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Hyde is a little down bad, to say the very least. He hasn’t even played a Final Fantasy game before, and all he does is obsess over Tifa. She’d taken the internet by storm with plenty of lewd art and animations being made about her. His interest with Tifa also awakened a kink for dominant women, one that would not be sated easily. Being the degenerate that he is, Hyde whacked off to her every day, most of the time multiple times a day. Not to mention his comments on every post about Tifa including things such as “sit on me” and “I want her to step on me.”

Fate always seems to bless the worst people with the most power, and Hyde’s situation is no different. In one year Hyde managed to blow a thousand loads to Tifa alone. As a reward to his perverted efforts, he discovered that is now able to ‘possess’ objects with the essence of his fantasies. He notes that the rules of the power seem to be that he has to be at peak arousal and that he can only become aroused from one character in order to project the essence of his fantasies onto the object. He used it initially to possess a crossing stranger’s phone to turn them into a steamy catgirl. It would appear that since he infused the essence of his fantasy with all the lust of his arousal, the lust would directly transfer into the transformed victim.

He couldn’t believe that his powers are actually functional. It was just sort of an instinct to use them in the moment. Being horny in public just walking down the street is definitely a strange requirement, but it’s nothing past Hyde. He didn’t want to try Tifa right away since he wanted to save it for a special occasion. Truthfully, Hyde isn’t a bad looking person. He could probably get a girlfriend if it wasn’t for his obsession with Tifa, but now he had the power to bring her to reality and experience her in the flesh. Too much power for one horny virgin.


What do you mean I can’t staaaay?” Draven slurred as the bartender demanded the stubborn man to leave the building. After the busty green and pink haired girl left the bar, the bartender gave up his hopes trying to get with her and closed up a little early. After a bit more convincing and an offer to order him a ride home, Draven eventually ended up leaving the bar of his own volition.

“Just wait out here for like 10 minutes bud, he’ll be right there. I don’t want you going it alone!” The bartender called out to him. Draven only responded with a slight grumble as he stood there slouched over a bit. It didn’t take long until his attention was diverted to a noise in the alleyway behind him. He stumbled his way over while the bartender wasn’t watching, he was very curious as to find out what was going on at this time of night. Realistically, it’d probably be someone getting robbed, but when Draven poked his head around the corner he saw nothing.

As a true very intoxicated Draven would do, he decided that his best course of action would be to explore the suspicious alleyway. Luckily for him, no one shot or robbed him within his first 60 seconds of entering the alley. “Wuhhhdat…” Draven mumbled, his eye caught by a slight glint amongst some damp boxes. He made his way over to investigate to discover a pair of expensive looking earrings. He picked them up and inspected them closely. He didn’t have any piercings in his ears to put them, but he held him up to his ears nonetheless. When he pulled them down, they tugged on his earlobes. He pulled harder to no avail, they were fully attached to his ears as if his ears were pierced with no easy way to get them off. Especially not for someone that is very intoxicated.

To Draven it feels like all of the alcohol in his blood was sucked out of his veins and replaced with aphrodisiacs. “The hell?” she whispered angrily, still trying to remove the earrings in his panic, panic that was soon overtaken by the raging erection in his pants. Draven’s overwhelming horniness got rid of his inhibitions even more than the alcohol did as he immediately got to stroking his throbbing cock. The pleasure flooded through his crotch into his brain. The tingly warm sensation pulsed through his being, the heat melting off all unsightly bodily hair and softening his skin. His hands and feet cracked down a bit smaller, not fitting the rest of his body. His fingers lengthened slightly as his nails grew out to fit his feminine hands, lubricated by his continuously leaking precum. The rest of Draven’s arms and legs followed after, becoming thin and petite. He did not lose his strength though, he simply became more compact.

As the schlicking sound of his aggressive masturabtion echoed through the alley, his entire body shrank. Scaling him down to about 5 foot and a half. The sensation of feminine hands giving him a handjob produced a light “Mmmmphhhhh” from his vocal cords. The sound wasn’t masculine sounding at all, in fact, it sounded rather girly. The rest of Draven’s face soon came to match his higher pitched voice as his jet black hair trickled down his neck and down to his back. His skull shifted with a bit of popping, cheekbones raising to accentuate his more womanly face. His nose thinned out while his eyes grew a tad turning an unnatural dark red. His lips pushed against each other as they puffed out, their softness perfectly suited for sucking dick.

Draven parted his plump lips,”Aaaaaaaaaaaahnnnnn” he moaned in pure bliss as he neared climax. His cute face read of pure ecstasy, to anyone else they would see a petite girl with a dick vigorously masturabting. A little strange, but more than a few people in this area would definitely take advantage of that. It wouldn’t last for long though. With each stroke of his cock his body became more and more curvaceous, his waist thinning and his hips widening while being lightly padded with fat. A short miniskirt appeared around his hips, unable to contain his erection as he just kept stroking. His ass quickly pushed against the miniskirt as it filled with soft fat and muscle. His plush behind continued to stretch the fabric as his thighs followed in gurgling full. His ass and thighs jiggled slightly as Draven was soon robbed of his thigh gap, thick legs bouncing with each stroke of his dick.

