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Yo! attack on Titan manga coming to Aftershow show tomorrow morning 8am PDT DONT MISS IT!!


Pedro Barrera

Yo, just a quick question, do you read the manga on the #ass or just talk about the chapter there? Because of my work I barely have time to see it, so if is on the #ass is not going to be a patreon reaction?


Or reading on ass just talking about it. But after the anime tournament is over I will be doing reaction read on the channel as well for mangas


Yo, what chapter will it feature, the beginning of the manga or where the anime leftoff?

MakAttack G

I still think that it would be best if you stayed anime only, but if you really wanna read the manga then go ahead.


yea i agree .. i want his blind reaction on AOT :( .. if he reads the manga then anime reaction wouldn't be good


I want your blind reaction on AOT :( .. if you read the manga then anime reaction wouldn't be good


Would be cool if you would record and upload those too