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You felt sort of bad for cheating, but it was just for one night with most of your hookups. Plus, there was no way your girlfriend would know anyways. Hell, in this modern day she was doing the same thing as you probably! Whatever excuses you could use to cope with your immoral behavior. To be honest with yourself, you were half expecting a text from her saying that she found out about your many other partners. You didn’t want to lose her, but you couldn’t come clean now. The matter is too far gone now, especially because of the fact that one of your more long term side hookups is one of her best friends. You can’t blame yourself though, Caythlyn was a 10/10. Every time you met up with her you were shocked at her unreal alluring body and incredible sexual skills pleasuring you and herself into near unconsciousness.


You check your phone, heart sinking a little in anticipation of her message. You were just out with Caythlyn yesterday, did she find out?

“Hey babe, you free rn? U should come over

You gave her a quick response of OMW as the burden of anticipation was lifted from your chest. You got on your bike and made the quick ride to her house. When you made it there, nothing was out of the ordinary. She always left her door unlocked when she knew that you were coming over, so you simply locked up your bike and opened up the door.

You walked in the door as it closed behind you, a light click indicating that it just locked. You didn’t pay any mind to it as you looked around the house for Nyla. You called out “NYLA, YOU UP THERE?” up the stairs. No response. What you did hear though was some movement coming from the kitchen. Looking over to the living room that leads into the kitchen, you see a head peak around the corner, then making its way around the corner. You stare in shock as the girl walks on all fours, taking notice of you shortly before hopping up the couch, still on her hands and knees.

The girl looked exactly like Caythlyn, same dark hair, red eyes, and killer body. But she had dog ears and a tail now. “Caythlyn? What the hell are you doing here?” you say sternly but not too loudly. She only continues to observe you and pant, then begins barking. You look behind you to see Nyla, the person that Caythlyn was barking at.

“So, would you like to tell me why she shouldn’t be here?” Nyla questions you.

“I’m so, so, soooo sorry babe! I didn’t want to do it, it just… it just happened! I wanted to apologize, but… but~”

SILENCE!” she shouts, your throat no longer vocalizing any intelligible words. “You knew exactly what you were doing, bastard. Caythlyn told me about all the other girls too, she pleaded and asked for forgiveness. Her sin wasn’t too much of a travesty, so I changed her mind to enjoy being my pet. All she wants now is for me to touch her, no other thoughts in that head of her. She forgot about everything that has happened to her, true peace, right?”

You looked over at Caythlyn again in fear, pawing at the air on her back, tail wagging. You felt like you knew where this tirade was going.

“Cheating on me with my own best friend, however. Oh ho ho, now THAT'S something else! I think you deserve a little extra punishment for that one…” she says sadistically. “I already have myself a nice pet dog, now, what am I missing?”

You attempt to make a run for the door, but after just a few steps she shouts out, “SPELLARIUM BINAROUS!” Her words ripple through the room as you get knocked to the floor, unable to move. Nyla begins chanting in another tongue, one incomprehensible to you as she puts a pair of tropey anime girl cat ears on your head. Your bones and muscles immediately begin to shrink, your spine cracking down as well. You swiftly lose mass as you shrink down to a tiny 4’10”. Looking like a tiny man more than anything, you shed your bodily hair like an animal, exposing your now soft and supple porcelain skin. Your skin feels a little tingly from the transformation, but you didn't focus on it for too long.

Nyla brought out a mirror and held it over your head. “You know what, I think I’ll let you use your voice for this next part.” she said while you stared into the mirror. You wanted to curse her out, beg for forgiveness, but you’re completely mesmerized by the sight of your face cracking and changing. You can’t help but look as your jawline thins out, your cheekbones shifting accentuate your cute and pinchable cheeks, your eye sockets changing to accommodate your shimmering blue eyes. Suddenly, a ringing sound overtakes your hearing. You can see Nyla’s lips moving, but no sound makes it to your brain. That is until a light tingling on your head, your hearing returns, and everything around you sounds a little crisper.

You’re not sure of what she said, but you’re able to move a little bit now. It feels like you’re operating at 5% energy, but at least you’re able to tilt your head a little and move your limbs somewhat. Despite this returned freedom, you continue looking at your reflection. You notice that the tingling on your head was two floppy cat ears, and that the hair that surrounded them was growing out at a quick pace. Your locks of hair turned white from the roots as they spilled out over the floor, covering the carpet and your body in silky white threads.

“Awwww, you look so cute!” Nyla taunts as she reaches for something in her pocket. She pulls out a small collar and dangles it over your head. “I haven’t put too much curse into you myself. That would take a lot of energy out of me, so I put it into this little thing instead. It’s just as cute as you are. I think it’ll fit you perfectly!” She bends over and latches the collar around your thin neck. It fits perfectly as it lightly squeezes the base of your neck. Snapped out of the mirror's trance, you beg “Nyaaah, naaa yaa yaa. Nya?” You hate whatever sound just came out of you. You sound like one of those e-girls pretending to be a cat on stream for money. You don’t have much time to complain as you start purring from the jolts that came from the collar. The purring quickly became hissing as your entire body felt like pins and needles under your clothes.

“Oops, I don’t need you to be suffering too much do I?” Nyla says sadistically as she slides off your t-shirt, pants, and undergarments. The pins and needles are immediately relieved, but your throbbing cock that doesn’t at all match your body is exposed to Nyla. Your cheeks blush full of red as she looks at it in disappointment. “It’s a shame, really. It was a great cock, but you more than deserve this.” You sheepishly move your hands down to your crotch. You can’t help but place your dainty hands on your massive erection as your brain clouds with lust. The soft skin of your hands touching your throbbing member is a totally new sensation, jerking yourself off as a girl? You didn’t spare any time before you started lightly stroking, lubricated by your copious amounts of precum. “Awe look at that, you were trying to beg for mercy just a moment ago. Now look at you!”

