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Hey everybody!

So I've taken the results of the last poll to heart and decided on finishing up the Bunny Girls game. You've probably all noticed by now that I have this brain that loves going for the next new shiny thing, and you all brought me back to my senses. Gotta complete this thing before moving on to other, newer projects.

So I've been creating visual assets for the store pages (as with Gym Mommy, this one will come out on both Itchio and Steam), gathering proper credits from all the sources of images and sounds I've used, etc. All the boring but necessary stuff I kept pushing back but have to do to go to market. I've included a sneak peek of Itchio’s store page, which can be customized in a nicer way than the one on Steam, which will look blander as a result.

Also, I had to create character profiles for the girls, so I thought you'd be interested to look at them as well.

I am very, very bad at guessing people's height and weight IRL, so it's even worse when it comes to determine proper body measurements for my characters. I've seen people on forums and in comments complain about such numbers in my other games, and I cannot bring myself to care much for it. They're just made up numbers for fictional characters, man. Chill, it’s fine.

That said, let me know if your guesses would have been different than mine. It's not too late to change them if you guys feel like I'm completely off the mark with these. Should Hannah be taller? Jazmine be lighter?


In other news, I am ready to order the commission for Johnson's character sprite in the game, which is the last piece of art I need for this first version of the game. I've had to cut a few of my ideas short for the game to be in a finished state sooner, so who's to say I won't ever revisit the game to add stuff to it? I had at least one last H-Scene with Jazmine I had notes and visual prototypes for, and I had this entire idea of playing the game from Johnson's POV as a completion bonus, but I had to scrap all of it. Hopefully, one day I can come back to it. Perhaps Johnson's POV adventure could become a short companion game? I don't know. Lots to think about.


Finally, as I was writing the flavor text for the store pages, I realized that there is no way around the fact that The Bunny Girls is a VERY violent game. Like, I know you guys love this stuff, and so do I, but it's gonna be a bad look for outsiders. I'm kinda freaking out about releasing it on Steam as it is. Seriously, having the game banned on Steam would be a severe blow to this business model I'm trying to maintain.

So I thought of a plan : I would make at least two versions of the game, as previously suggested. An 'uncensored' version on Itch, same as what I would release here on subscriber sites. And a Steam version that has mentions about death and blood removed completely, where nobody dies but some of the outcomes are left a little 'vague'.

The main idea is to not alert Steam censors with the game's content. I am already trying to frame all violent content as 'mini games' and fetish scenes featuring breaking bones and severe injuries as simple 'fail states' or punishing consequences for performing poorly during said mini-games. Getting The Bunny Girls game banned on Steam is the worst possible scenario and I want to avoid that as much as possible. I trust you understand.


And that's all for today. Autumn is definitely upon us now. It's rainy days one after the other where I am, and spooky season is just around the corner. I cannot wait! Until then, stay safe out there!



Just Me

Smart decision. You'll probably feel there's a weight off your shoulders once this is finished and you "only" have… *counts* **4** projects in your pipeline 😅 The stats seem pretty reasonable to me tbh. You may suck at this, but so does everyone else lol And especially for Anime style games people have a pretty warped perspective, where a girl with "2 head masses per boob" is still somehow a D-Cup or some mega thicc fanart still has the canonical weight etc. If you want to express that the girls are tall and buff with the numbers, these seem pretty appropriate. I also had no idea that releasing violent games on Steam can also be an issue. I mean MK1 is coming out in… apparently 2 days and that's way more graphic and realistic in its depiction.


Yeah, I held back on commenting about MK1 specifically, but I was thinking about it too. It is much more violent and gory but it is framed as a fighting game first and foremost (even though I suppose the violence could totally be f*pping material for some people). My concern is that I am presenting the game as an adult visual novel, so there is this expectation that all of its content is framed as eroticized, even the violence. We all know it's kinda the case, sure, but it leaves a door wide open for criticism and ban if they want to use my game as an immoral example, you know what I mean? In opposition, the violence in MK1 is just framed as 'violence for violence's sake'. The player can eroticize MK1 if they want to (as I am pretty sure a part of the audience does), but the game does not openly do it. My game could be interpreted as doing the eroticizing for the player, which is the point of view I'd rather avoid, to give the game a chance to be published on the platform. Does that make sense? I'm not too good with big ideas, but I feel my concerned is justified. My works might be shocking to some, but I am a nice little harmless guy irl.