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Yukio was excited to get home and play the new Demon Slayer fighting game he just bought, nearly running, but not quite as to not cause a scene. About halfway home, he hears a voice calling out. “Hey, you! Uhmm, could you help me out real quick?” Yukio snaps his head in her direction as the woman beckons him over for assistance. “Uhmmm, what do you need exactly?” he inquires. “I’m not quite from around here, do you know where this address is? It’s for a friend's house.” He didn’t have the greatest idea of how the city he lived in was mapped out, but he had a good enough idea to give this lady a recommendation. “I think you go two blocks west, then take a left, then go~” your slow directions are interrupted when a masked man snatches the woman you’re talking to’s purse.

“HEY, GET THAT GUY, HE STOLE MY PURSE!!” she shouts out into the crowd. Yukio stands there stunned for a moment, he knows that he’s not fit enough to chase after the man for any reasonable period of time. Instead, he decides to book it back home while the woman is distracted, hopefully not angering her. What else could he have done, it was a lose-lose situation.

As he stepped foot into his house, his chest hurt from how hard he ran. Maybe if he ran that hard towards the thief, he could have helped the woman. No, it’s no use to think about what could have happened, it’s in the past now. He plops down in his chair to play the brand new game he just bought. He’s unsure of the content in the game, but he hopes dearly that Shinobu is a playable character. He boots up the game, the guilty thoughts of the previous events leaving his mind. The silhouette of Shinobu is visible in the character select screen, accessible through the story mode. Yukio spends hours on end, well into the night, grinding the story in the pursuit of being able to play his waifu.

When the clock hits 3 am, Yukio has successfully unlocked Shinbou. He rushes out of the story, spamming the exit button on every menu to hop into the practice arena. After only having a minute to test out her kit, there's a ring on his doorbell. “Who in the hell…” Yukio whispers as he reluctantly gets up to check at his door. He looks through the glass in his door to see the same woman from before, the one he left to be robbed. He creaks open the door, guilt weighing down on his soul.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ABOUT??” the woman shouts at him as she barges into his house, face to face with him. “YOU JUST LEFT ME, HUH?”

“I’m sorry, but, uhmm, I would’ve never been abl~”


“Sorry… sorry… sorry, I didn’t mean to, I just, I just…”

“Jesus…” she whispers to herself before continuing, “LITTLE BRATS LIKE YOU ARE NEARLY AS BAD AS THE CRIMINALS THAT STEAL. REPULSIVE LITTLE RATS THAT RUN AWAY FROM EVERYTHING.” She conjures a spell while still screaming at Yukio, the energy hits him square in the face, knocking him out cold. “Someone has to teach these kids a lesson…” she mutters while she prepares a makeshift concoction, glancing at Yukio’s still on screen for a moment.

As his consciousness fades back in, he notices that his ability to move has been stripped from him. Not even able to speak words, he panics internally. The woman sees that his eyes are darting around, looking for any help. “Oooohh you’re finally awake.” she groans. “Let's make this simple, do you want the antidote, or do you want to wait a day for this to wear off?” Yukio attempts to vocalize something, desperate to be released from his paralysis. “Yeah, you can’t talk, can you. Well I’ll assume you’d rather bail out then wait out your punishment. I can tell, all you rat types are the same.” she condemns him before sitting him up against the wall and holding the concoction to his mouth. She pours it in slowly, the liquid feels like he’s drinking pure lavender flowers, a warm feeling sliding down his throat. He doesn't attempt to resist the antidote, it’s not like he could even if he wanted to.

As the thick fluid made its way down his throat, his entire body felt tingly. It was as if hundreds of invisible hands were caressing every inch of his skin all at once. His skin turned a creamy pale white, all of the hair plucked out by the hands. The hands pushed on his entire being, shrinking his stature down to something much more petite and feminine, his muscles shrinking to match his smaller form but still retaining their power. The fat gurgling away to nothingness, but not for long. His face softened, his eyes becoming larger but sly looking as the irises turned a beautiful shade of violet. His eyebrows thinned, nose following while his lips plumped up a bit to fit the rest of his cute face. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see purple locks of hair cascading down his shoulders and in front of his face. His panic returned as he realized what was happening, he attempted to cough or gag out the liquid, but he only succeeded in assisting it slide further into his body.

