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I normally don't post other user's content, but today's a  special exception. Arthur, in response to the overwhelmingly positive  response to the revival of the series, has created original content.  This rendition of Serving 5 features two new panels further illustrating  Lalia's response to her food. He whipped this up just today, working  non-stop just for you guys! Show him some love in the comments below!




I love this series and Arthur I'm glad to see this back 👍👍


This is awesome thank you for this the the facial expressions and the comedy!

Tory Williams

Thank you so much for this Arthur! Everything you make with this series turns out to be pure gold and it's very appreciated!


To Arthur: I have been a fan of Craving control since it was about 5 or 6 pages. Really glad to see something new from you. Especially some love for this beloved series. You gifted the world something awesome when you created Lalia. She has had a long following since and very avid fans. I don't know why you stopped. I know I can't hope you'll continue. But if you ever feel like you'd like the opinion of someone that has enjoyed your creation from the beginning, feel free to message me at any time. You have been a source of inspiration ever since you started and if I can pay you back at all with any degree of encouragement in return, merely ask and I shall. All the best!

silent observer

At this rate, she'll pass out from all the seemingly orgasmic pleasure.

Tory Williams

Super hope Arthur comes back to finish The Lap of Luxury, since AdjectiveNounCombo isn't going to do it.


man i have waited forever for the triumphant return of this comic! one of the all time greatest. <3 +1 to everything happy clam said