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You devour an entire jar of pickles in the middle of the kitchen floor like a neanderthal.

Or maybe that's not a fair comparison. Has a neanderthal ever, in the history of the world, eaten a pickle? How would that even happen? Could it be that some freak accident in nature once created a single pickle, that a neanderthal then picked up and ate, never to taste that salty, scrumptious goodness again?

You think these thoughts.



You're pumped up and ready to make this next update.

Okay, let's see here ...

The Guy is suplexing The Bad Guy down a mountain. No wait, this already happened. You need to draw what happens next. New layer! NEW LAYER!

Ah, yes, a new layer. Pristine. Untainted by the sins of your pen, but not for long.

What do you wish to draw?

You can say stuff like "draw a circle" or "draw an eye" or "draw some squiggles." It's kind of like twitch plays pokemon, I'm just gonna do all of the comments in order (though I may move on to a new layer every 10 or so!)


Max Rollins

Hyper realistic door


Erase the thing from the previous comments that scares you the most