You tried to fight your instinctual urge to pleasure yourself, but your purring became louder as a bursting sensation built up in your cock and groin. You put your other hand on your dick, one not being nearly enough to cover it. Rapidly stroking the tip of your cock, you let out a long purr as ropes and ropes of cum burst out onto the floor and your thighs and stomach. Your member shrinks as it slips through your cum soaked hands, You paw at what remains of it as your balls slurp up inside of you, forming a womb and two fertile ovaries full of eggs. A wet slit opens up shortly after as what remains of your dick shrank into an erect clit. “Nyaaahh~” you coo as you accidently slip a finger or two past your new pussy lips.

“We can’t be having you get all dirty now.” Nyla says while she pulls out a pair of white stockings and panties from her closet. Your feral instincts tell you to continue to schlick your fingers in and out of your vagina, but Nyla commands that you cease. She slides the leggings over leg, on your small feet, up your rounded calves, over your smooth thighs, then fits the panties to cover your moist womanhood. “Ah yes… now… let me give you a little more ENERGY!” she exclaims while you feel another jolt, similar to the jolt from the collar but much more powerful this time.

Your lower body feels tingly as your waist caves in to become wispy thin. Your hips soon match, pushing out and stretching the strings of your panties, each side supported with a light layer of fat. The tingle moves down to your thighs and ass, they inflate a little together, pushing out with cute feminine flesh. Your figure nearly looks perfect, a small waist leading to breedable hips and a plush behind that’s ideal for fucking. It was a strange feeling to not have anything between your thigh gap, but being honest with yourself it was a little arousing, you still hated the cat part of it though. “Get on your knees.” Nyla demands, voice imbued with curse. You immediately get on your hands and knees as Nyla creeps around behind you. She places her hands on your squishy ass, jolting you again. The base of your spine feels strange, like something inside is trying to get out. Soon enough, it feels like Nyla is stroking your spine. You look back to see that what she’s stroking is a cat tail, your cat tail.

She continues playing with your ass and tail, then moves a hand to the clear outline of your pussy lips through the panties. “I won’t keep touching you, all you have to say is no, and this nightmare ends.” She whispers in your ear. The words make you shiver, you concentrate your consciousness and tell her,”Nyah!” Deep down, you knew that’s what would happen. There was no way that she would let you out of this, and your voice was already changed, nothing you could do. She caresses your pussy lips as you feel a tugging on your nipples. You use one of your own hands to feel them perk up as your areolas widen to three times their normal size. Your seductive pink nipples have the sensitivity to match their alluring look, purring uncontrollably at the touch as your panties become a little more damp. It feels like someone is slowly filling your chest with sand as soft fat builds behind your nipples, forming breasts. Nyla slips a finger under your panties and teases your clit as tits grow through the sizes, eventually hanging off your chest a solid C cup that looks larger on your petite frame.

Your mind snaps back to reality, she didn’t change you mentally at all, just physically. You’re nearly overwhelmed by handiwork on your new genitals, but you swiftly let out a hissing sound as you jump around to pounce at her. Right before you’re able to lay a finger on her, you bounce right off. “Really? After what I just did to you?” she sneers. You fall on your butt and Nyla uses a spell to remove the little clothing that you have on.

You discover that the forcefield Nyla created has a few additional properties, one of them being that you feel like your body is on fire and the slit between your legs is soaking and dripping onto the floor. Still in the mind of a male, you’d hate to have to come to be dominated by your ex-girlfriend. You attempt to use your tiny hands to pleasure yourself, but when you touch your clit and nipples you feel nothing. It’s like trying to tickle yourself.

“Futile.” Nyla says. “You’re my pet now, and I will be the one taking care of you.” You want to run or do anything to escape your fate, but it turns out there were a few mental changes as Nyla’s breasts pop out of her shirt to reveal massive lightly lactating mounds of flesh. Your brain races into horny overdrive. “Fortunately for you, my curse-work backfired on me once or twice. Now I have these big milky breasts just for you, my pets.” You don’t want to submit to her, but the trickling creamy liquid hits an instinctual part of your slightly feline mind.

You leap to suckle on her breasts, slightly sloshing on impact causing more milk to squirt out. Your mind fights it, but your lips and mouth won’t stop sucking. “So cute…” she whispers as she runs her hands through your lavender hair. The rage builds in your heart, but the taste of her sweet breast milk subdues your burning desire for revenge enough for you to keep your mouth on her nipple. You drink for nearly half an hour before releasing. “Awww, is your tummy full? Mommy still has more for you.” she taunts and she jiggles her sloshing breasts in front of you. Embarrassment and hatred spills into you, but all you can do is meow and hiss at her in protest. You have no power, and all you can do is beg for her to release you from your daily feline heat.

You end up using purring and hissing to communicate with Nyla somewhat. It took a while for you to cooperate, considering that you still have all your past memories. But you needed her to please you, seeing Caythlyn made you horny as well but Nyla is the only one who can please you. A few doubtful agreements, misbehavior, and forced decisions later, you end up chained to the wall in a skimpy maid outfit purring and meowing, begging for Nyla to pleasure you whenever she comes home. Some days she would deny you, leaving your pussy to drip on the floor as you attempt to play with yourself to no avail. Most of the days though, she used various toys to pleasure your vagina and nipples and even allowed you to suck on her massive breasts as a treat.

You live every day in a mix of hatred and pleasure with no choice, only the illusion of an end in sight. She told you that she’d turn you back eventually, but she had no intent to do so, and since her milk slowly increased your already high libido, you’re doomed to be her spiteful pet for the rest of your life.




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