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Super quick update just to announce I've uploaded Linux builds for every game available so far. You'll find each of them at the links in the appropriate posts down below.

Have a good weekend, people!



Oh. Hmm. I can see what I can do about that, but that part of the loading process is managed by the software itself. Unsure I can fix it, unfortunately.

Frantz Lasvignes

I have a idea. It is possible to configure the software to confirm the popup by enter key (as if you don't have a mouse) ? PS: May be, if you can also play all the game with only keyboard must be useful even in Windows when we have mouse issue !


Unfortunately, this is a part of the software I have no direct control over. I am not a programmer, I'm using the easiest software on the market to make those games, and I don't know if this part of it can be customized at all. At this point, it is my incompetence that is to blame, I'm afraid.