Hillan

No-one but Naomi knows where the ptotomolecule sample is, or even that still exists. She hasn't told anyone. Cotazar "heard" the ptotomolecule signalling from somewhere. You probably heard that line on the edit. That's how Fred Johnson found out there was still some out there. Dawes tried to get information from Naomi and Holden, then Drummer, and finally got what he needed by flattering Diogo, who is well on his way to being radicalized against the inner planets, and who was Cotazar's guard. Gotta agree with the person saying how bad the subtitles are at times. Sometimes they absolutely change the meaning of what people are saying. Next episode is in my top 10, close to top 5, in fact. Can't wait.

T. Arnold Ferguson

A minor point: Miller left his hat behind on Ceres when he left for Eros. Therefore Holden never saw Miller in the hat, and has no idea whom Dawes is referencing when he says je reminds him of someone "just minus the hat." Loving your reactions. You're heading down a few rabbit-holes, but no more so than most of us did at this point. Just keep in mind that the authors/writers of The Expanse have better imaginations than most of us. 😀


Yes I did! I’m glad to know the subtitles were a bit funky, because my brain relies on them to understand better.