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One of the most representative trading 4th played by Buddy Rich in the Now's the Time. Buddy generally played pretty soft on this one. Especially 3rd and 5th one are difficult to play softly but clearly.

 Accents are very important, only on the accents can be played loudly but the other notes should be played softly, which makes the dynamics. Buddy's phrases are usually made by the accents, so could be good idea to play only the accents and see how it sounds.

ハリースウィーツエディソンとのカルテットで演奏されたNow's the Timeのバースソロです。コンボでの演奏なのもあり、バディの演奏は比較的ソフトですが音量出すところはかなり出ている感じです。特に3番目と5番目あたりは粒立ちをクリアに且つソフトなタッチで演奏をするのがかなり難しいかと思います。




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