To his surprise, he was able to move his fingers and toes again, wiggling the dainty extremities, slightly relieved. “It would appear that my remedy here can only do so much if ingested, which is strange, but it’s not the end of the world.” she says as she lathers it onto her hands. Yukio’s ability to make noise is restored slightly, but only enough to groan out unintelligible nonsense as she slides the front of his shirt up. “I’d hate to touch your previous lardy body, but since you’re much cuter now, I don’t mind it as much. Be grateful.” she says before slathering the concoction over his soft chest. He groans out a “uuuuuughhhh mmmmnhhhh” in a cutesy voice while she massages his chest, a pulsing warmth radiating from it. Able to tilt his head down, Yukio looks to see his nipples taut, and thrice the size as they were before. A “MMMMMMHHHHH” can be heard as she teases and pulls on his sensitive budding breasts, fat quickly flowing beneath his nipples. They reached C-cup, then soared past, stretching his already large nipples out wider as they stopped swelling at a generous DD cup. Your rest of the liquid seeped into his tits, even the light brush of air is stimulating to his soft mounds.

She lets down his shirt, unable to suppress another moan at his hyper sensitive boobs as the fabric brushes against his erect nipples. She slides off his pants and boxers completely, scared of what was going to happen next as his throbbing member stood high, leaking precum. She arms her already slimy hands with more of the mixture, and slightly disgusted, but a little aroused, slathers some more onto her lips and in her mouth. The woman brushes her hair from her face as she wraps her lips around his cock. “AAHHHHNNNN, OOHHHHHNNNN” Yukio screams in the divine pleasure of her soft dick sucking lips caressing his erection. She bobs her head up and down, trying to make him cum as fast as possible.

With each wave of pleasure, Yukio’s hips and ass stretch outwards, his ass squishing against the floor he sits on, cheeks expanding by the moment. Once his hips reached the size that any man or woman would be jealous of, his thighs started to pump and swell with soft fat. They covered the floor more and more until the sensitive insides of his thighs connected, enhancing the bliss of the blowjob even more. He feels his voice return to him, only for him to plead,”MMMMHMMM MHMMM MHMM, MAKE… ME… CUM. PLEEAASEEE!” The woman shoves his cock deep into her throat, swallowing every last drop of his fresh, salty semen. The seed keeps pumping into her as Yukio’s erection fades, slurping into his body and bringing his balls with it to form a puffy slit in its place. His baggy, but stretched clothes around his chest and ass, faded and morphed into a butterfly decorated kimono. A kimono that wasn’t even close to covering his full body, exposing his fresh pussy and cleavage.

Yukio attempts to move, but his legs won’t let him stand. “Ah, I forgot..” she heaves in between burdened breaths. She pulls out the remainder of the concoction and spreads his pussy lips wide open. Yukio tries to do anything in his power to stop the woman from doing whatever she was about to do, but his exhausted, sweaty body could do nothing more than try to resist her. She held up the bottle of remaining concoction, and poured it into his freshly formed vagina. The liquid coated the wet walls of his pussy, soaking in as it made it way deeper down and infiltrating his womb. A similar heat from before pulsed, but this time much stronger. An instinctual lust overtook Yukio’s mind, his womanhood dripping, begging to be pleased. “Help… me… can you… t~turn me back?” he begged. “That’s not quite right.” she responded emotionlessly before shooting a beam of light into his head. “Oh my, it would be a shame if you didn’t. I’d hate to be stuck like this.” Yukio cooed, unable to believe what he just said. “There we go!” the woman said, slightly excited. “You were missing that ara~ara voice! Perfect! Anyways, I hope you love Shinobu enough to be her, because this isn’t going away any time soon. Plus, you’ll have to deal with the concoction I poured into your pussy, your lust will become pent up in under an hour. That’s not even mentioning that nearly your entire body is as sensitive as your clit now, bonus on your nipples and actual clit! Exciting, right? A solid punishment for filth like you.” She vanishes at the blink of Yukio’s eyes. He didn’t have much time to grieve for his lost body. He couldn’t lie to himself, he did love Shinobu, and wanted nothing more than to relieve his aching pussy.


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