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Hey peeps,

Thank you for your patience as I haven't been active on here in the past couple of weeks. I wanted to briefly talk about a few things.


1) I give up ON promoting the Patreon as hard as I have been on social media. Mind you, I don't give up on the Patreon itself, just on promoting it that hard.

But I feel like I've hit a point of diminishing returns (in terms of bringing in new people thru ads), and it's just not worth if for me to spend like an entire workday on a Patreon ad.

That being said, the amount y'all support me on here ... is to say the least, nothing to sneeze at!! Which brings me to my next point:


2) THANK YOU!! For your support on here. A lot of you seem to be willing to support me even when my activity slows down -- you're absolute angels to do that, and it's something I don't really... expect from an audience? Like, it goes against a lot of conventional wisdom? 😅

Also, y'all don't owe me this at all. I see a lot of explanation and apologies in exit surveys and it's like, no... bro.... sis..... h-honey. You do you. I'm not gonna be mad at you for cancelling lmao, for any reason.


3) I'm deathly bored of You Are the Guy. I think I just got too up my own ass with lore in it, and once you get too up your own ass with lore, it is difficult to exit the ass.

It's like you're juggling all of these little plot elements you put into play, and just like with juggling, you have to catch every single one. Whether you throw it back into the air for another spin or not is up to you, but you have to at least catch it. If you don't catch them ... well, it just looks clumsy.

And boy did I throw a lot of balls.

It was supposed to be a simple, goofy little series, and I just had to do it. And so as a result, I'm just having trouble putting pen to paper on that series right now. Realistically, my options are:

1) Chaotic Neutral: Take the reigns of The Guy and try to steer the series in some direction.

2) Lawful Good: Take those reigns and bring it to a clean close.

3) Chaotic Evil: Abandon it.

Lmk what you think.


4) Lilith



Lilith , though it's amusing how everything seems to connect eventually.
