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You were taking a stroll through the beach at dusk. No one else was around, it was just you and the cool breeze of the ocean. It was rare to find a beach that was actually nice to be at and had no one around most of the time. Luckily for you, the stars aligned and you were able to get one just a few minutes walk away from your home. There was nothing quite like being able to feel the soft sand on your feet after a hard day of work and study. The environment was serene, cool, and more calming than anything else. It was almost meditative in nature.

On your stroll, you caught a glimpse of a shimmer in the distance. You initially thought it was just a shard of glass reflecting the little remaining sunlight, but your misconceptions were cleared as you went to pick up and dispose of the shimmer. As you put your hand on it, your fingers squished into it slightly. It was very warm, you soon discovered that it was alive as it bursted out of the sand. A glowing yellow thing with eyes, a living star perhaps? You were shocked by its radiant glow, but more so by the fact that this was something you’ve never seen before, not ever in real life.

The plushy star thing bounced around in the air, making some strange, but cute, noises. You stared at it in awe and confusion for a moment. Your fascination with the star was swiftly ended as it rammed itself into you. It felt like someone hit you in the gut with a pillow, what the hell was that thing doing? You looked around to see where it went, the only thing in your observation was the beach and the now starry sky. You patted yourself down from head to toe, where did that star thing go? You soon notice that the area around you starts lighting up like someone was shining a light on you. No, you were the light!

You stumbled as your feet and legs cracked and reshaped, falling to your butt on the sand. You attempt to stand back up, but your small dainty legs aren’t quite enough to support your still large upper body. This wouldn’t last for long as nearly all of the excess fat in your torso simmered away, leaving only a soft layer of flesh on your petite waist. Your shoulders and arms followed as you felt like the entirety of your upper body was being squeezed, graceful arms in their place. You cough then gasp, a choking sensation occupying your throat for a single moment. “Aaaaaaaah” you gasp in a much higher pitched tone, regaining your breath from the sudden lack of air. Around your open mouth your lips puff up slightly while your jawline cracks down to become more circular and feminine. Your nose shrinks a little while your eyelashes lengthen. Your eyes and hair fade into a light blue and shining blonde respectively. As you continue to breathe heavily to regain your composure, your hair covers one of your eyes and tickles your back. It styles itself into a similar formation as the star that just shoved itself inside of you.

Your dick turns fully erect in mere moments, then the sensation of getting 10 blowjobs all at once hits you, milking your manhood of all its seed. The glowing burned your clothes off, leaving you completely naked, moaning “AAHHHHNNNN, OHHHH, MOREEEE!!” in Rosalina’s voice as your dick shoots rope after rope of hot cum onto the sand. You groan in pure bliss as your genitals flatten into nothing, your flat crotch opening up with a damp slit soon after. The glowing becomes stronger over your crotch area and chest, a light blue bikini that was clearly too small for your non-existent assets to fill out.

Your hips fill with fat and crack out wide, child bearing, and then some. You groan a “mmmhmmmm, yessssss” as you bend over, your hands grasping the inside of your sensitive thighs as they ripple with warm fat. Your lust wills a pulsing feeling into your ass, pushing it out larger and larger to fit your womanly hips. The flesh builds in your ass, filling out the bikini panties that weren’t even close to fitting you a moment again. You heaved “ahhhhnnn, aaahhhnn, aahhhhn” as you tried to take a moment to recover from the intense pleasure of butt growing into a perfect heart shape.

The time you have is short as a stretching feeling starts under your nipples. Your areola widening, nipples tripling in size, fully erect. You can’t resist the urge to use your dainty hands to make circles around your warm, sensitive nipples. Your back arches, pushing your chest forward as with each jolt of pleasure that comes from your budding breasts, it ripples out another size. You're soon only able to tickle your nipples through your bra as they soon begin to push against the fabric, reaching D cups. You resort to pinching your nipples through the bra, the weight of your tits still increasing. “I… want.. BIGGER” you cry out as you hug on your breasts, a wave of orgasmic pleasure hits you as they swell to fabric stretching E cups.

A silver crown appears on your head, and the little star pops out of you. Your bikini bottom was soaking from your transformation. The heat was irresistible, you darted back to your home, barely able to contain your bouncing E cups in your top. The star followed you home as well, seemingly your partner now. When you arrived home, you couldn’t help but look at yourself seductively as you held up one of your bra straps with your hand, turning yourself on. The star entered you again, warming up your body to the point of sweating. It wasn’t normal heat, it was heat of pure lust.

You slipped off your bottom while your breasts easily plopped out of your top. You instantly went for your clit, your legs instantly buckling at your hands brushed over it. You collapsed onto the floor as your entire body shivered and shook from the pleasure. You knew that the clit was sensitive, but this was many times more than what you thought it was supposed to be. Raised to near climax in a moment, you tweaked one of your thick nipples with your other hand. You teased and twisted them as you jiggled slightly from the shaking of your body. “Make… me… CUUUUUUUU~~~” you shout out as your entire being convulses with pure orgasmic bliss, your pussy spraying out sticky clear fluid onto the floor and the inside of your thighs. The star exits you again, your intense heat and horniness satisfied. You figured out that this star entering you was something you could control, and that great pleasures of the flesh could be gained from it whenever you wanted. You slid your bikini back on, posing, ready to fetch some studs from the beach tomorrow.



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