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The next two days were not nearly as eventful as the first. Nathan only lost a tad bit more height and his chest got a little puffy, as if it was swollen due to injury for some reason. He got a bit discouraged because of the lack of significant changes and the fact that his manhood was still fully functioning. However, on the fifth day of his infection he noticed some more promising results. His hair has a much more soft and silky texture and grew nearly below his shoulders in his sleep. Along with that, his face looks much less angular leading to a newly feminine appearance. Most men at first glance would see Nathan as a girl just looking at his face. “Great progress,” he thought, “but what is this really convincing?”

Nathan layers on some now baggy clothes due to his significantly decreased height and gets ready to venture outdoors. The familiar slightly sick feeling and heart pumping in his chest indicated his anxiety clearly to him, but he has to know. He notes how lucky he is that his clothes are so big on him, his still masculine frame would be a dead giveaway to anyone taking a closer look.

Thinking of where to go, the most logical place is his local store to get some munchies to ride out the rest of his infection. He makes his way over and thinks about how exactly he would determine if he looks feminine enough to pass as a girl. Asking someone? No, that would be strange to ask. “Do I look like a girl to you?” Most definitely not. Nothing else comes to his mind until he actually gets there. Go to the womens clothing area, browse around, take a glance at others' reactions. In theory, if there are no reactions, Nathan knows he passes as a girl.

He decides to go for the women's section first, then get his food. He doesn’t really know what he’s looking for, and it feels kind of wrong to be here. Unfortunately for him, he ends up getting a reaction from one of the men in the store.

“I’m sorry ma’am, would you like to go out with me to the coffee shop next door? You look a little tired.” the man proposes to him.

Nathan looks up at him in shock, his face showing only confusion and surprise. “Uh… uh… no thank you.” he squeaks out in an even more surprisingly high tone. He didn’t test his voice this morning, so it's a welcome surprise. To his luck, the man takes the rejection nicely and goes about his way. Nathan audibly exhales after the intersection. Apparently he’s really that convincing as is. He goes as quickly as he can to get his food and leave, being forced into talking to a few more people on his way. Eventually, he makes it out and carries his food home without issues.

He collapses on his bed with a sigh. “Wow… man…” he says, exhausted. Being approached by a random guy was not what Nathan expected when going out. He’s happy, but still overwhelmed. He mulls over it all night before he eventually falls back to sleep.

Excited to wake up again, Nathan nearly leaps out of his bed. He can’t tell if it is his excitement or something else that made it so easy for him to do so. Sure enough, his naked body looks plenty slender now. A perk of sleeping naked for him is being able to see his new transformations first thing every morning. His body that was originally somewhere around 200 pounds is now hovering around the 100 mark. Nathan admires his thin shoulders, his waist curving inwards, his stomach almost flat. Only padded with a light layer of fat. The strangest part of all though is the burning, swelling feeling in his crotch. He looks down to see his cock more erect and lively than it’s ever been before. The warm sensation spreads out through his body until every atom demands him to relieve himself.

He wraps a delicate soft hand around his throbbing member and starts stroking with assistance from the copious precum. “AHHHHH~ GAAAAAHHDD… FAAAHHHHKKKK~” he shouts out in an anime~esque girly voice corrupt with arousal. Every stroke feels like an entire orgasm erupting from his cock. His only choice is to keep going until climax. He strokes faster and faster, his slim hands bringing him to a body-shaking orgasm. Cum spurts out of his dick like an erotic volcano, each burst of seed ravaging his body with pleasure.

After a few seconds, the pleasure begins to wane. The concerning part is it still feels like he’s stroking his dick despite both hands being off of it. “Haaahhh, haaahhh, haaaaa… whaa the hell?” Nathan heaves while the phantom handjob continues. He can’t deny that it feels good, but he also can’t explain why it’s happening. He can barely think straight after his first orgasm, but these forces decide that he needs a second. The moment he tries to touch his dick to feel if anything is actually there, the second orgasm hits him like a truck. “KYAAAAAAAAAAHHNN~” he screams loud enough for his neighbors to hear him. He falls back onto the floor and convulses in pure bliss.

This time, the pleasure fades fully. Nathan regains his ability to think and sees his member now looking completely lifeless and shriveled up. Any normal person would be concerned that their junk suddenly lost all function, but Nathan can only feel joy in anticipation. He rushes to his bed thinking about what will happen when he wakes up again.

