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“You know the mission. Just go in there, and steal the specified files from her desk. Our agents have determined that she’s been staying long nights, so it’s safe to assume that the files she’s working on will be out front and center. Got it?” Your instructor asks you. Working for a secret organization has had its ups and downs, but this mission seems like a breeze to you. Basically, just walking into a lab to steal some files will be nothing short of childs play to you. “Of course, captain.” You respond, ready to be sent out on the mission.

You’re given appropriate laboratory clothing, and driven to the specified location. ‘Rhine Labs’, the building has its logo plastered on the front. The lab is still open, as they’re no stranger to those working late into the night. Luckily for you, you’ve already been given the woman’s schedule and when she leaves. You know for sure you won’t have a run in with her. “Good luck bud!” The driver says to you as he drops you off. “Won’t need it big man.” You respond with confidence.

Walking into the building, you swipe the keycard given to you with no issues. The security lets you right in, and you bring up the map of the building on your watch to make your way to the target’s personal lab. Acting natural and making a bit of small talk with the other scientists and assistants still there late at night, you’re easily able to navigate to the given room. It looks about how you would expect of a brilliant scientist. Incredibly well put together, but incredibly messy at the same time. It’s as if you can see their thoughts scattered across the tables.

Browsing through said files, one of the woman’s assistants comes to check up on the lab. “Hey, what’s got you out here so late sir?” He asks. “I was just told to organize some files around here. She’s been getting real messy lately.” You respond. “Alright, just don’t come crying to me when she gets mad at you for touching her stuff.” The assistant jokes with you before leaving.

Slightly distressed from someone else catching you in the act, you pick up the pace, grabbing all of the important files and putting them into your folder before briskly leaving. However, just when you begin to leave, something catches your foot and knocks you off your feet. You hit your head pretty hard when you fall to the floor, and black out for a moment.

When you come to not longer than 30 seconds after, your attire has been completely changed. It’s much more tight-fitting now, and undoubtedly feminine. You try to get back to your feet, but whatever trap you triggered combined with the heels on your feet knock you right back down to the floor. You fumble around on the floor, before noticing something different about your hands. They look strangely slender and soft, not at all rough and calloused like they were before you blacked out. Rolling up your sleeve, it looks like your entire arm is thin and smooth as well! You can only conclude from the fact that the tights you for some reason have on aren’t itchy or scratchy, that your legs are equally smooth as well.

You suspect that whatever trap you set off cast some sort of weakening curse upon you, which would make sense, if it wasn’t for magic not existing and the fact that you’re in a woman’s lab getup. You want to call for help, but not getting caught is more important. There just has to be a way out of this situation. Grasping at your pants pockets for some sort of countermeasure, the only thing that you discover is a lack of said pockets. You know that you didn’t put anything in the lab coat pockets, but you check them as well. You find nothing, but the woman finds you. “Fufufufu… look at what my little trap caught!” She teases. “What reason do you have to be taking my precious documents dear?”

“Uh… uhm… I’m just here to sort the~” You respond in the woman’s own voice, confused as to why you’re hearing her voice coming out of  your mouth. “If you were actually told to sort them, which I would never ask for, someone would have told you about the traps I’ve been working on. Now, tell me the real reason, and I just might let you go.” She says more commandingly. “I~I… Someone told me to do this! Now tell me what’s happening to me!” You command back. “I think you would be asking what’s happening to me~” She responds, her seductive, motherly teasing voice back. “W~Wha?” You sputter in confusion. “Here, take a look.” She coos, putting a mirror in front of your face. The reflection only shows the woman standing in front of you. Short cut orangish blonde hair, golden amber eyes, and those big, mouse-like ears.

“Are you~?” “You’re exactly right. You get to be Dorothy too~!” She cuts you off, alreadying knowing what you’re going to ask. “B~But, look at me! I’m just a guy in women's clothing!” You protest. “But look at your body, your face, your voice. You’re becoming just like me. I’m so happy to see that my trap is working just as planned!” She exclaims in glee, happy that someone has finally decided to try and steal her work. “I still have my dick though! You can’t take that away from me! I don’t have tits either! I’m completely flat!” You continue to protest, hoping that this is all her trap does. “Mhmmm. That’s right.” Dorothy says, sounding slightly disappointed. Using this slight moment of distraction, you try to get up again to run, but you trip yet again. You’re blasted by a bright yellow light, and when your eyes readjust, you see Dorothy with a seductive smile across her face.

“Are you sure you don’t want to be like me? With how much you’re resisting, I’d say it’s what you desire the most.” She teases yet again. “N~No!” You resist as a thin tail sprouts out from the base of your spine. It’s the same color as your ears and hair, and just like Dorothy’s. Her grin gets even bigger after you notice a strange tightness in your chest. You initially think it’s because you’re having trouble breathing, but after placing a hand on your chest, you feel your hand squish against something. Something covered by a bra. “Wha? You’re giving me b~breasts?” You ask in shock, unable to believe that your hands are really touching your own soft flesh. “Just look at me darling, you should know exactly what to expect~” She says before sitting down and crossing her legs, observing intently while taking notes. You fail to try and get up once again as your chest continues to swell, perfectly filling out the bra and putting the shape of your now full breasts on clear display.

As Dorothy continues to jot down notes looking strangely aroused, your body continues to become more womanly due to the trap. Your back curves out near the bottom, giving you a natural arch that pushes your chest out further.  “C~Can you just… undo this… please??” You beg, trying to get some sympathy out of her. “This is just your natural punishment. Don’t worry though, you’ll only be my plaything for a month. I’m sure you’ll be asking for more afterwards though~”

You try to get a word out, but the only thing you can get out of your mouth is a moan as a sudden orgasmic sensation hits your crotch and the entire area around your hips. Your already erect cock has begun leaking your seed out, slowly becoming flaccid and useless. At the same time, your hips are cracking outwards as your thighs and butt fill with soft fat. Luckily for you, your dark black panties cover up your crotch, but as your tights stretch, they begin to come slightly transparent. Dorothy's writing becomes faster as your breaths become heavier. Your own feminine moans truthfully turn you on, only making you leak more cum out of your now tiny cock while your bottom reaches breeding proportions. With incredibly wide hips, thicc thighs, a fat butt, your dick finally recedes back inside you, leaving you sprawled out orgasming on the floor as your organs rearrange inside you.

“It’s a bit strange to watch myself orgasm… but you just make it so cute and hot. I’m not sure whether I’m more happy that my trap worked, or that I have a new toy to play with for a whole month~” She teases as she pulls out several toys out of a drawer. You can only watch as she approaches, your massive ass facing her, pussy ready to be pleased by her array of specially engineered toys to turn your brain to mush~


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