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I'm pretty much done with the 'Escape Room' mini-game I wanted to integrate into The Bodyguard Girl 2. There are still a few things I could add to spice it up, such as a quick on-screen inventory GUI to show you which items you've picked up so far, but lack of an inventory wasn't seen as an issue in The Bunny Girls game, so I figure that it's going to be fine for now.

Honestly, one of my guilty pleasure in life is playing those hidden object games on my Switch : I wait for them to go on sale for like 90% OFF and then buy them all and play them through in one sitting. So my new minigame is similar to stuff you find in a hidden object game. You find an object by clicking on it and use it almost immediately on another hotspot in the same screen. I like it, progress is super fast and I always end up having some shot of endorphin from it, as if I feel super smart for doing the bare minimum puzzle. I hope it has the same effect on you.


I'm already thinking ahead for Don't Flex On Me Yumi-Chan!!!'s next CG scene. You guys are probably chomping at the bit to get some action going in that slice-of-life story, and next chapter should provide a nice little hors d'oeuvre in that sense, a little introduction into spicier moments spent with the girls.

So expect a poll going up in the coming days as I try to sort my ideas out for the future of the Yumi and friends. Yes, that's friends, plural. I did plant a super subtle Easter egg in the latest build about a potential third girl, have you seen it? Heh, heh.


And that's it. Slow week, and although I have something to show for it, it's nothing to get you all TOO excited about, I know.

I am waiting delivery for my two commissions this month on June 21st, so I might wait until late Friday next week or even Saturday to post another Weekly Update, to make sure I have something tasty to tease you about. That oughta be fun.

Until then, stay safe out there, you guys! And stay hydrated, too. Summer is upon us.



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