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I honestly thought I would write this update later, either tomorrow or Sunday, but here we are.

I have received both commissions I was waiting on in the last 24 hours. So I have these two lovely ladies to tease you with.

On one end, Yumi sports a nice new summer dress in order to look cute if you ever manage to gather the courage to ask her out on a date. Although, knowing her, she might lose patience and take you out on a date herself. I guess we'll wait and see...

On the other end, the one you've all been waiting for, the beautiful, powerful Vivian is back, as massive and impressive as ever. Not in the picture is the poor Captain, struggling against only one of Vivian's arms. Look at her face, and how easy she makes it look.

Truly, I am blessed with two very talented artists for these current projects. Let's all thank Chayon (artist on Don't Flex On Me Yumi-chan!!!) and Manob0028 (artist on The Bodyguard Girl 2) for these works of art.


I did take more time to work on the escape room minigame I showcased last week. I decided to call it an 'Investigation minigame' instead, which reflects the intentions of the story better. You're not trying to escape, in this minigame, but you are trying to uncover...well...you'll see.

I added a very VERY basic inventory system (just icons showing up in the unused upper part of the screen) to keep you informed of your progress. It's nothing too fancy, and anyway, after testing it, you'll realize that the minigame can be completed in 45 seconds once you know exactly what to do. Haha. A week of part-time work on a scene just for 45 seconds of gameplay. That's game development for ya.


The first few days of the last poll were very hot, with almost all three options tied (especially with counting both Patreon and SubscribeStar results), but now a winner appears to emerge.

Also, when I count the number of votes and the number of Heavyweight members, it doesn't add up : is it possible that some of you abstain from voting? I mean, thank you very much for your support, but you should make your voice heard. Perhaps I don't leave the poll opened for voting for long enough? I'll let this one run for more than a few days, just to see if there is a higher participation count in the end. I might be running my ship too tightly here, and not leaving you guys enough time to vote. I can't expect everyone to be logged on subscriber sites everyday.


And that's it. We are in the middle of the first severe heatwave of the summer in my part of the world, and looking at the news, it seems that most of you are living through similar conditions.

More than ever, stay hydrated and don't overwork yourselves, especially if you work outdoors. Oh, and wear deodorant, even if it doesn't seem to work all that well in extreme weather. Just, take care of yourself and others, alright? The rain will come and break all that crushing heat soon enough.

Until then, stay safe out there!



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