The gears in Draven’s head clicked as he moaned out a name. “Ti–haah–fahhnn?” The realization somehow turned him on more than he already was as a white top wrapped around his chest. It had plenty of room in it, and Draven loved having titties. He continued masturbating even more furiously than before as his nipples began to ache. He was only a few strokes away from climax, two more, one more, “AAAHHNNNNNNNNNN OHMYGAAAAAAAAAWAWDD” Draven screamed as pleasure overwhelmed his mind. Each rope of sticky cum that came out of his shaft, more flesh flooded in under his sore nipples. Nipples that had hardened and grown five times as large as they were before. He continued to stroke his dick milking every last milliliter of seed to grow his breasts as large as possible. They jiggled and bounced in his top as the white fabric struggled to contain them. His D cups skyrocketed through the alphabet quickly reaching gravity-welling J cups that could be seen through the white top due to how much stress was on it.

As his body was drained of all its seed, his balls and penis suddenly slipped through his hands and retracted up inside of him. All he heard was a slight popping sound before gloves and sleeves covered his hands and forearms. He put one of his gloved hands under his tiny skirt to feel a damp, sensitive slit a little below where his manhood used to be. Despite orgasming just moments ago, his arousal remained. Draven-Tifa stood up and looked around, seeing a young man rounding the corner. She put her hands on her hips and beckoned the man to come over and help her out.

“What’s your name, pretty boy?” she beckoned.

“Uhhhhh, Hyde?” he responded as Tifa approached him.

Hyde was a bit nervous. He’s transformed a few people already, but he’d never come face-to-face with them before. Luckily for him, Draven-turned-Tifa is a rather aggressive and dominant individual. She strutted her way towards him, her hips swaying and breasts bouncing with each step with no bra to contain them. A clear outline of Hyde’s member is seen through his pants. Tifa pushes herself up against him and caresses his hardness through his pants with her soft hands. “I’m right here, are you gonna do something or what?” she whispers in his ear. Hyde can’t take her taunting. Here he is, his dream girl right in front of him. He has to take advantage.

Hyde makes his move, grabbing the bottom of Draven’s top and quickly lifting it up, her massive tits slapping against her skin. She’s stunned by Hyde’s advances, stunned enough for him to lift her miniskirt and take her down to the ground. “Ooooh!” she says as a light slap can be heard as her ass lands on Hyde’s lap. She feels the bulge underneath her ass and begins grinding her wide womanly hips against it, exciting Hyde even more. Tifa moves her hands down to his pants 

and slides them down bit by bit until his hard cock pokes against her ass. Hyde sinks his hands into her breasts as she rubs his erection against her soaking pussy, lubricating it with her warm fluids. “Mhmmmmmmm, squeeze…. harder…” Draven moans as he plays with and pinches her bulging nipples.

The teasing doesn’t last for long as Hyde removes his hands from her breasts and places them on her hips, sliding her body behind his cock so that it is sandwiched between her squishy thighs. He uses his pure horny strength to pick Draven up and hold her over his throbbing dick, threatening to impale her pussy at any moment. “Y~you gonna do it or w~what?” she stutters in anticipation. Her heart pounds harder and harder at her inevitable fate until,”mmhmmmmAAAHHNNNNNN~~”. Her vaginal walls completely filled with cock all at once, not a completely foreign sensation to Draven, but Hyde slamming her ass down onto his dick and impaling her was an experience she hadn’t had before. Her pussy gripped and squeezed his cock as he forced her up and down, her plush ass slapping against him with each thrust up and down. Tifa loved the feeling of her tits bouncing and jiggling with every movement she made, even the feeling of the chilly air on her nipples and sensitive breast flesh brought her nearer to orgasm.

Hyde grabbed her arms and put them behind her head, arms that feel like jelly as the warm buzz of sex radiated through her body. Tifa clenches her teeth in raw pleasure as her pussy gripped Hyde’s cock trying its best to squeeze the semen out of him to impregnate her. He rammed her womanhood with short, powerful thrusts jiggling her bouncy body. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes as climax built up through every ounce of her being, finally releasing with a massive burst as Hyde’s seed was pumped into her womb. Tifa feels her womb slowly filled with a hot liquid, her pussy couldn’t hold it all as much of it leaked out while his dick was still inside her. As Draven was left shaking and disheveled from her mind breaking orgasm, Hyde’s dick slipped out of her.

While Draven was still basking in the afterglow, nipples tingling and clit throbbing, Hyde began panicking at his lack of penis. “Shit shit shit…” Hyde whispered in a woman-like voice as he pawed at his crotch. A looked down to find that he now had a fully functioning vagina just like Draven-Tifa. Moments later his entire body had feminized, large perky breasts included. When his transformation was finalized, he was fully Yuffie. Apparently having vaginal sex with a transformed victim had a similar effect on whoever had sex with them. Hyde wasn’t sure if it would be the normal 24 hour period, but that didn’t matter to him too much now. He and Tifa were both horny, and they both wanted to find more men to satisfy them.

request from Drey911 He a real one. Make sure to give his profile a visit, I've got a few personal favorites on his. The Ahri cap is a classic and his recent one about Diane is also a straight banger. 



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