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“I won't bore you guys with the details but I've been very busy lately. I'll try to push out one or two caps a week but it will most likely be on weekends.” Is what Idfk posted in response to his extended time without making any sort of caption. In fact, he really had not posted much of anything within the past two or three months. A bit of a letdown for those watching him, wondering if he’s still around or just one of those writers that just sort of disappears after making some great caps.

Luckily for those who enjoy his work, some sort of cosmic entity of fate has finally had enough of his stalling. It declares that “If he does not have enough motivation or inspiration to write, I presume I must give him it. It is what he wants.” What this statement means exactly is left unclear as the entity plans out the perfect way to get Idfk back into writing again.

A day later, Idfk logs into his DeviantArt account to browse around for a bit before getting to writing, which will probably end up postponing anyways. Something was different today though. A note, and not a note about some obscure request that would probably go on the backburner, but some sort of vague threat. Curious at its abnormality, he gives it a read.

“Hello Idfk4321, I have noticed a significant decline in the amount of captions you have been publishing lately. Despite your promises, you continue to upload sparsely, if at all. I will give a deadline of 3 days to make your next caption. If you do not, I will have to find other ways to motivate you.” He almost bursts out into laughter reading the message. “Who does this person think they are?” He says aloud. “Bossing around people on the internet doing hobby writing for free?” He immediately blocks them and deletes the message, then logs off of his account to get back to schoolwork, but actually mostly doing anything but schoolwork.

The next three days go by without a hitch. He doesn’t even care to log in to his DeviantArt account to check in on that threat. Admittedly, the rather vague threat lingers in the back of his mind. As he sits down at his desk, he half expects something to happen, but nothing does. Of course, a completely empty threat from an angry watcher, nothing more.

After doing some work for his classes and much more browsing through various media sites, Idfk gets up from his seat to take a shower and go to bed. 2 am is much later than he should be staying awake, especially when he has classes tomorrow. When he does, though, a feeling of lightheadedness hits him all at once. He’s felt like this after standing up a little too fast before, but this time it actually feels like he will pass out. Trying to not go unconscious, he bends over a bit and takes some deep breaths, hands on knees.

“The hell…” he mutters, fighting to keep his eyes open and his brain active. He fails to notice that his skin has turned a dark shade of green, his torso being a lighter shade. This new, green skin is also miraculously smooth. In his bent over position, Idfk moves his hair out of his vision, hair that definitely was not always this long. With a couple more labored breaths, he slowly begins to gain ground in his fight for consciousness. Feeling good enough to stand up again, he does so.

Immediately, he notices his now green skin and much more weighty hair. Not only that, but his point of view feels… odd. He soon notices that this abnormality is due to a significant loss in height. In disbelief he makes a run to the nearest mirror. His run feels off as well, it feels like his hips are swaying way too much with every stride, nearly making him stumble and fall. Finally making it, his theory is confirmed, and much much more.

Before, standing straight up, his head was half out of the reflection. Now, he could see his entire face, his entire, green, not very masculine looking face. His eyes look slightly larger, his eyelashes longer, his face rounder, his cheeks slightly chubby. Not to mention that his nose was now a small, slightly protruding snout. He takes his shirt off in a panic, hoping that for some reason whatever is happening to him did not touch the rest of his body, but to no avail. His entire torso is a light green, and looks much more thin and dainty with his waist tapering inwards. “No no no no…SHIT!” he shouts out in an strangely girly voice.

He runs back to his computer in a panic, still not used to his now even wider hips. Barely fitting in his chair, he hurriedly logs into DeviantArt. One new note, he clicks on it. “Three days have passed, your motivation will commence.” Idfk desperately tries to type back, his long, delicate fingers feeling foriegn as he types. He sends a note back, begging for whoever is doing this to him to stop, then spams the mysterious individual with chats, praying for a response.

The moment that they start typing a response, a sudden pulsing pleasure takes over his lower body. Having such wide hips has given his body plenty of room to grow, his thighs gurgling full, stretching his now very short black and green shorts. His ass follows, and at the same time, his member recedes to give his thighs a bit more room to continue ballooning out. Her breaths heave as she sinks her delicate fingers into her growing behind, the skin much more sensitive than before.

Whilst she indulges in her accentuated behind, her spine feels like it's pushing out behind herself. It gets longer and longer until it forms a full, thick lizard-like tail. Ding. The mysterious, threatening individual finally finishes their message.

“I believe I made myself clear. If you did not publish a caption within three days of me sending you the message, I would give you some inspiration.”

Idfk tries to type out a response, but a sudden surging in his chest grabs his attention. “Fuckkk…” she moans out as her nipples widen. “I should have known…” In a slow, sensual rhythm, her chest blossoms. First becoming modest B cups, another surge, easily Ds. With each increase in size, she can feel the soft breeze in the room brush against her nipples more and more. She cups her breasts to feel them grow heavier in and more sensitive in her hands, biting her lip as they grow to massive proportions, unfit of being classified by mere letters anymore. Her breasts are more akin globes of fertility and bliss at this point.

All at once, the rest of her dragon-like features sprout. Her ears grow longer out to the sides, bright green horns sprout out from her skull. A pair of wings sprout from her luckily unclothed back. Working up a sweat from her arousal, she slides her shorts off to get a look at her pleading pussy when suddenly, a figure appears in front of her. “H~Hey! Who the fuck are you?” she stammers, blushing from being seen in such an intimate state.

“Your inspiration… now come here and let me give you a good time darling~”


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