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I'm cutting the vote short a little early to get a head start and give you all more time to adulate the winner. As everyone saw, Craving Control crushed the vote this time around. At some point this month, I'll be announcing a balance of sorts to ensure that neither Baby Fat nor Craving Control abduct the spotlight, but for the time being, I'm thrilled to be embarking on the conclusion to the Coming Apart At The Seams arc. The newest batch of comics will reveal things such as:
  • Trevor's feelings towards Lalia's weight gain.
  • Lalia's Instagram and her public image.
  • How Lalia deals with finals.
  • Whether or not Lalia reaches her stuffing plateau.

Rewards will be out between the 1st and 3rd. That means the reward will be Baby Fat-themed. I'll keep the content neutral to vore this month, defaulting to something more stuffing-/belly-oriented.



I must admit that seeing just how big Lalia's belly can get is a huge draw to Craving Control. :)


I e no idea what the rewards are in relation to me lol


$1-pledges get a thank you graphic - usually a pinup or some kind of animated scene. $5- pledges get an animation of some kind. Usually an animated version of the $1 reward.