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"But, who is the best between the two of us?"
"Good question. Tell us, little thing."


So I've been making good progress on the upcoming next episode of Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!! As a matter of fact, I've been so inspired that I wrote an entire opening scene that could have become a CG scene. Unfortunately, I don't have the budget and bandwidth for it, so you'll just have to make do with the usual character sprites. Which is not a bad thing, since the art is pretty great.

I'm only about halfway through writing episode 04 and it's already quite long, which is continuing the trend set in last episode 03. I'm trying to add more choices and some small alternate scenes depending on some of those choices, as you all suggested in an earlier poll. Episode 04 is growing quite ambitious in that regard, and should keep you busy for a while once it's out.


I've been lying to you guys, and lying to myself as well, as I got some very important information confused. I've been telling you that the delivery date for the next CG for Yumi-Chan (the double-team attack of Rin and Yumi on the protagonist) is due for the end of this month, July. But I misremembered the actual date, which is the end of August.

Shouldn't change much to you guys, as I am alternating releases of the two games I am currently working on every month, and August should coincide with a release of The Bodyguard Girl 2 instead.

Speaking of which, I should definitely start planning my next CG for it sooner rather than later. Hmm. Time to put my thinking cap on.


And that's it for now. This week, I've started having ideas for another secret October game, and I've been tempted to start shopping around for a new artist to work on that secret game. Looking for artists is one of my favorite part of doing this whole Peach Punch thing. It's just , every artist is so full of possibilities and promise, it gets intoxicating to look at portfolios and all that. If you've ever commissioned a custom art piece, you probably know what I am talking about. It's a thrill that AI image generators can't provide, I can tell you that.

Apart from that, my doctor told me I almost have high blood pressure issues, so I need to make drastic changes to my habits and lifestyle (what can I say, I'm not an old man with grey hair and a cane, but I'm probably a bit older than you imagine I am, haha). For my sake, and yours, I want to stay as healthy as possible so I can keep working on these games and get better at doing them.

The coming weeks will be difficult as I adjust to better, healthier habits. Until then, stay safe out there!



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