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"What's with your face, you don't like it? I cleaned up all nice and pretty for you, you should be groveling at my feet, begging me to ALLOW you to be seen in my presence, tee-hee!"


I was concerned at first to keep the secret under wraps until the next build release, but to hell with spoilers! Here is an exclusive look at Yumi's new look as seen in the upcoming episode of Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!!

You and Yumi are going out for a night on the town, and she dressed up real cute for you, so be grateful! Also, remember, it's NOT a date, okay???


I've had two full free days to work on the episode this week, so I've made some serious progress on it, and even indulged in making it a bit longer than I originally planned. I'm not even done, and it's at least as long as Episode 03 right now, and definitely longer than Episodes 01 and 02. Be prepared to spent an entire evening with your girl Yumi.

I've tried my best to incorporate most of your ideas, as suggested in either polls or comments, so I hope I can please everybody with this upcoming chapter.

The assets for the CG scene are ready to be implemented in the game, I only need to write the damn thing. The CG scene happens at the end of the date (obviously) and should conclude the episode, as opposed to previous episodes that had some sort of epilogue. No, this one takes its time and ends almost immediately after you get to the good part.

It's all in service of the narrative I'm trying to build upon, of course. I can't wait for you to go on that date with Yumi, she's really cute throughout and you will deepen your bond with her before the night is over.

Oh? What's that? Yumi tells me that it's NOT a date. She is very adamant that I mention this again. Okay, guys? Not a date. Apparently.


And that's it. Once again, I might be cutting it close, in terms of delivering the build before the end of the month. That's just how I roll, baby. I only give my best when the deadline is within sight, you know how it is.

I've started the long process of switching position (perhaps even switching careers) for my day job, and it's stressing me out. A lot of imposter syndrome kicking in, a lot of anxiety too. It's just one of life's challenges, and I hope it won't impact my ability to provide you guys with worthwhile entertainment. Peach Punch doesn't allow me yet to live off the profits and donations alone, so I still have to look for a living wage elsewhere. The dream of having Peach Punch as a mainline occupation is still strong within me, though, so I'm keeping my eyes on the ball.

Until then, stay safe out there!



bob bob

Sounds and looks like it is turning out great! Can't wait to try when it is done.