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sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88386294


After messing with chemicals in your basement for long enough, something was bound to go wrong, and that it did. You just don’t quite know it yet. Ever since you were a kid, you’ve had a bit of a hobby of messing with and reverse engineering whatever you could get your hands on. Some said it was a sign of great genius, others said it was a great misfortune. The reality is though, that in your experimentation with the unexplored, you’re bound to get results that you don’t necessarily expect. After playing with various chemicals long enough and making some mixes that you don’t even remember the contents of, one of the flasks blew up in your face. Well, not literally, luckily. Glass shards would be no fun, but wiping a bunch of purple goop off your face after inhaling a bunch of strange purple vapor leaves you wondering what exactly you’ve done.

Once you’re done cleaning yourself up, you get to dealing with the rest of the goop around the room. Since you’ve already been through enough explosions previously, you get everything spotless in no time. Deciding not to strike the iron of blowing things up while it's hot, you head back upstairs out of the basement to make yourself something to eat. Settling on some noodles, you boil up plenty and pour them into a big bowl complemented by your favorite sauce. You put whatever Youtube video catches your interest first on the TV and begin to eat up.

A couple of bites into your meal, you have to brush your hair out of the way, hair that you fail to notice is now somewhere between pink and red. The changes are subtle at first, your eyes become a bright, shining blue. Freckles dot across your face, and your stature is reduced by a solid foot, almost impossible to tell from your seated position though. Soon enough, you finish the entire bowl, and when you get up to wash the bowl, you finally notice what's happening. Your chest has a bit off heft to it, and you can hear a strange gurgling sound coming from your butt. You take a look behind you to see an ass that no man should have, and smooth legs that you know for a fact you’ve never shaved. Inspecting the rest of your body, you realize that the smoothness is not restricted to your legs. Your entire body is thin and feminine, besides your thickening butt and fledgling tits.

Too shocked to do much of anything, you just stand and watch in horror as your hair gets longer and longer while your butt stretches your boxers out thin, giving you a rather painful wedgie that won’t be a problem for too much longer. Trying to give your junk some room, you accidentally brush your soft, manicured hand against it, causing an abnormal amount of pleasure to erupt from your crotch. You fall to the floor as your cock is involuntarily forced to spray out of its seed before slurping inside you. With your butt not getting any bigger now, you’re thankful that whatever just happened to you is finally over.

Through the rest of the day, you decide to stay indoors instead of asking for help on turning back into a guy. If anyone found out, they would simply say that they told you so. It’d also be equally as terrible if you went only for them to say that there’s nothing they can do for you. After wallowing in your self pity long enough, you feel the need to eat once more. Transforming into a thick girl makes a man hungry.

Taking whatever you have available from the fridge, you begin to chow down once more. You eat much faster than normal this time, finishing a burger in less than a minute. With it being so late now, you guess that the best plan of action is to get some sleep so that your brain is more functional after. However, as you walk back to your room, that familiar gurgling sound is heard again. With each step you take, you feel your hips swaying further, eventually putting you off balance enough to knock you right over. Luckily, your already large breasts seem to have stopped growing, but your already incredibly large and sensitive ass is only getting bigger as you lay on the floor. You can nearly feel the fat flooding in as your boxers are on the verge of breaking.

Despite having such large legs, the weight off your ass is too much, and you struggle to stand up even with the assistance of the table next to you. Just when you’re about to get back on your feet, you fall back right on your butt. It cushions your fall nicely, but at the price of raw orgasmic bliss flooding your mind due to the rough contact. You feel your legs lock up as your pussy squirts out its girly fluids right through your nearly broken boxers. With your phone in your bedroom and no one around to call for help, you wonder how many more mind shattering orgasms you’ll have to endure before finally making it to your room…



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