Just as she expected! A fully functioning vagina awaited her awakening in the morning. “Ehehehe! Yeeeesssss!” she giggled in glee. Finally, what she always wanted. She also finds that her chest has put on some more weight, much more fitting of the term ‘tits’ now, jiggling and bouncing slightly with each movement. It suddenly dawned on her that she doesn’t really fit the name Nathan anymore. He always had a name in mind for if this fantastical situation ever occurred to him, Alyssa. It always rolled off the tongue nicely. She also realized that she most definitely needed some girly clothing if she wanted to pull off the look she desired which requires another trip to the store.

She knows that her breasts will probably get very large as it’s a nearly guaranteed symptom of the virus so she made sure to buy a very large bra to hold them. That along with some cute panties, a top with plenty of room, and a flowery skirt. Ass size typically varied amongst victims, so she figured that she should just get something that will fit nearly any size and her panties are stretchy enough.

Now that she’s home with her new outfits, she decides to try one on, without the bra of course. Her rather average breasts wouldn’t even be close to filling it out. To her dismay, none of the clothes she bought really fit too well. All too large. While Alyssa wants to feel what masturbation is like for women, she wants to progress her transformation even more. After ordering a couple ‘toys’ off of a raunchy website, she heads to bed.

3 Days Later…

She was right yet again. Her rather modest breasts have reached a massive size, even bigger than the girl that he saw transform. By some grace of god, their weight nearly feels the same as it was before. Presumably this means no terrible back problems in her future. Her ass also gained size as well. While by no means as massive as her breasts, her rear is nothing short of plump and alluring. Her thighs and buttcheeks come together to form a round, heart shaped, smooth behind, begging for men to ram her it and use her pussy.

She pokes at one of her puffy nipples, they’re incredibly sensitive. Alyssa can’t believe that she’s a real woman, with real, massive breasts. Forget about money, this is an experience that beats anything else. Her toys are expected to arrive tomorrow, so she holds off on masturbating for just one more day.

A ring at the door wakes Alyssa up quickly. She darts to the door and swings it open, not caring that her entire body would be exposed to the mailman if he just looked behind him as he walks away. She snatches the package and runs back inside to her room.

Ooooohh yesssss!” she exclaims in a hushed voice as she rips open the package’s seal. She takes out multiple lewd items, a swimsuit that she knows for a fact is too tight, a set of two vibrating ball-looking things, a rather large dildo, and the most interesting item, a pair of breast pumps. Despite lactation not being a reported symptom in any case so far, there isn’t any harm in pleasuring her nipples with a bit of sucking. Plus, as a man Alyssa was always into milking, who is a better subject to her fetishes than herself?

She struggles to put on the stretchy, but tightly clinging swimwear. Her breasts are nearly squeezed back into her torso, but the arousal from the clear outline of lewd flesh is worth the discomfort. In a spur of horniness, Alyssa suddenly finds the idea of showing off her body alluring, a complete one-eighty. Now that she is more or less fully female, it’s the perfect time. Getting into some more casual and sporty attire to not make her intentions completely clear, she heads out to the local pool.

For some reason, the women's changing room felt almost natural to her. In fact, the feeling of shame and embarrassment she had when she was male is completely gone! She strips down and suits up with pride and excitement. She struts out to the pool and jumps right in. The colder than usual water stings her skin, and more importantly, causes her nipples to perk right up through the paddingless chest area of the suit. She wades around a bit, then attempts to swim, but is ultimately hindered too much by the globular weights on her chest. At the idea of getting out of the pool, her arousal begins to rise yet again. “This is a public setting!” she thought, reprimanding her own dirty mind. However, this only brought the heat in her crotch surging even hotter. She has to do it.

Alyssa pulls herself out of the water, and decides to ask a random man to take a picture of her. Predictably, the man does not take more than a second to spring into action. Alyssa lays down, chest and nipples pressing against the paddle board, stimulating her even further. She faces the camera with a smile on her face as the man takes picture after picture. At the end of the photoshoot, she doesn’t even ask for the pictures, and instead urgently makes her way back to the women's locker room. 

Of course, she came prepared. She grabs her bag and sneaks over to one of the stalls, locking herself inside. She pulls the firm dildo out of her bag and moves the part of the suit covering her moist slit out of the way. She teases herself with the tip of the rather large toy, poking at her pussy lips while trying to not make any suspicious noises. Eventually, she shoves the tip inside her, nearly letting her voice slip as she feels something enter her pussy for the first time. Alyssa doesn’t know if she dares push it deeper inside, but her sex drive demands her to. She shoves it deeper, centimeter by centimeter. Her hands shake, her legs feel tingly and fuzzy, and her vagina tells her yes.

She puts a hand over her mouth as she hears footsteps approach in front of her, then fade. She continues gently pulling and pushing on the thick rod, the risk only making the pleasure more intense. The pressure in her pussy builds, she tempts fate and orgasm with each tiny movement of the dildo. More footsteps, this time, however, they stop in front of the stall door, then conversation. Three, no, four girls talking right in front of the stall she’s in. With even the smallest movement of her body or the dildo, orgasm is guaranteed. She stays dead still for what feels like at least an hour.


Reactively, Alyssa pulls the dildo out from her gushing womanhood as fast as she physically can, instantly inducing a mind-breaking climax.

“Heeeyy, someone in there?”

She doesn’t even hear the girl as her ears ring from pure sensory overload. By some divine miracle, she manages to not let her voice slip while her entire midsection spasms from pulsating waves of bliss. Her eyes water as the pleasure proves unrelenting. Luckily, the girl that knocked decides to just move on. Alyssa sits, basking in the afterglow of terrible perversion for a minute or two before pulling herself together and leaving.

After going into a post-orgasm coma, Alyssa wakes up the next day to the female equivalent of morning wood. A warmth between her legs, and a tingling emanating from her nipples. Suddenly, the fact that she owns a breast pump pops back into her mind. She bears through the arousal to fetch the apparatus, and attaches it to her abnormally erect nipples. Reluctantly, she flips the on switch to setting 2. The machine whirrs to life and immediately gets to work. “Faahhhnnnnnkkk…” she moans as the suction lightly tugs on her nipples. The constant pull is nice, but she decides to flip the switch from constant to burst, then turn up the intensity.

MHMMMMMMM~ HRMMMMMM~” she bites her lip in order to not get a noise complaint again. The off and on pulling on her nipples draws a hand down to her already damp crotch. “I’m such a slut,” she coos,”teasing my clit while I have a machine sucking my breasts…” As Alyssa is euphorically on her way to hitting yet another mind blowing climax, she notices something. “Wuhh…” she stammers, stopping the rubbing of her clit. Her breasts feel tender and full, almost too full, about to pop. She immediately rushes to turn the machine off, clearly whatever it is doing is not good for her tits. Even after the teat cups are off though, the sensation continues to culminate, threatening to burst out through her taut nipples.  She doesn’t pay it too much mind as she puts back on a sports bra, hoping it’ll just go away.

Not only a minute after she attempts to sit down at her laptop to get some work done, the tender feeling throbs and pulses. “Owwwwwww…. Shit.” she groans as she cups her tits that now look much too large for her bra. She squeezes them lightly, and like a dam moments away from breaking, a slight leak breaks. “What? My bra is wet? From what? Oh fu~” she manages to say before she's knocked to the floor by a torrent of relief. The fabric of her bra is rapidly turned a darker shade around her nipples, then starts dripping as her breasts squirt out milk with high enough pressure for it to spray. Out of morbid curiosity, Alyssa takes her left tit out of her bra and starts sucking all of the milk she can out the nipple. She’s never been a fan of warm milk, but this milk tastes heavenly. Thick, creamy, slightly sweet. Enough to turn her on even more.

In her bliss, she doesn’t notice that her body as a whole seemed to be producing much more erotic fluids than a normal girl would be. The lactation let alone is not normal, but feeling her wetness dripping through her leggings while she caressed her pussy was definitely unusual. Little did she know while she was masturbating the day away, this increased fluid production was a major mutation in the virus. Aimed to increase infectivity, it can now travel by just a single drop of her fluids on skin, or even by inhaling the same air as her standing next to her. As if that wasn’t bad enough, her libido shot through the roof at the scent of a man, barely being able to contain herself in public. Is Alyssa’s mutation lucky, unlucky? Who knows, but the world is now under threat of becoming a mass of large breasted, lactating women because of her…


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